Essay Example - Prospectus On 1800-1890's Chinese Sex Trafficking to the U.S

Published: 2023-08-14
Essay Example - Prospectus On 1800-1890's Chinese Sex Trafficking to the U.S
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Sexual abuse Human trafficking Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 787 words
7 min read

The culture that Chinese people have been growing with men intimidating women. The inhuman treatment of women sexually and all sex trafficking them. Without any car and health considerations. The Chinese immigration to California with the same culture triggers the united states media to report the issue in newspapers and later resulted in political intension and exclusion and isolation of Chinese people.

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The Intention of The Research

The human trafficking in the Chinese has been a multifaced issue with a unique characterization. The Chinese people have been in an imbalance gender. Among the china’s nation, the relationship and the regulation governing gender and the sexual abuse of the women gender at most (Shelley 119). The traditional culture of the Chinese towards the sexual matter between men and women is humiliating to the women and impropriety gender balance. There have been humiliations of the women gender is a norm to Chinese culture (Diamond). The torture and the shame of the Chinese women earn the Chinese men unmanliness with deviancy sexual harassment. The Chinese women are e torture psychosocial and their mood not tolerated in the society giving them a mental problem (Samarasinghe 91). In the headlines and newspapers about the report on the Chinese lifestyle of modern mistreating and humiliating women is a negative impact on peace and humanity struggle in the world. This culture and the new reporting on how Chinese struggle with gender imbalance and the humiliation of women. The laws of other nation and at the norm for duty of government to enforce gender imbalance is upheld, unlike china nation. Many governments in the world support the eradication and gender imbalance and enforcing the law of gender balance and supporting the girl child. It kicks our Chinese in a matter of law as an outlier to the forces of law.

Evidence After Primary and Secondary Sources Scrutiny

In many states of America, California, the new report on the seldom chines women being smuggled for sex working and sex trafficking and enslaving them for sex. despite this, their health and care ignored (Cilker). The reported decorate the chines picture in other nations. The whites and the American culture are totally against the Chinese’s culture of jeopardizing humanity. The chines men are widely known for the lust behaviors and the unmanly sex addict that fail many families. The culture of the sex fields of the Chinese men hinders them from getting wives and bring up a responsible family (Diamond). China is well known for is sexual hubs, and the poor gender relationship that has resulting in the dark face of cine inform other nation enforcing humanity through law. With the great approach that led to Workingman’s party in san Francisco (Nam 1658). That the participant pronounces the picture that the Chinese were using sexual and genre abuse and politically sensitize the nations that exclusion and expelling chines nation was a necessary and critical solution.

Refinement of The Research and Thesis Content

With the years eloping that have passed gold discovery in California rapidly led to the immigration of Chinese to California. Despite the state’s news report propounding that the migration of Asians was intense because of the white ability of trading skills (Desyllas 57). Furthermore, the sensation eruption of the account establishment triggered Chinese immigration. It was more intense by the sexual trafficking and the women from china, giving the ultimate role played and the centre of the business being the sex and the gender humiliation. However, in the 1870s, the media in the USA ignited an anti-Chinese movement through the USA and rigid rule for the immigration of Chinese to united states (Cilker). The main reasons for the erection of the government were the Chinese sex character of men and the humiliation of women in china and gender imbalance disadvantaging the girl child. It radically led to the political movement of the law passage act that exclusion of Chinese was now an Act of 1882.

Works Cited

Cilker. Noel C. "Primary Source: 19Th Century Human Trafficking". Medium, 2019, Accessed 25 May 2020.

Desyllas, Moshoula Capous. “A Critique of the Global Trafficking Discourse and U.S. Policy.” Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, no. 4, 2007, p. 57. EBSCOhost,

Diamond, Anna. "The Women Who Waged War Against Sex Trafficking In San Francisco". Smithsonian Magazine, 2019,

Nam, Jennifer S. “The Case of the Missing Case: Examining the Civil Right of Action for Human Trafficking Victims.” Columbia Law Review, vol. 107, no. 7, Nov. 2007, pp. 1655–1703. EBSCOhost,

Samarasinghe, Vidyamali. “Confronting Globalization in Anti-Trafficking Strategies in Asia.” Brown Journal of World Affairs, vol. 10, no. 1, Summer/Fall2003 2003, p. 91. EBSCOhost,

Shelley, Louise. “Trafficking in Women: The Business Model Approach.” Brown Journal of World Affairs, vol. 10, no. 1, Summer/Fall2003 2003, p. 119. EBSCOhost,

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Essay Example - Prospectus On 1800-1890's Chinese Sex Trafficking to the U.S. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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