Slavery - Free Essay Example

Published: 2024-01-03
Slavery - Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Slavery Social issue
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 475 words
4 min read


In the New World, slaves were considered property. Also, they were mistreated, dehumanized, tortured, and at times killed. On the contrary, in Africa, slaved were accorded some dignity. As a result, they work in the plantations but get social and movement freedom. In serfdom, serfs were bounded to the land they occupy while slaves were considered property. The long-lasting effect of the Crusaders was that trade expanded as Europeans explored and got used to exotic goods, which ultimately led to the growth of cities and towns in Western Europe like Italy. Additionally, the consequences of religious upheavals led to the spread of nationalism around the continent and migration. Protestants flew to other regions as they feared persecution from the Catholic church.

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Colonial Powers

The goal of European colonial powers was to take resources from their colonies to the mother countries. Columbian Exchange is the trade between the New World and the Old World involving food, diseases, religions, and people, affecting the New World. The Europeans not only explored American colonies, but they also colonized the people. Indentured servitude differed from chattel slavery as indentured servants worked for transportation and basic needs while chattel slaves were considered property and were given low wages. Equally important, European arrival changed the lives of Native American people as they came with diseases that decimated the Native American population. The Quakers believed in racial equity, religious tolerance and were able to communicate directly with God as there were no predestine faiths in Pennsylvania.

Failed Peace Treaty

The effects of war led to a failed peace treaty for the people. The British government tried to control colonists by tightening their empire space resulting in unrest and resistance. The colonists triumph the battle for independence as they made smart strategic decisions during the war finding the British soldiers were geographically isolated themselves. Further, the American Revolution reiterated racism, making some blacks to fight for the British who offered freedom to slaves. Republicanism is a political opinion based on citizenship in a particular republic country. Therefore, each state is represented in the House of Representatives, including as a senator.


The Shay’s rebellion occurred while responding to the debt crisis among the citizenry and the opposing group against the increased taxes. Industrialization increased the amount of production within less time but caused unemployment as machines replaced human labor. Specifically, the problems outweighed the benefits, but the society eventually progressed in technological advances. Railroads caused cheaper transport, carried bulky goods, and safe. However, it is inflexible and requires a high capital outlay. Jackson changed the voting system as all free whites voted against landowners. Declined the Supreme court allowing Cherokee to keep their land in Georgia. Similarly, the Natives would be outside the country’s boundaries, preventing them from throwing away white culture. Hence, Indian heritage would continue living on.

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