Essay Sample on Graffiti Abatement and Removal Services

Published: 2023-08-24
Essay Sample on Graffiti Abatement and Removal Services
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Police Society Art
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1908 words
16 min read

This it is a segment that deals with more effective graffiti removal and the solicitation of the artificial coating under the agreement. It is a combined effort between the police department, public works dissections, community services, parks, and recreation centers. These services will target hot spots where graffiti vendors have ventured and work on removing the old wall and street graffiti. The government and other private sectors will be the dominant partner towards the services. Bleaching or graffiti removal detergents will also be sold locally to groups and other people.

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Qualities of the Services

The services have significant differences from other services, thus making them unique. Aspects that make the service new in the market are; it is an open public servicing business. This is a business that is or the public. A company that will venture to help people in society, and that always follows the people's request. It drives its expectation towards the application and errands of the people. Secondly, it will partner with the government and other non-governmental organizations towards achieving its goals. This is where all the services offered will be from their contracts and advice. It this way, the goals will be easily accomplished, and the company will run smoothly.

People outside the company will be accepted in the company services through companies against immoral graffiti arts. This will assist the company to gain more support and to be well known all over. It will also teach young people the importance of keeping the environment safe by encouraging fruitful wall arts and graffiti and destroying dangerous and immoral skills.

Reasons for starting a graffiti removal services are; this will help in the safekeeping of the environment and nature. Removal of the old arts will give space to other productive wall paints and techniques. Some graffiti paints that people draft are dangerous. Thus they should be removed to maintain peace among the people. This platform will also give me a chance to get what is in people's minds through the street paints as people express their felling mainly through drawings and colors. Most of the wall paint and graffiti is painted in places that they should not, thus destroying the view and nature. Graffiti removal services will help clean up the environment and put everything in place by ensuring that graffiti does not draw at any point but in fit specific areas.

Marketing Objectives

The company's mission statement is "Creating the best services for all kinds." Marketing objectives that will be allocated in the service company include; promotion objective. Promotion objective is a portion of the effective strategy. The goal of this objective is to increase business, whereby the business will attract new customers. This will be done through a range of publicity actions like precise allotment events, seriatim targeted promotion movements, and initiation of social media bombardment (Išoraite, 2016). The main impartial is reaching out for new customers and giving them an inducement to inspire business. Another goal is increasing the company's sales after the organization has gained clients. The next advertising action will be increasing expenditure; the purpose of this impartial is to get clients to get more services than the ones that initially brought them to the business.

Secondly, the profitability objective, which regulates the amount of predictable income grounded on the advertising strategy, will be used. It will be easy to tell the amount the business has made after paying taxes, expenses, and salaries through the net profit margin. Financial leverage will help explain how debts are used in the general capital configuration. Some of the goals of this objective are; running a profitable service company, which means increasing the revenues and restraining the expenditures. This objective would also help expand the company's annual sales by about 15%, or by gaining 20 new customers each month.

Target Market

Most of the clients who need graffiti removal services are the business owners, non-governmental organizations, and school boards. These firms and people represent the most often affected graffiti areas in streets and towns. They will be a significant client as they enhance a conducive environment. City managers, secluded house owners, will also be a target as they will also require this service from time to time. The bleaching detergent or graffiti detergent used in performing these services will also be sold locally to people. Non-governmental organization that campaigns against evil and dangerous street graffiti's will be a big client of the detergent. School boards are also a reliable customer as most of the graffiti is drawn on school walls that might be offensive to the students. Thus most schools make sure any immoral or dangerous art on the school walls is removed in favor of the students. Gangs and other groups draw graffiti and other techniques on street walls to identify themselves. These drawings destroy the natural beauty of towns and streets; thus, city managers require services that would be reliable in cleaning up the city walls.


The graffiti removal industry is a platform that does not have too many competitors. There are a few graffiti removal and cleaning service providers. One of the most prominent graffiti removal service providers in the Graffiti Removal Services (GRS) and StreetPlus, which have worked for over two decades (Shobe & Conklin, 2018). Most of these service providers do not sell their detergents and chemicals to the people. The mission of most graffiti service providers is to clean the environment and to promote nature. My company will start a forum that will sell detergent and chemicals to people who want to clean the environment. The service company will also work with organizations and groups toward the promotion of a clean environment. Schools will be the main target as they will work with the students and teach them the importance of keeping the environment clean, thus allowing it to fit. The industry being not too much competition; it will be easy to venture and start up the company and gain a few customers. The company's services will also be cheaper and more affordable; hence, people will start knowing about it.

Service Features

Unappealing graffiti can harm the community and the place it has been installed. Graffiti surfaces and walls differ elegances and are designed in many forms like adhesive labels, markers, and paints. They are all difficult to remove using usual cleaning methods. The services provided by the company will be excellent and never harm or damage delicate surfaces, deprived of leaving shadows and faint marks. It is an environmentally friendly service provider that always cares about the wellbeing of the people. Thus the company will use chemicals and detergents that will not harm or affect people around. It will be a time-efficient company that will always keep the needs of the clients first where needed. Majoring in schools and other platforms will make the service provider unique as it will mostly work with the children and show them how to keep the walls and surfaces clean. Branches will be allocated to different regions affected by graffiti to ensure efficiency and avoid time wastage.

The right of people expressing themselves through arts and drawings will affect the services' marketing process. This is where some of the pictures and dance on the wall will be communicating a lot. Thus it will be offensive removing them. The core strategy of the service provider is in the satisfaction of the clients. As per the objectives of the company on providing the best services and creating new customers or clients each day. As the company's mission statement states, "Creating the best services for all kind" will work towards attaining its goals. The company will be positioned in a place where it will be easy to access and get the required services. Some of the areas that are targeted for the positioning are around schools and big streets, which have graffiti and drawings every time.

Marketing Mix

Advertising is the major component used in the business. It is used to target customers through mass media. However, advertising has pros and cons towards the growth of the market. Advertising pros include; it generates employment chances among the people who get to know about the business (Kelley, Sheehan, & Jugenheimer, 2015). Secondly, it makes the company expand as people try new services. Sales are increased when individuals get to know about the platform. Cons of advertising the company are; the Ad might cost more the purchases made as adverts are costly. They also increase the cost of services as money used in adverts needs to be recovered.

Direct marketing is a strategy that is used and depends on the specific delivery of a sales terrain to latent clients. The benefits of direct marketing include; it is cheap and affordable as leafleting and email marketing are cheap. It is also an easy way to give detailed information about the services. The clients can also be reached with a personal touch as the email sent is directed to a specific person. However, it is a competitive form of advertisement as many people in advertising use it. There are also law response rates of the customers, mostly those who are not interested do not respond.

Sales promotion is the procedure of persuading prospective clients to get services or buy products. It will help the customers to create awareness of the services, and it is a highly effective method to expose the services to business partners and customers (Familmaleki, Aghighi, & Hamidi, 2015). It will also increase the customers' loyalty and involvement, as the client can be connected to the services and know-how they work. However, the use of sales promotion may condition the clients to wait for development continuously. At some point, the clients will always ready for a promotion period until they make their second purchase, thus reducing revenue.

Publicity is the civic awareness and visibility for services, companies, or products. It is cheap to reach a big audience through public relations compares to the paid advertisement method. Public relations also influence people as people are more likely to trust messages from source rather than paid publicity messages. Nevertheless, it is impossible to control how the business is depicted in the media, unlike paid advertising.

Personal selling occurs when the person selling a product meets the potential customer or buyer for the determination of performing a sale. This kind of communication mix creates a two-way communication system, whereby the salesperson can adjust the connection with the client by giving feedback. It requires high job turnover, as the salesperson is always needed to convince the clients.

In my business, I will describe first public relations and personal selling of the services to let people know about the company. These two marketing communication approaches are cheap and affordable. As the business grows and more profits are accumulated, I will now venture into media advertising to let a vast number of people know about it.

The message I would communicate is on quality services to the clients. This is because excellent services will attract more customers to the business. Most I will post on social media and tell friends to advise people on my business. Moreover, the internet will help people in the acknowledgment of the services where all the services offered will be well formulated. The best way to measure advertisement effectiveness is by the responses from the people. When people respond and ask questions about the business, it shows they are getting familiar with the company.

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Essay Sample on Graffiti Abatement and Removal Services. (2023, Aug 24). Retrieved from

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