Civil War: Black People Fight for Equality and Freedom - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-27
Civil War: Black People Fight for Equality and Freedom - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Racism Discrimination United States American Civil War American history
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1457 words
13 min read


From 1861 to 1865, the United States experienced a major fight between the southern and northern states (Fleche 9). As such, black people were fighting for their rights, with the aim of eliminating slavery across the country (Daley 22). In 1850, the northern region was perceived to be more industrialized, while the south was largely based on agriculture (Fleche 79). As such, people within the two regions developed different social cultures and political understanding. The approach triggered disagreements on problems such as taxes, tariffs, state rights, and much more that affect the two regions (Reid 81). The difference triggered to rise of tension, and this affected the life and political system across the country, which was the key aspect that triggered the establishment of war (Fleche 38). The civil war in the US had a close connection with slavery in abolition, rights protection, the abolitionist movements, the election of Abraham Lincoln, Underground Railroad, pro-slavery and Free states, and nationalism and honor

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Slavery in the Country

After the United States acquired its independence, the issue of slavery in the country was not settled. As such, slavery in the country remained legal, and black people were perceived as a major aspect of economic development (Fleche 34). Even though the United States Constitution was ratified, black people were denied the right to own property and vote (Fleche 30). Therefore, blacks remained as a white asset that was required to provide labor services in industries and farms. The establishment of black movements in the northern states helped in pushing to end of enslavement. In 1789, the economy of the country was highly influenced by industries as compared to agriculture (Fleche 21). As such, the northern states attracted many immigrants as companies could pay workers, thus minimizing the need for slaves (Daley 24). However, the southern regions were characterized by fertile soil, and hence, slaves were a major source of power (Daley 23). As such, white-owned plantation fully depended on slaves to perform numerous roles. In 1873, Eli Whitney invented a cotton gin, which was more effective as compared to human labor (Reid 90). Due to high profit in the cotton sector, major farms shifted in the growth of the plant, and this increased the need for slaves to provide labor services. In 1850, about 9.6 million people started the anti-slavery movement (Fleche 37). The group pushed for the end of slavery within the country. In the same period, the northern states were generating a high income, and thus the country reduced its concentration on the agriculture sector (Reid 74). This economic disparity triggered the development of differences in political and social perceptions, which marketed the establishment of the Civil War across the country.

States and Federal Rights

After the American Revolution, numerous questions were raised on the role of government in promoting human rights. As such, many individuals argued that the government should establish more approaches to control human rights (Daley 22). Individuals such as Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry established strong approaches that aimed at protecting human rights (Reid 7). At this period, a large number of people believed that the constitution ignored the rights of blacks (Fleche 73). Therefore, activists established approaches that aimed at pushing the government to control and protect human rights. Additionally, the approach triggered to struggle for rights of power between individuals and states (Reid 84). In this case, the method focused on pushing the government to establish numerous styles that would help to protect human rights, especially in the abolishment of slavery in the country (Fleche 40). Therefore, the establishment of the Civil War was perceived as an approach that would push for the state to protect human rights.

The Abolitionist Movement

In 1850, the northerners were more polarized against enslavement in the country. As a way of controlling the approach, they were a need to establish the abolitionist movement, which would help in fighting against the vise (Reid 53). Most people from the north viewed enslavement as injustice, and hence, it was morally wrong to engage a fellow human being such a condition (Fleche 32). Individuals such as William Lloyd Garrison believed that the establishment of movement would help in attaining immediate freedom from all forms of slavery in the country (Reid 39). The approach would help in reducing the expansion of slavery in the country. As a way of fueling the functions of the abolitionist movements, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,’ which open different perception toward the reality of enslavement in the country (Fleche 81). Therefore, the establishment of movements would help in pushing the need to respect the rights and freedom of all people across the country (Nagler et al. 30). Furthermore, particular groups established less peaceful approaches such as ‘Bleeding Kansas,’ that were used in fighting against slavery (Fleche 90). For instance, John Brown and his family participated in the Pottawatomie Massacre that killed several white people who are supporting the application of slavery (Reid 73). This event marked a major approach toward the rise of the Civil War.

The Election of Abraham Lincoln

During the election period, the politics were so focused on anti-slavery campaigns. The division in political ideology toward the abolishment of slavery shaped the election system in the country (Nagler et al. 21). In this case, and the democratic party was divided between factions into the two regions (Fleche 70). However, the conflict revolving Kansas and the Compromise of 1850 impacted the change of the Whig Party to the Republican (Fleche 81). In the northern region, the new political party was perceived as anti-slavery and an approach to improve the country's economy (Daley 22). Therefore, a large number of people believed that the party would help to support the industry and improve other sectors such as education. However, the southern states perceived the new party as divisive, which could only downgrade the country's performance (Fleche 39). After the election of Abraham Lincoln, the southern states viewed the leader as a rival, and this hinders the support of his ideology. In 1860, South Carolina provided its ‘Declaration of the Causes of Secession,’ which indicated that Lincoln as anti-slavery, and he placed a lot of emphasis on the issue that affected the Northern interest (Fleche 12)). The approach triggered political tension between the south and north, and this formed a major background for the rise of the war.

The Underground Railroad

The creation of an underground railway in the country assisted some slaves to scape. The approach gave a particular group of slaves the freedom, which impacted the push for the end of slavery in the country (Reid 79). Additionally, the establishment of the Underground Railroad assisted some individuals, such as Harrier Tubman, to spy and share information during the war (Fleche 42). Additionally, the approach equips black with power, which assisted in pushing the need for constitutional change, thus protecting their rights.

The Establishment of Free states

As a way of abolishing slavery in the country, the government had set particular land, which was used as Free states. However, the approach was highly opposed by pro-slavery, and this triggered push and power between the involving groups (Fleche 31). In the 1850s, the country was experiencing a challenge in balancing pro-slavery and Free states (Fleche 37). Each group was trying to push its interest, and this increased the level of tension (Reid 89). Most people believed that the establishment of two states would increase the tension, which marketed the start of tension across the country.

Nationalism and Honor

Despite a lot of negative events that triggered the establishment of the Civil War, the establishment of nationalism was perceived as a positive approach that triggered the rival (Daley 21). As a way of identifying the nationalism, numerous groups from the southern and northern aimed at pushing for better economic recognition (Reid 54). Each region wanted to be recognized based on economic factors (Fleche 21). Therefore, the establishment of the Civil War was an approach to providing their superiority.


The rise of the Civil War was closely linked with numerous events such as slavery abolition, rights control, the abolitionist movement, the election of Abraham Lincoln, Underground Railroad, pro-slavery and Free states, and nationalism and honor. Among the numerous events, slavery control was perceived as a major event triggering the Civil War. Therefore, the violation of slavery rights formed the major background triggering the war. Despite the negative aspects, the Civil War was highly associated with regional recognition between the southern and northern states.

Works Cited

Daley, John LS. "Turning Points of the American Civil War." Civil War Book Review 20.3 (2018): 21.

Fleche, Andre M. The Revolution of 1861: The American Civil War in the Age of Nationalist Conflict. Univ of North Carolina Press, 2012.

Nagler, Jörg, Don H. Doyle, and Marcus Gräser. The Transnational Significance of the American Civil War. Springer, 2016.

Reid, Brian Holden. The Origins of the American Civil War. Routledge, 2014.

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