The Vietnam War Implications. Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-02-22
The Vietnam War Implications. Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics History War Vietnam War
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1045 words
9 min read

The world today is shaped by the historical events that influence the formation of societies and their people. The political, economic, and social aspects of a country have roots from pre-historic activities that happened in the period between the 20th and 21st centuries. History studies consider colonization and liberation war vital in establishing and impacting on the governance system of many countries in the current universe. A historical delocalization event that raised nations is the "Vietnam War." The occasions preceding World War II are political and economic reference points to the world radicalization on authority decisions. The paper reviews the impact that the Vietnamese war had on the global political and economic landscape, focusing on its origin, causes, and participants.

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The Origin of the Vietnam War

The events in Vietnamese efforts to attain independence engaged the contribution of nations around the world. Other countries backed the war by providing firearms, strategies, soldiers, and finance to the different groups within it. The battle was a result of Vietnamese nationalists resisting the occupation of Japanese citizens who participated in World War II in their country (Goodman). The event led to the emergence of the Vietnamese Nationalist movement to fight for the liberation of their country. The group was led by Ho Chi Minh, who waged a guerrilla war on foreign intruders through the help of the United States of America. The revolutionary group functioned in 1941, but their leader took over the country in the year 1945. The support of the United States weakened Japanese, who, in turn, gave in to the Vietnamese dominance in the region.

The defeat of the Japanese led to the re-establishment of French powers in the country. France was an associate colonizer who believed that the State should remain under its control. The Soviet Union intimidated Ho Chi Minh against resisting the French rule, which made him negotiate with their colonizer (Goodman). They agreed the country to remain independent under the French Union. The agreement did not hold on for long, followed by the events in 1946, which resulted in forceful takeover Hanoi and Haiphong cities by France. The Vietnamese conflict introduced the Chinese communist forces support that assisted in defeating the French colonization by Viet Minh in 1954. The dispute was settled by the Geneva Accords of 1954, which divided the country into communist and non-communist rule in the North and South, respectively.

The defeat of French rule in Vietnam led to the spread of the communist government in the country. The post-world war II actions concentrated on the establishment of global political dominance by States against the United States foreign policy (Goodman). The era ushered in the Cold War period. The United States of America participated in supporting Vietnam to attain independence but later launched strategies to combat the spread of communist rule in the State. Their efforts were evident when they provided military support the South Vietnam that campaigned against the communist hostility in the country. At that time, South Vietnam was under the leadership of Prime Minister Diem. His anti-communist campaigns also perceived a religious stand whereby the Roman Catholic Diem victimized the Buddhist dominion weakening their effect in South Vietnam.

The Effects of the Vietnam War to the Current World

The United States of America participated in the Vietnamese conflict has an impact on global integration to a stable economy. After World War II, America emerged as a Superpower State whose decision impacted on international trade. The United States spends billions of dollars, which changed the world economy. The war reduced trade activities in Asia due to political instability. The resource used to support the fighting soldiers by the American government led to an international monetary crisis (Lunch). The prices of fuel and essential commodities like food increased, and the effect is still felt in the global market today.

The war created uncertainty in drafting international foreign policies by different countries in the world. The civil war with outside intimidation spurred policy changes to promote the international diplomacy of many nations. For instance, the losses incurred by the United States led to conflict between the State leaders and the Congress house members (Lunch). Their decision divided the west and east political system. The communist rule dominates the East, and this division affects developing countries like African ones. They have to adapt to laws, policies, and political systems of the side they seek aid from, for instance, China or America.

Opinion on the Vietnam War

The actual fighting in Vietnam was essential for its independence. The country was under French colonization; its citizens deterred from practicing decisions that promote their welfare as free people. For instance, they did not have a government; therefore, citizens' participation through voting inhabited by foreigners. The Vietnamese engaged through slave labor indicated the need for liberation activities. The Vietnam War was necessary to liberate it from its foreign oppressors.

On the other hand, the Vietnam War was destructive and unnecessary to its citizens. The environmental damages and the health effects of the struggle could be averted if diplomatic efforts were alternated to seek independence. World War II marked the end of colonization of many countries in the world. The emergence of international monitory agencies like the Geneva Convention could be used to seek a peaceful resolution between States without military actions (Gartner). For instance, they could sign peace treaties to establish the country as an independent country under the Soviet Union.


The events of the Vietnam War are essential to the world's political, health, and economic decisions for development. The cost sustained to service civil war can develop other sectors of the economy to achieve global trade sustainability. Conflicts of a single State affect the trade market hence the need to avert them. The scars of the Vietnamese war have sensitized other countries against civil unrest, consequently applying alternative diplomatic measures to solve issues.

Works Cited

Gartner Scott Sigmund, Gary M Segura. "War, Casualties, and Public Opinion." Journal of Conflict Resolution (1998): 278-300. Print. Retrieved from

Goodman Allan E, William H Sullivan. The Lost Peace: America's Search for a Negotiated Settlement of the Vietnam War. Stanford, Calif: Hoover Institution Press, 1978. Print.

Lunch L William, Peter W Sperlich. "American public opinion and the war in Vietnam." Western Political Quarterly (1979): 21-44. Print. Retrieved from

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