Essay Sample on Population Health - Communication

Published: 2023-10-31
Essay Sample on Population Health - Communication
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Communication Population Community health
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 512 words
5 min read

Effective communication is a vital component of the successful management of an outbreak. Throughout an outbreak, it is significant for relevant information to be shared with authorities and other professional groups, local health and care providers, the media, people who are directly affected, and the general public (E. coli, 2018). Therefore, with the recent outbreak of foodborne outbreaks that involve E. coli (Escherichia coli) in Sentinel, crucial steps should be put into place to curb the situation.

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Formal Communication


Hospital, sign markers, billboard campaigns, street signs, warning signs, signs on the sides of public busses are some of the formal of formal communication observed in the City. Businesses also presented advertisements on storefront signs concerning services and available houses. Public service announcements regarding E.coli were played on the radio.

Addressing the Issue

Media would be the most effective way of dispatching this information to a large and diverse number of individuals. Billboards are a disadvantageous method since the intended audience might not receive them. It includes young members, disabled, and elderly of the community who were unable to travel outside of their particular neighborhoods. The campaign of this billboard would not be seen by all Sentinel City residents unless they are placed all over the City. Young community members are not interested in print media such as newspapers and pamphlets (Health Communication, 2017). The older population might not be in a position to view social media material. However, the airing of advertisement campaigns on radio, television, and streaming services would be the best way. Through this, the cost is reduced by the need to produce one which can be distributed on three different platforms.

Informal Communication

Graffiti in the Industrial Heights neighborhood, police presence in the City, and public demonstration with protest signs were the informal forms of communication observed. There were interaction and verbal communication of police officers to citizens. Additionally, Radio Buzz 96.5 airs communication programming during music sessions that are presented by disc jockeys (Health Communication Strategies, n.d).

Addressing the Issue

Social media sharing, television, radio, and streaming could be informal mass communication approaches used to deliver information. In this case, media personnel would be the vector instead of an informational advertisement created by the government (Determinants of Health, 2018). The members of the community that are affected by the E.coli outbreak could be interviewed by news anchors and radio disc jockeys. Efforts made on social media would upsurge severity awareness of E.coli and appropriate cooking methods to kill bacteria present. “Buzz” creation would also encourage activism on preventing and treating the illness. The distribution of worksheets to elementary-aged children would be effective.


Determinants of Health (2018). Office of disease prevention and health promotion: healthy people 2020. Retrieved from

E. coli, (2018). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

Health Communication (2017). Rural health information hub. Retrieved from

Health Communication Strategies: Methods (n.d.). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

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