Essay Example in Dentistry: Errors when Using Ultrasonic Inserts

Published: 2020-04-28
Essay Example in Dentistry: Errors when Using Ultrasonic Inserts
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Dentistry
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1118 words
10 min read

The use of ultrasonic inserts is one of the basic dental procedures. Most dental procedures will require the use of ultrasonic inserts. The use of ultrasonic inserts enables the dentist to cater to basic hygiene in all dental procedures. They provide a lavage for the rinsing and removal of smear during dental procedures. The use of these ultrasonic inserts not only affects the dental outcome of the procedure but also of the maintenance high hygienic levels. Many dentist have a view that the use of ultrasonic inserts is easier compared to the use of hand instruments. However, the use of these ultrasonic inserts has various issues that may arise during that procedure. Some of the issues that arise include angulation of the blade and the application of pressure. The use of these ultrasonic instruments eliminates the need to use the need sharpen the instruments. The use of ultrasonic inserts is a complex procedure that is likely to be affected by many errors. For one to use Ultrasonic inserts correctly he has to consider the correct insert to relevant for each case. Knowledge on some of the most common errors when using these inserts would help eliminate complications that arise from these procedures.

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One of the most common errors made while using the ultrasonic inserts, is the use of worn out inserts. Worn out inserts are ineffective in dental procedures and case a risk of ineffective dental care for the patients. Most dental companies provide guidelines on how wear affects the effectiveness of inserts. As these dental inserts wear out they lose their length and make the dental insert lose its ability to reach parts of the tooth appropriately. The fact that the length of the insert is shortened reduces the dentists ability to detect the malfunction because it feels just as good as any other regular insert. The loss of a millimeter in length due to tear and wear reduces the effectiveness of the insert by 25%. The dentist should be keen to note the length of the insert before using it.

The length of the insert is an important factor to consider when using the inserts on any occasion. The effectiveness of the insert is so sensitive to the length of the insert such that the loss of two millimeters in length would reduce the effectiveness of the insert by fifty percent. The other way the the dentist may lose these vital length is by positioning the insert in a wrong angle. The dentist wrong positioning of the inserts robs the insert of its crucial parts causing great ineffectiveness. The insert correct position is such that it adapts to the shape of the tooth. The dentist should hold the insert in such a way that it adapts to the shape of the tooth. This ensures that the insert services all the parts of the tooth. One of the most common positions used by dentists is that they let the tip of the insert extend through the interproximal area. This causes the middle part of the insert to adapt to the tooth instead of the tip. It robs the insert of the few millimeters at the tip of insert. Although this move might not affect the patient, it reduces the effectiveness of the insert significantly. The failure to rotate the insert appropriately reduces the effectiveness of the insert. The dentist should be keen on the positioning and movements of the inserts to promote effectiveness.

The dentist may also error when using the insert by using only the point on the root surface. Many dentists use both the magnetostrictive and piezoelectric inserts at the the tip of the root. The tips of the inserts are the most powerful parts of the insert. The use of the inserts on the roots is an effective way of getting rid of the pathogens on the tooth. However, it injures the tooth and disfigures it significantly. The immediate effect of the injury may not be visible dentist immediately because of the hardness of the enamel. However, over time the effect of the treatment shows as the tooth disfigures significantly. Some of the injuries caused by these mistakes are permanent and difficult to resolve. Dentists have to be keen on the positioning of the inserts during these sessions. The inserts should be positioned appropriately to avoid damaging the tooth during the treatment process.

This mistake can also be seen when an insert is put with the toe facing the interproximal surface. When this happens, the insert is swiped through the buccal and lingual surface and allows them to make contact with the tooths surface. These parts of the insert are supposed not supposed to make contact with the tooth but instead rotate with the insert such that only the tip makes contact. When this occurs, the the tooth is exposed to injury and damage as these parts of the insert are very hard.

The other common mistake many dentists make involves the adaptation process when operating on the tooth. Adaptation occurs in two main ways. The first adaptation method is whereby the dentist positions the tip of the insert in parallel position to the root surface. When the dentist decides to use this approach, he has access to the interior tissue of the tooth and can operate on it effectively. However, this position provides challenges of the power used on the insert. The dentist should be very keen to avoid damaging the interior tissues of the tooth that might prove difficult to repair. The other approach is by using the insert such that the tip points to the interdental space that is parallel to the occlusal plane. This approach is suitable for working on regions around an infected area and preventing the spread of the infection. When using this approach, the dentists should exercise extreme caution to avoid injuring the outer parts of the tooth, which would lead to the spread of the infection.

The other common mistakes dentists make while with the inserts is the failure to use enough strokes. The narrow length of the inserts can make it difficult for the insert to reach the inner parts of the tooth. The dentist has to make enough strokes on the tooth to ensure reach the outer parts of the tooth. The angulation during the strokes is an important way of ensuring that all the parts of the tooth have been covered. The dentist should not make many strokes without ensuring the angulation of the strokes is right. The strokes should be increased in the right positions to ensure that all parts of the tooth have been covered.


Mukherjee, S., Samanta, S., & Datta, D. (2006). NDT of a Composite Domain Using Ultrasonic Tomography.

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