Essay Sample on Nutritional Advice for a Patient with Marasmus

Published: 2023-03-20
Essay Sample on Nutritional Advice for a Patient with Marasmus
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Child development Nutrition
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1247 words
11 min read

The RP gives the most viable advice to the people that are affected by marasmus diseases. Marasmus is a condition of malnutrition that is caused by the deficiency of energy in the body. It is a deficiency illness that is associated with young children. The loss of weight is experienced as one age to a high old age. The occurrence of these diseases increases with time and thus needs pieces of advice on the nutritional values to be taken into consideration. The complications of marasmus are majorly based on the lack of proteins that occur on the food additives made in large quantities without considering the principal nutritional value. The high mortality rate that is brought up by marasmus is accompanied by complications of dehydration, infections, and circular issues. The child should be fed with dried milk that is mixed with water that is boiled. As the child grows, there is the addition of the vegetable ix that is accompanied by casein, sugar, and sesame (Saini, 2018). The children once they recover, they are advised to feed on balanced diets that meet nutritional values.

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The use of medications and antibiotics is adopted to gap the infections caused by marasmus. Marasmus should be diagnosed at an earlier age to avoid the issues of protein loss of its synthesis in the body. The prevalence of children in the United States is higher since they have well-established systems of health care. The world has a third of it infected with the marasmus disease. The instances of protein malnutrition in the world for children are lead by Asia with 80%, Latin America with 5% and Africa with 15%. The primary role lies in providing the pieces of advice on the nutritional values to the parents through the use of hospitals for better gapping to be realized. Poverty is correlated with marasmus disease on the extent of the lack of enough finances for better healthcare.

Definition of concepts related to these subjects

Malnutrition in marasmus is defined as the aspect of inadequate food intake into the body. Food intake involves the element of taking the food into the bloodstream by the body and the extent of not having enough proteins marasmus arises. Primarily malnutrition is defined as the occurrence of malnutrition instances in developing nations on issues of famine, war and the political unrest. Secondary malnutrition is defined as the issues of malnutrition taking place in industrialized countries due to persons developing chronic illnesses (Adepoju, & Allen, 2019). The chronic diseases tend to alter with the nutrient intake that brings about the inefficiency of the proteins taken into the body. PEM, protein-energy malnutrition affects a third of half of the individuals in surgical and general medical wards in the teaching facilities. The adoption of consistent reviews on nutritional status of patient prognosis lower down the essentiality of detecting, preventing and treating insufficiencies of marasmus illness.

Metabolism is a concept used to depict the chemical reactions that include the maintenance of the organs and cells in the body. The aspect of metabolism is seen in the elements of metabolism to be caused by insufficient intake of the proteins into the bloodstream due to PEM issues of the people with acute diseases. Marasmus pathophysiology is the state of the negative balance of energy by the patients infected with marasmus. The imbalance of energy levels is associated with the issues of a decrease in energy intake and the rise in loss of the ingested calories. The deficiency aspect of marasmus is majorly on lack of proteins, lipids, and calories intake in the body. Anrorexia is the aspect of marasmus happening due to eating disorders. The developed nations have the issue of eating disorders that impact on issues of increased poverty levels (Adepoju, & Allen, 2019). Calories and protein intake are very essential since its efficiencies result in vital and low functioning of the body. Lack of nutritional value in the absorption of foods taken leads to the deaths of the children of less than five years.

The UNICEF statistics depict that the deaths of young children are roughly 3 million every year on aspects of malnutrition. The primary symptom is the aspect of acute loss on the muscle tissues and body fat that lead to marasmus disease associated with body wasting illness. Eating plan prescription is the most suitable form of addressing the patient with marasmus illness. Breastfeeding of the infants is essential in reducing the problems of infants with less than six months with insufficient proteins.

Recommendations and conclusions

Nutritional difficulties should be gapped by mothers through the breastfeeding practice of young infants to address the food shortage of proteins. The water for drinking should be well treated for bathing, cooking, and drinking to reduced waterborne illness. The foods should be heated using high heat to kill the bacteria in the foods. The reheating and freezing of food should be thoroughly done to make the food more nutritious on the aspect of nutrients. The hygiene and sanitation aspects should be highly done for better handling of marasmus diseases. Sanitation is very critical since the viruses and the elements of unsafe foods lead to the issues of marasmus infections. The clean water and the supply of food should be done to make hygiene and sanitation to be more accommodative to all people. The supply of food needs to be well sanitized to prevent the instances of the marasmus illness getting into the foods especially to the people with acute problems.

The prevention of the disease bases on the aspects of having a high nutritional diet plan that addressees the protein's insufficiency. The preferable prevention practice is on having enough intakes of proteins and calories. The diet should be well balanced and a healthy one that accommodates all the instances of protein insufficiencies. The intake of foods with nutritive value of proteins that include; fish, nuts, and skimmed milk should be taken for the purpose of growth and energy (Moustafa, Darwish, El-Asheer, & Tayia, 2018). Also, the prevention of marasmus disease should be done through the intake of calorie-rich nutrients of the food. The nursing practitioners and professionals should do enough public education on the implications of marasmus. The creation of awareness teams is very vital in giving the most provident solutions to the patients affected with malnutrition of proteins. The health professionals provide a suitable treatment plan for complications of dehydration and infections.

In summary, medical professionals provide a suitable eating plan for the instances of patients that need large amounts of calories. The most appropriate solution for the doctors is on the provision of food in small contents through the use of veins and tubes in the stomach. The use of cells allows fluid and food to be distributed directly and faster into the body streams. The nutritional personnel remains to take control and all the developed countries to adopt the most viable solutions of having a suitable eating plan despite the issues of poverty. The developing countries should be funded and thus, their economies improved for the provision of enough food to be met to all the people to gap the menace of marasmus diseases.


Adepoju, A. A., & Allen, S. (2019). Malnutrition in developing countries: nutrition disorders, a leading cause of ill health in the world today. Pediatrics and Child Health.

Moustafa, F., Darwish, M., El-Asheer, O., & Tayia, E. (2018). Treatment of third-degree marasmus among children admitted to Assiut University Children Hospital: a clinical audit. Journal of Current Medical Research and Practice, 3(1), 26-26.Saini, S. K. (2018). Unit-2 Nutritional Assessment. IGNOU.

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