Free Essay Describing the Impact of Evolution on Humans

Published: 2022-08-23
Free Essay Describing the Impact of Evolution on Humans
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Human Human behavior
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1211 words
11 min read

Evolution is a constant biological changing process involving genetic inheritance passed on from parent organisms to the offspring. This process often involves mutation of the genes to more adaptive characteristics that aid in the survival of the new species. New generations in evolution tend to adapt better to their new environment since their parent genes created more functional advantages (Decety & Jackson, 2006). The evolution process involves natural selection whereby some species fail to survive since their genes have minor functional advantages; leaving out the mutants that can compete better. Natural selection, therefore, assists in the balancing of the ecology. In ancient times, men and women had divided roles about the genetic adaptation of the different genders in casual activities. Additionally, their behavioral changes were influenced by the hormonal discharge from the neural systems. The brains of both men and women at most times performed similarly, with a few significant differences. This paper will assess the implications of the evolution process on human behavior. Moreover, the paper will focus on the differences of both genders, as influenced by evolution, in their behavior and brains.

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Men in their natural state are known to be more violent than women. In ancient times, the male species fought to protect the female gender and their children from external attacks that included wild animals. In the process, male genes became stronger to have the required strength to protect and fend for the families. This is due to the high levels of testosterone produced in males. The hormone influences aggression and foul play in men. This trait has proved to be helpful, as men in the ancient times always maintained their territories. The women, on the other hand, are known for their nurturing behavior towards the rest of the family. The female species has been entrusted with the task of staying at home, looking after the children while their male partners are away. The brain activity of the ancient human was less complex than the modern one. With the constant changing external factors in the environment, the brain has adapted to the evolution and has since extended its functionality. The modern man has therefore been delegated with the duties of providing for the family. However, women are proving to be capable of performing the responsibilities that have always been entrusted to men. Women, in the larger modern population still care for the family, and perform home duties. Men in the current community status have shown a sense of care if the woman is away.

The ancient woman is known to have noticed the angry basic feelings and emotions displayed by man, while the man recognized the happy expressions from the counterpart (Babbage et al., 2018). With the most recent changes in evolution, a woman's brains have proved to recognize a man's hostile attitude in the displayed behavior. On the other hand, the current complex and well-developed brain of a man can capture any joyful moments displayed by a woman's behavior. According to Kruger and others (2013), recent research has shown that, in overall accuracy in recognizing body language, females have a good record. Speculations in the past biological physiology studies are that man could be better at identifying a woman's social interactivity in companionship and her sexual behavior. The studies also speculate that a female is more accurate at identifying the paternal capabilities of a male, about looking after the family's needs.

The sense of sharing and volunteering has always been better in females than males. In modern time, women have proven to be more charitable than men; engaging in social activities that involve the less privileged. Females donate more financially and spare their time in volunteering forums than men (Schattke, Ferguson, & Paulin, 2017). However, when comparing the financial donation of men to women, males contribute a higher percentage. The reason behind this practice is because most men are financially stable than women or just because the former need to show off their resources. Women also engage themselves more in activities that involve low risk and require less physical strength. Activities such as taking care of the neighbor's pets or babies and giving basic needs to the needy are more associated with females. Men, on the contrary, engage themselves in activities that need more masculine strength and are associated with a high risk. Pushing stuck cars or giving lifts to strangers is more of male activity.

As stated earlier, the brain activities of both male and females are almost similar. However, some distinct differences have been noted in the past biological physiology research. Neurochemistry involves the process by which biomolecules are produced, transmitted, and passed throughout the nervous system. Kordon and Glowinski (1972) assert that catecholamine, a pathway in the neural system, is used to identify the differences in the brain functions of men and women. This pathway is essential in controlling the human sexual behavior and reproduction, as well as the responses to stress and the respiration process. Norepinephrine is produced in this pathway to assist in the memory formation. In women, norepinephrine is produced more than men and a result, females are known to capture an emotional memory for a longer period than males.

About the hormones produced by the brain activities, men and women differ more in behavioral traits. Research shows that men are better at visuospatial aspects, while women are better in verbal fluency. According to Hyde (2006), the cognition traits in men prove that they are better in viewing objects in more than one dimension, while in women the cognitive traits show that they can do better in verbal tests and articulation. Past studies show that the asymmetry of brain formation in men is more significant than in women.

In conclusion, research studies have proved that the behavior in men differs to that of women. Natural selection has ensured that stronger individuals survive and has a hand in balancing the ecological process. Newer generations show signs of better brain functionalities and more adaptive characteristics. The paper has outlined the differences in the traits portrayed by both men and women, inclining its argument to the evolution process. The studies have proven that women are more caregivers than men. On the contrary, men tend to expose themselves to activities that are risky. In brain activity, men view objects differently, on a broader perspective than women. In the modern era, females have proven to be more verbally fluent, being better at communication than males. Women's brains produce more norepinephrine, which assists in capturing the memory. Men have proven to be better at recognizing happy moments in women, and so can identify when to please the females better.


Babbage, D. R., Zupan, B., Neumann, D., & Willer, B. (2018). Sex differences in response to Emotion recognition training after traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 32(12), 1492-1499.

Decety, J., & Jackson, P. L. (2006). A social-neuroscience perspective on empathy. Current directions in psychological science, 15(2), 54-58.

Hyde, J. S. (2006). Gender similarities still rule.

Kordon, C., & Glowinski, J. (1972). Role of hypothalamic monoaminergic neurones in the Gonadotrophin release-regulating mechanisms. Neuropharmacology.

Kruger, S., Sokolov, A. N., Enck, P., Krageloh-Mann, I., & Pavlova, M. A. (2013). Emotion Through locomotion: gender impact. PloS one, 8(11), e81716.

Schattke, K., Ferguson, R., & Paulin, M. (2017). Motivations to Support Charity-Linked Events After Exposure to Facebook Appeals: Emotional Cause Identification and Distinct Self Determined Regulations.

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