Free Essay on Gandhi and His Selected Political Writings

Published: 2017-08-09
Free Essay on Gandhi and His Selected Political Writings
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics History Political science
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 569 words
5 min read

Gandhi's letter to the Viceroy of India who was Lord Irwin included the heavy taxation on salt which was a significant good for the common man (pg.6). Despite that this tax also affected him personally it also affected several other people who suffered a lot as they could not afford the salt. As described in the passage no one was allowed to collect salt from the sea even if it was plenty there. This is the reason as to why as one of the ways to express the urge to those in command, Gandhi went straight to the sea and collected a handful of salt from the sea hence breaking the rule.

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Gandhi was imprisoned for averagely two years whereby he was afterward released and concentrated mainly on programs which involved the reform of the society commonly referred as constructive work. This aimed at promoting unity among the Hindu-Muslim, uplifting of villages and getting rid of untouched-ability. The British rule had caused an intimidation offense on the people of India whereby the leaders were mainly interested in their personal and selfish wants rather than benefiting the common Indian man. This was the main aim of a writing of the letter to the heads of authority to give them a slow warning on the huge imposition they were enacting on the common man.

He further addresses the severe and strenuous pressure imposed on land revenue which furnished a final part of the total people. He exclaims that the ryot who were the peasants without land had remained much helpless as ever. The wealthy landlords who belonged to the strong class had increased the cost of this rental houses thus making it difficult for them to afford this houses. The clients were suffering we can say in a second chance way both from the salt and the large rental cost. (pg.12)

The amount of money paid as wages to the workers was minute to cater for their daily needs up to and including the buying of salt and paying of rent to the landlords. The British government which was the ruling government imprisoned people who were trying to come against what they set. This instilled fear to the citizens of India hence they lacked the voice to express their challenges. Gandhi, however, went against the normal as he is bold enough to be jailed but sounds warning to the administration of what will happen if they jail him.(pg.19)

As stated earlier is that brutal war will always remain brutal even in the use of intelligence, the British people were oppressing the Indians using information onto which he discovered and was ready to champion for freedom. The sentiments made for instance that a good man will come against a poor administration by his sole was magnificently applied by Gandhi. He did not fear arrested and reinstated the later as not being a threat but a humble request which will, in turn, lead the British administration out of India.

Fear magnifies oppression which is the aspect that was majorly applied by the British (pg.10). A coward individual will never get himself out of the cocoon of oppression he will always remain the slave of his load. Gandhi decided to get out of the cocoon of a non-productive administration for mainly the benefits of the society even if he could be put as a leader after the poor management is done away with.

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