Essay Sample on the Training on Miranda Rights at the Police Training Centers

Published: 2022-03-30
Essay Sample on the Training on Miranda Rights at the Police Training Centers
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Police Human rights
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1066 words
9 min read

1. How extensive is the training on Miranda Rights at the Police training centers?

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The existing training curriculum covers every possible area that is of an essence to the professional police work. Of course, the constitutional thematic areas are given considerable attention by the trainers. The Miranda warning comes in as part of the extensive Miranda rights which form a great part of the constitutional background of criminal apprehension of suspects.

2. What is the general attitude of the police institution and training faculty on the Miranda rights?

The police have always been mistaken for having the rogue and brutal mindset when it comes to handling criminals. On the flipside, the police have a mindset to seeing justice served and the guilty charged while the innocent freed. The training system and college hold the values of efficient administration of justice. The trainers while administering lectures do insist on observance of laid down legal rules and regulations including Miranda rights.

3. How does the management see to it that the Miranda Rights are observed?

Police officers are answerable to senior management and authority that oversees the running of affairs. Police officers are answerable to senior management and authority that oversees the running of affairs. In many quarters, the senior leadership would expect daily reports on the law enforcement activities. Since the Miranda warning has become centralized in the constitutional dispensation, the management has made a point of reminding the police service of the need to observe the legal process

4. If you were a senior officer in management, what different thing would you as concerns reviewing policy and guidelines on police observance of Miranda?

There exists a strict exclusionary approach to evidence obtained in a flawed police process. The police try as much as possible to give a Miranda warning before arresting a person. The conventional information process is rather declaratory than based on interaction. It happens at times that the situation the apprehension occurs is full of drama that the police may forget to issue the warning. Other problems are inevitable, hence if in a senior management position I would formulate plans to have the policy lenient on police officers who may flaw the apprehension process because of certain inevitable situations.

5. According to your training and professional practice, when does a police officer have to recite the warning?

We are trained to issue the warning at the time of arrest before the apprehension of the suspect. The timings of the warning may vary due to various scenarios and drama that unfold in arrest processes. However, the thumb rule is to recite the warning before any questioning and probing of the suspect.

6. What steps do the police take to ensure the suspect is conversant of the Miranda warning's contents and has an understanding of it?

The Miranda warning is essential to both the police and the suspect as it initiates the legal process of enforcement of the criminal law. If this initial stage is not observed, the accused may have a free path to freedom as the court may easily annul key evidence obtained. The police, therefore, must recite the warning in a language the person understands.

7. What extent do police officers have a belief of how their work is heavily linked to the observation of Miranda rights?

Through shared cases of mishandled police apprehension and the resultant after effects that let suspects go scot-free, the police have learned the importance of observing the Miranda rights given to criminal suspects by the constitution. As an individual, I do believe in the essential nature of Miranda rights to the general citizens under the US jurisdiction.

8. Do police officers have second thoughts on administering the warning over assertions that persons who are guilty may not be able to confess at all?

At first, the Miranda warning indeed appears to urge the suspect to speak wisely and vouch for counsel. It encourages legal diplomacy and invites the lawyers who are even known to use technicalities to obtain lesser judgments or acquit suspects. In another sense, it defeats conscience when a police officer finds a suspect red-handed committing a crime but has to issue the Miranda warning as procedure dictates.

9. Does the administering of the Miranda warning regularly influence the positive assertion of the beneficial impact of protecting innocent persons?

Over the period of serving as police, one gets to appreciate the fact that there are cases that are indeed controversial and tricky and the probability of arresting the wrong person is highly likely. It makes sense to accord the suspect, full constitutional rights of an arrested person. One gets to appreciate that there exists a legal order that has to be followed by all even those who seek to enforce it. The legal order is the best mode through which civilization of society can exist. As a police one appreciates the very importance of the Miranda warning.

10. Are there police officers that you have met in your experience who have little or no faith in the essence of the Miranda warning and view it as a waste of time and process?

Depending on the socialistic inclination or sometimes political orientation of a person, there are police officers with opposing views on the regular Miranda warning that they have to administer while arresting a person. Many develop the view due to many open and clear circumstances of a guilty person, but the law has to accord those rights and constitutional privileges despite.


It is always interesting to complete a different assignment with such enormous magnitude. It was tough to convince an officer in uniform to have a seat and be interviewed by a student on legal affairs. I had a great experience interviewing someone who had a unique perspective on legal matters touching on the Miranda rights. As a student on develops a theoretical and philosophical perspective upon the issues. I gained massive wisdom and insight from the interview. Civil liberties form the core of the constitutional structure in the human rights dimension. Through many years of reincarnation and revision through court cases, the authorities are laid own, and the court is repulsive on any likely factor that waters down the significant developments. As an individual fascinated by the law and plight of human rights and constitutional law, the assignment helped me to have a criminology perspective especially the mental state of the guardians and enforcers of our legal system especially the criminal law.

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Essay Sample on the Training on Miranda Rights at the Police Training Centers. (2022, Mar 30). Retrieved from

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