Essay Sample: What is your initial response to Rachael Lloyd's introduction?

Published: 2023-03-26
Essay Sample: What is your initial response to Rachael Lloyd's introduction?
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  YouTube Sexual abuse Human trafficking
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 626 words
6 min read

The video by Rachael Lloyds, Victim, Survivor, Leader: Empowering CSE and Trafficked Youth posted in 2013, which takes approximately 39 minutes, discusses the direct services provided to survivors of sex trafficking. Rachael Lloyd is the CEO of GEMS (Girls Educational and Mentoring Services and an expert and activist on the issues concerning child sex trafficking in the US. The video explains the stages of healing from the victim stage to the survivor stage then finally to the leadership stage for the victims of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation.

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Rachael being a past victim herself of sexual trafficking, is strongly fighting against sexual exploitation of the children. She does this by empowering young women to engage in the larger national movement so as to end sex trafficking in the US. Her GEMS organization gives support to the victims and the experiences of sex trafficking victims; GEMS also challenges the social stereotypes that encourage an increase in the exploitation of the youth and children. The objective of GEMs is to end sex trafficking by changing the individual lives, changing the public perception, and finally revolutionizing the systems and policies that impact sexually exploited youth.

What components of human trafficking in this chapter one connect with her information?

The components of human trafficking, according to Busch-Armendariz et al. (2017), include, first, the act, which is the recruitment and transportation of the victims. The second component is the means in which it is done, which can include coercion, force, deception, or abduction. Rachael mentioned the means, such as run away from abusive homes and poverty. Thirdly is the purpose of human trafficking, which can include forced labor, slavery, or prostitution. Rachael mentioned in her video that the main purpose is prostitution.

What does Rachael tells you that seem surprising?

What Rachael Lloyd mentioned that surprised me is the fact that she was working in the commercial sex industry at a young age and survived many rapes and threats to her life. Also, how she was able to overcome trauma to finally having power as a social activist, the best thinker, and an advocate surprised me. During her youth, she experienced social injustices and sexual abuse and trying to escape this; she opted for alcohol and drugs. Later she began her process of recovery and founded the GEMS organization in order to stop sexual exploitation and trafficking. The strategy that she uses comes from her own experiences as a survivor, and she continues to establish ways of empowering thousands of sexually abused survivors. Rachael has devoted so many years and continues to change lives. It is difficult for a person who has experienced trauma such as Rachael to overcome and become an anti-trafficking advocate.

What more do you want to know about this topic?

What I would like to understand more about this topic is how to identify the perpetrators and victims of sex trafficking. The traffickers or pimps come from any social racial or ethnic groups, they can be members of local or nationwide criminal groups, and others are even women. The victims of sex trafficking are, in most cases, young girls and youths who have run away from abusive circumstances, and they are picked by traffickers who lie to them that they will provide shelter, food, and clothing, among other methods of recruitment. The majority of the victims are afraid to come out and seek help. Being able to identify the signs and patterns of traffickers and the victims is important in fighting sex trafficking and helping the victims to get help


Busch-Armendariz, N. B., et al. Human Trafficking: Applying Research, Theory, and Case Studies. SAGE Publications, 2017.

"Victim, Survivor, Leader: Empowering CSE and Trafficked Youth" by Rachel Lloyd - GEMS." YouTube, 16 Oct. 2013,

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