Essay Sample: The Future of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism

Published: 2019-10-01
Essay Sample: The Future of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Terrorism Internet Information technologies
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1178 words
10 min read

Digital crime, also known as cybercrime is one of the most sophisticated ways that ill-intentioned individuals use to commit criminal offenses and perform criminal activities in society today. Combating digital crime especially such as digital terrorism has become a nightmare to many nations including the United States of America. This is because of the simple fact that those who engage in digital crime and digital terrorism do it anonymously and even if the location from which they do that is realized, it becomes often very difficult to catch up with the criminals involved (Gogolin, 2010). However, the security agencies in the United States have put in a concerted efforts in trying to combat this kind of crime through different strategies and methods that are geared toward identifying and sealing all loopholes that can be used by digital criminals to perform digital terrorist and criminal activities.

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Combating digital crime and digital terrorism by the US security agents however has some impacts on the society of the United States of America. The impact can be seen in economic terms where a lot of money is used in engaging in installation and operation of the technological equipment in monitoring the security of the nation. The implication of the use of technological equipment in combating digital crime is that the federal government has to spend a lot of money in acquiring and maintaining such facilities (Hartle, Parker & Wydra, 2014). The high cost is always channeled down to the tax payers who have to pay taxes to ensure that the government has enough money to engage in full fight against digital crime and digital terrorism. Furthermore, the use of information technology in combating digital crime and terrorism has a social impact on the people of the United States of America. The people will have to live with the caution of selecting their words in their conversations very carefully whenever they communicate to each other or else, they risk being victimized of being digital criminals or terrorists. This is particularly in regard to their communication on social media platforms such as Facebook and twitter. The social interaction of the people of the United States of America is therefore clearly affected by the use of information technology in combating crimes because of the fact that a lot of limitations will have to be applied to the use of social sites on which the citizens use in their communication and social interaction. Overally therefore, the lives of the US citizens will be greatly impacted by the use of information technology because information technology analysis will apply a lot of meddling into the affairs of the US citizens. Their lives therefore, will not be the same again.

The main challenge that is resulting from the independent nature of the law enforcement agencies in the United States of America with regard to the combat against digital crime and digital terrorism is the fact that each security agents operates independently and in a different way and as such, it becomes very difficult for the agencies to fully fight the crime. The agencies employ different tactics in their use of information technology to combat digital crimes and furthermore, they have different levels of operation which means that each agency can only handle the crime up to a certain level beyond which another agency comes in to handle it. This is a great challenge because it leaves a lot of loopholes in the fight against digital crime and digital terrorism. According to Hartle et al (2014), the best way to ensure that the efforts of the law enforcement agencies are synchronized is to ensure that each agency handles a specific task in combating the crime. For example, the CIA could handle the investigation part, the FBI can handle perusing the criminals using the information provided by the CIA and this way, the efforts of all the law enforcement agencies will be complementing each other and this way, crime of digital nature will be very easy to handle by the security agents of the nation. In order to better protect the nation against the computer crimes, the efforts of the security agencies can be aligned in a way that each security agency develops a special unit of computer experts who can help in the tracking, investigation and provision of vital information about the digital criminal activities in the nation (Chaturvedi et al, 2014). This will reduce the challenge of one security agency having to depend on the other for vital information that can lead to the protection of the nation against any computer crimes and digital terrorism.

To my opinion, digital crime and digital terrorism is likely to become more sophisticated as the criminals continue to engage in the use of very sophisticated programs and software to commit the crime anonymously. The development of programs that surpass the security firewalls of corporate computers and the hacking procedures that are very sophisticated provide a lot of thriving ground for the criminals to continue performing their crime in future (Chaturvedi et al, 2014). To ensure that this sophistication is dealt with very well by the security agencies of the United States of America, there is need to work closely with the technological companies such as Microsoft and Hewlet Packeard so that computer developed in the United Sates of America be of the standard that can identify each and every user biometrically before allowing them to use them. It is possible to architecturally design computers that can identify and locate each and every individual on the national system of security before any person is able to perform any activity on the computer especially online activities (Dawson Jr, Omar & Abramson, 2015). This way, the security agencies of the United States of America will be able to fully deal with the digital crime and digital terrorism.

In conclusion, digital crime and digital terrorism are becoming increasingly common in the United States and this can be attributed to the development in the information technology. The security agencies of the US are however trying their best to combat the crime using information technology despite the fact that their efforts are having some negative impacts on the lives of citizens. It is however important to ensure that each security agent has a unit that will fully handle the tracking and the investigation as well as provision of vital information about digital crimes so as to ensure that each body can work efficiently. The efforts of all the agencies have to be synchronized to ensure that the loopholes in the fight against digital crime and digital terrorism are sealed.


Chaturvedi, M., Unal, A., Aggarwal, P., Bahl, S., & Malik, S. (2014, June). International cooperation in cyber space to combat cyber-crime and terrorism. In Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century (21CW), 2014 IEEE Conference on (pp. 1-4). IEEE.

Dawson Jr, M. E., Omar, M., & Abramson, J. (2015). Understanding the Methods behind Cyber Terrorism.

Gogolin, G. (2010). The digital crime tsunami. Digital investigation, 7(1), 3-8.

Hartle III, F., Parker, M., & Wydra, C. (2014). The digital case file: The future of fighting crime with big data. Issues in Information Systems, 15(1).

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