Free Essay Example - Territorial Influence of Political Islam

Published: 2023-11-03
Free Essay Example - Territorial Influence of Political Islam
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Categories:  Politics Islam Essays by wordcount
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 965 words
9 min read

The Middle East is an expansive region that spans parts of North Africa, the Mediterranean, and Asia. It is distinguished not only by its territorial boundaries but also by its dominant religious practices, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Of the three religions, Islam has, over time, become a pervasive ideology that defines almost all social, political, and economic affairs of the Middle East hence giving rise to the concept of political Islam. The exaltation of the Islamic religion has caused many gains in the region, as evidenced by the regime changes during the Arab Spring. Still, it is also likely to entrench an exclusive identity and xenophobic controls.

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Political Islam is a more encompassing use of religion to mobilize ideologies about how the politics, economics, and social affairs of the region occur. Therefore, political Islam does not necessarily mean an aggressive use of religion but its extensive application as the single most important determinant of how the inhabitants of the region operate. It is a continuous use of religion as a tool for social mobilization, economic emancipation, and social expression. In this sense, Islam is not seen as just any other religion that anchors faith or spirituality but as an instrument for crafting ideologies and distinctive social identity.

The Origin of Political Islam

The development of political Islam started in earnest following the abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate between 1923 and 1924. It was a reaction to counter the rising modernity movement at the time. The ideology of political Islam was to reject modernity, democracy, and secularization of societies, which has started in the 20th century. Over time, following a series of periodic adjustments, political Islam gained attraction in the middle east as a possible alternative to modern democratic ideas.

Since its inception and subsequent growth, Political Islam has inspired several globally recognized movements, including the latest Arab Spring. Nonetheless, the operationalization of Political Islam has often made it take different names but with the same grit and ideation. The common names that Political Islam has had include Muslim fundamentalism and Islamism.

The Authenticity of Political Islam

Political Islam is not an end in itself but rather a means to an end. It is a recognition that Islam, just like any other world religion, is progressive and must incorporate aspects of entrench identity. It is an acknowledgment that religion cannot be completely dissociated from political activities since the two revolve around mobilizing the society towards some sense of identity.

Political Islam contradicts the idea of Islamic Exceptionalism. It upholds that the political and religious are inseparable whatsoever. The vast majority of Muslims who subscribe to the ideology of Political Islam believe that it is the only viable option to attain full control of their affairs, usher political reforms, and wade off external influence.

The operations of political Islam have caused anxiety and tension especially due to the recent clamor for the creation of an Islamic State. The Islamic State is an organization of Islam which, in recent times, made a formal declaration of the establishment of a caliphate. In this sense, a caliphate means a state whose operations are guided solely by Islamic Sharia law. This law would be applied indiscriminately on both Muslims and non-Muslims in the Middle East, which is the reason for furor on its dictatorial ideals.

Political Islam is a conservative belief that attempts to use religion as a way to self-preservation. Its application over time appears to be guided by anxiety, fear, and excessive territorial control. It attempts to resist all forms of external influences by creating a homogenous society that operates almost dogmatically within the specific provisions of the Sharia Law. In this sense, Political Islam is a xenophobic ideology that furthers the idea of exclusive identity in a globalizing world.

Manifestations of Political Islam

Political Islam is not just an abstract idea but an active concept that has resulted in several gains within the Middle East. The Arab Spring, which resulted in spirited countermovement against regimes in Egypt, Libya, and Algeria, attest to how strong the ideology is.

Some of the ways through which Political Islam has become more manifest in the Middle East include the agitation for the creation of the Islamic State. At the core of the Islamic State is the establishment of a unilateral government with Sharia as the divine law. Sharia Law is therefore seen as one of the many tools that proponents of Islamic state intend to use to guide every aspect of an individual and societal life.

Various episodes of war and turmoil in the Middle East is associated with the spreading influence of political Islam. For instance, the Israel-Palestinian conflict was directly inspired by Political Islam. The conflicts that Iran and its Arab neighbors are also attributable to the pervasive influence of Political Islam.

In Qatar and Saudi Arabia, political Islam has resulted in various affiliations, including Salafism, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Party of Islamic Liberation. These different faces of Islam are among the causes of inter-Arab conflicts.


Like any religion, Islam has a greater role in determining the destiny of those who profess it. It isn't easy to separate religion from the socio-political and economic operation of those who identify with it. However, a unilateral and dictatorial application of political Islam to suppress other religions, and enforce xenophobia and exclusive identity is an insult to a globalizing world.


Hamid, S., McCants, W., & Dar, R. (2017, January). Islamism after the Arab Spring: Between the Islamic State and the nation-state. The Brookings Project on US Relations with the Islamic World-US-Islamic World Forum Papers 2015 (pp. 1-20).

Political Islam in the Middle East. Council on Foreign Relations. (2020). Retrieved 5 August 2020, from

What is 'Islamic State'?. BBC News. (2020). Retrieved 5 August 2020, from

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