Essay Example on Total Hip and Knee Replacement

Published: 2018-08-31
Essay Example on Total Hip and Knee Replacement
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Research Medicine Surgery
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 358 words
3 min read

Medicare Hospital Compare

From the Medicare Hospital Compare, development of postoperative complications has to rely on a period of time as the first variable to be put into consideration. According to the provided data, the variable of time is divided into three groups. At least one out of eight complications occurs within a given period ("Complication Rate for Hip/Knee Replacement Patients", 2016). The first group is seven days within admission after elective hip or knee replacement where complications are a heart attack, pneumonia or septic shock ("Complication Rate for Hip/Knee Replacement Patients", 2016). The next group variable is 30 days after admission and having done an elective knee or hip replacement. This variable has the following complications; pulmonary embolism, bleeding of the surgical site, and even death ("Complication Rate for Hip/Knee Replacement Patients", 2016). The third variable is 90 days within admission whereby the complications are marked by wound infections or some mechanical complications of the joints. With these variables, the patient safety problems are easily located according to the data used by Medicare hospital compare.

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Using the three variables of time, seven days, thirty days and ninety days of admission and having an elective hip or knee replacement results, they are useful during discharge and monitoring. For instance heart attack (myocardial infarction) complication which is noted within the first days thus, a patient is not legible for discharge within a week. Another usefulness of this data is noting the hospital acquired infections like pneumonia among other nosocomial infections. This data is used to evaluate the quality of the hospital services. From results interpretations, when there are many complications of pneumonia with the seven days of admission, this data indicates that the operation procedure room is causing hospital-acquired infection and therefore closure is needed or fumigation. Another usefulness of the data is to make predictions. According to the data whereby one out of eight complications occurs at a specific period, this shows that after the last variable of ninety days one is assured of a successful replacement.


Complication Rate for Hip/Knee Replacement Patients. (2016).

T Retrieved 10 November 2016, from

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Essay Example on Total Hip and Knee Replacement. (2018, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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