Shaping America's History and Politics - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-26
Shaping America's History and Politics - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics History United States American history
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 916 words
8 min read

Reconstruction refers to the period in the history of America between 1863 and 1877 after the American Civil War. Reconstruction attempted to make African- Americans equal to the White Americans in various ways (Fitzgerald, 2010). First, reconstruction brought an end to the Confederate secession that had remained (Fitzgerald, 2010). Also, reconstruction led to the abolishment of slavery and made the freed slaves citizens of the United States with civil rights that were ensured by constitutional amendments.

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President Andrew Johnson tried to shape construction in several ways. Among the ways President Johnson tried to shape reconstruction was giving the white Americans who lived in the South liberty and the right to regulate the transition from one being a slave to gaining freedom (Fitzgerald, 2010). President Johnson also offered the Blacks no role to play in the politics of the South. Finally, President Johnson issued an order for almost all the land the government had in possession to be returned to its previous owners (Fitzgerald, 2010). This dimmed the hope the blacks had for an autonomous economy.

The southerners had a resistant reaction to reconstruction. Most of the southerners had been opposed to the amendment of the rights to allow former slaved to become citizens (Fitzgerald, 2010). The southerners were also against the sharing of the political powers with the former slaves (Fitzgerald, 2010). In general, most southerners were opposed to the recommended changes in reconstruction.

Radical Republicans tried to expand reconstruction by pushing for the Fourteenth Amendment and statutory protections via the Congress. This allowed ex-Confederate officials the opportunity to take up power politically in the Southern United States.

The end of reconstruction was brought about by most Republicans retiring from the racial egalitarianism and federal power. Also, corruption and instability in the southern region led to the end of reconstruction (Fitzgerald, 2010). Finally, reconstruction was ended by a series of decisions by the Supreme Court limiting its laws and amendments.

The reconstruction results established a new norm in the South by allowing the former slaves the right to be citizens through amendments of the constitution. Also, reconstruction allowed blacks to participate in the politics of the South.

The American West and the Frontier

There were two main factors that encouraged westward migration from the mid-19th century. The first factor was the discovery of gold in California (Crutchfield et al., 2015). As a result of the discovery, a huge number of people moved into the area seeking to mine the gold. It was referred to as the California Gold Rush. The second factor which led to the western migration was the availability of the complete transcontinental Railroad (Crutchfield et al., 2015). Most people were attracted by the railroad since it would enable the availability of supplies transported through it.

The western migration had several effects on the United States. The first effect was the United States was able to defeat Mexico in the war they fought (Crutchfield et al., 2015). Due to the westwards mass movement, it was possible for the United States to defeat Mexico. The second effect was that there was a great spread of the cotton kingdom. Those who migrated to the west spread the cotton kingdom westwards. The United States was also able to annex Texas as a result of the westward migration (Crutchfield et al., 2015). Finally, the westward migration led to Texas winning the war for independence.

The role that Native Americans played in the western migration was majorly being resistant to the migration. The Native Americans were the occupants of the lands that the western migrators were moving into, and the migration meant they would lose their lands (Crutchfield et al., 2015). As a result, they revolted and resisted against their land being taken.

Industrialization in America

Industrialization in the United States was the phase during which machines started being used to replace hand and casual labor. Hand labor was limiting production (Rees, 2015). Hence, machines were used in increasing the production of goods during the industrialization period (Rees, 2015). Nationwide railway networks were put in place for the distribution of goods widely.

The captain of industry was a term that refers to a business leader who used means of gaining personal fortune that was beneficial to the countries positive growth (Rees, 2015,). On the other hand, robber baron was a term that was previously used to criticize American businesspeople who used unscrupulous and underhand methods to gain wealth.

Industrialists impacted politics as a result of the control and power they had amerced during the industrialization era. The industrialists were key components of the formulation of most of the policies that affected especially workers (Rees, 2015). The industrialists influence most of the made political decisions, especially since they had the resources needed.

Americans tried to regain the dominance of big business in various ways. One of the ways was through railroads. Railroads companies would operate on tracks that would stretch for more than fifty miles. Manufacturing and distribution was another angle from which Americans tried to gain dominance of big businesses (Rees, 2015). Finally, meatpacking was a form of gaining dominance of big business by the Americans (Rees, 2015). The attempts by the Americans to gain dominance of big businesses were successful since their businesses flourished.


Crutchfield, J. A., Moutlon, C., & Bene, T. D. (2015). The settlement of America: An encyclopedia of westward expansion from Jamestown to the closing of the frontier. Routledge.

Fitzgerald, S. (2010). Reconstruction: Rebuilding America after the Civil War. Capstone.

Rees, J. (2015). Industrialization and the transformation of American life: A brief introduction. M.E. Sharpe.

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