Research Paper on Institutional Inequality

Published: 2023-05-14
Research Paper on Institutional Inequality
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Discrimination
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1259 words
11 min read


Institutional inequality refers to privileges and advantages set up by various institutions in a given society within the commercial setup. The institutions include; Media, Education, Health, Law, Business practices as well as government policies. These are potent institutions as they try to determine what the economy can achieve in the long run. Inequality arises when systems are set up that prevent certain groups of individuals from obtaining resources that are necessary for their wellbeing. From a sociological perspective, variation is a product of structural conditions that make up social institutions. Tenet of political and moral philosophy is a perfect piece regarding institutional inequality.

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Inequality is highly experienced in the educational institutions in such a way that students from low-income families receive inferior training ten students from well off families. Students from low-income family's study in low-income schools, whereby the deployed teachers have low qualifications and experiences. Structural inequality exists as poor pupils must attend public schools due to financial constraints, while precious children are taken to private and prestigious schools. In the early 1950s, school segregation as allowed due to policies under the federal law. Female focused on home economics than math disciplines. Also, societal problems influence the levels of inequality in the education institution. For example, societies with racial and ethnic disparities change the education opportunities available to the students. In Europe, the immigrant population performs poorly on a socioeconomic sector like low income, unemployment cases, and poor education than the natives.


Health care inequality directly relates to the income disparities of individuals in society. People with excellent job opportunities are well off and can access better healthcare services as compared to poor people. Precise data dates to America case whereby the healthcare system depends on private health insurance as 25% of Americans had no guarantee before passing of the Affordable Care Act by the government. As a result, over 100,000 patients died because they could not be able to cater for high medical expenses. Sometimes medical expenses wipe out people's savings, for instance, in cases of cancer treatment and people incur debts, thus strain in the society. For example, in Healthcare institutions, disparities arise due to the quality of healthcare offered to individuals in the community. For example, minority groups are accorded poor quality services as compared to nonminority groups, like in the case of insurance services. Differences in geographical location cause inequalities, communication constraints between the patient and healthcare provider, doctor stereotyping, and insufficient doctors. Minority groups are entitled to less access than the white population. As well, women from disadvantaged groups do not have access to particular medication due to high levels of costs involved.

Media Inequality

Media is an institution that portrays high levels of inequality due to power. For instance, policies are set to allow free speech, and in turn, this allows the wealthy business owners to have more access to advertising opportunities as compared to needy individuals. Media representations showcase certain dominant groups while marginalizing others like in case of color, gender, and migrants. For instance, in Hollywood, 97% are male directors, and 7% of films are racially balanced as well women of black color are not represented in high positions of leadership in the media and entertainment industry. The status of women and men in the media shows that men still dominate in many p superior positions, and in the news, digital media and entertainment Women are underrepresented in the newsroom with inferior positions.

Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system experiences disparities in its day to day activities. Various factors contribute to the differences which include; Socioeconomic factor on whether an individual can be able to pay the bail amount, for instance, the black population always have difficulty in making payments as compared to the white people and its due to inadequate resources. Gender is also a factor that has led to inequality as the female defendants are favored regardless of race to the nature of harsh conditions they are exposed to compare to the male counterparts. Color is a determinant as racial disparity takes place while making decisions on bail judgments. As well as defendants with violent crimes face a challenge about the non-financial release.

Offending and Victimization disparities occur as minority groups like African Americans are overrepresented in various criminal justice systems. Many victims of murder, robbery, and assault are from the groups as compared to the white population. Multiple policies and rules are instituted by the criminal justice system, which brings disparity within the penal system. The strategies focus on one group that is the young African American males, especially from a poor background.

The policies have a link to criminals from minority groups as compare to dominant groups. For example, the "War on Drugs" policy was instituted in the 1980s, and it had a significant impact on the minority groups as indicated by the relevant authorities. The plan focused on individuals with knowledge of drug trafficking, and it's mainly the young population from a poor background. With policies concentrate on criminal cases than public health meant more policing against markets in poor communities hence widening the disparity gap in the criminal justice system.

Policies that affect disadvantaged groups exist , and as many jurisdictions fail to fund their defense programs as well, bias discretion implies disparity as prosecutors charge people of color with more substantial sentence policies as compared to the white population. Public policies disadvantage people of minority groups, for instance, in a case of Drug-free zone rules that focus on arresting individuals caught selling drugs in certain school zones. The geographical zone is characterized by a high population with high poverty levels and specifically people of color. For instance, in New Jersey, the laws targeted African and American by a large percentage.

Institutional discrimination within the criminal justice system has had a significant impact on the minority population. Adverse effects arise like the reduced number of jobs and earning to the targeted group, low chances of getting a partner due to criminal history attributed to an individual in the society, deterioration of the health status as well as emotional stress to family members, and the community. Post prison impact, particularly for black men, arises mainly in circumstances of being accepted in society. People with a criminal record face hostile conditions as they experience barriers to social safety.

Discrimination is a challenge in the society, and it's created as a result of historical or social contexts that are shaped by various institutions in the community. Necessary measures must be undertaken through policies that policies required to change the institution's perceptions to create equality for all people. Systems should be set that influence behavior, including motivation, by increasing awareness on the institutions of the consequences of discrimination. Since discrimination is socially created, institutions should try to change the behavior of the victims by encouraging the conduct of goodwill to institutions whose act reflects racial and ethnic discrimination.

Equality policies should be set that involve institutions that participate in racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity to ensure the cooperation of equal status roles for individuals from minority groups. Equal opportunities should be set for people from different groups in various institutions. Corporative activities are carried out to ensure that people from different places actively participate in the task. Strategies of involvement of individuals with authority and power within an institution must enforce. For example, discrimination in the workplace can be reduced by actively recruiting people from a racial and ethnic setup as well as the strategy of a monitoring plan for promoting inclusion and fighting racism in the organization.

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Research Paper on Institutional Inequality. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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