US Death Rates - Statistics Essay Example

Published: 2017-12-04
US Death Rates - Statistics Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Statistics Population
Pages: 1
Wordcount: 226 words
2 min read
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What is a mortality rate

Death rate data for 53 cities
Death rate per 1,000 residents Doctor availability per 100,000 residents Hospital availability per 100,000 residents Annual per capita income in thousands of dollars Population density, people per square mile
8,9 78,0 284,0 9,1 109,0
9,1 68,0 433,0 8,7 144,0
9,4 70,0 739,0 7,2 113,0
10,8 96,0 1792,0 8,9 97,0
8,5 74,0 477,0 8,3 206,0
8,2 111,0 362,0 10,9 124,0
8,3 77,0 671,0 10,0 152,0
9,2 168,0 636,0 9,1 162,0
8,4 82,0 329,0 8,7 150,0
9,7 89,0 634,0 7,6 134,0
7,2 149,0 631,0 10,8 292,0
8,5 60,0 257,0 9,5 108,0
9,7 96,0 284,0 8,8 111,0
8,4 83,0 603,0 9,5 182,0
9,6 130,0 686,0 8,7 129,0
8,4 145,0 345,0 11,2 158,0
9,3 112,0 1357,0 9,7 186,0
8,6 131,0 544,0 9,6 177,0
8,3 80,0 205,0 9,1 127,0
9,4 130,0 1264,0 9,2 179,0
10,8 140,0 688,0 8,3 80,0
9,7 154,0 354,0 8,4 103,0
10,1 118,0 1632,0 9,4 101,0
8,4 94,0 348,0 9,8 117,0
9,7 119,0 370,0 10,4 88,0
9,9 153,0 648,0 9,9 78,0
9,2 116,0 366,0 9,2 102,0
9,1 97,0 540,0 10,3 95,0
10,4 176,0 680,0 8,9 80,0
9,5 75,0 345,0 9,6 92,0
9,2 134,0 525,0 10,3 126,0
9,3 161,0 870,0 10,4 108,0
9,9 111,0 669,0 9,7 77,0
9,7 114,0 452,0 9,6 60,0
9,2 142,0 430,0 10,7 71,0
10,1 238,0 822,0 10,3 86,0
8,2 78,0 190,0 10,7 93,0
10,1 196,0 867,0 9,6 106,0
8,9 125,0 969,0 10,5 162,0
9,9 82,0 499,0 7,7 95,0
9,7 125,0 925,0 10,2 91,0
9,8 129,0 353,0 9,9 52,0
9,3 84,0 288,0 8,4 110,0
10,0 183,0 718,0 10,4 69,0
9,7 119,0 540,0 9,2 57,0
8,8 180,0 668,0 13,0 106,0
9,7 82,0 347,0 8,8 40,0
9,1 71,0 345,0 9,2 50,0
10,6 118,0 463,0 7,8 35,0
10,6 121,0 728,0 8,2 86,0
10,1 68,0 383,0 7,4 57,0
9,2 112,0 316,0 10,4 57,0
9,2 109,0 388,0 8,9 94,0

Regression Statistics

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0,9405099756
R Square 0,8845590141
Adjusted R Square 0,8747342494
Standard Error 0,267852333
Observations 52
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 4 25,8377987 6,459449674 90,03360755 0
Residual 47 3,372008997 0,07174487227
Total 51 29,20980769
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 12,44104979 0,3386082817 36,74171738 0 11,75985779 13,12224179 11,75985779 13,12224179
Doctor availability 0,007128036742 0,00116548531 6,115938724 0,0000001796635065 0,004783382725 0,009472690759 0,004783382725 0,009472690759
Hospital availability 0,0009233661452 0,0001212542093 7,615126523 0,0000000009613183075 0,0006794341399 0,001167298151 0,0006794341399 0,001167298151
Income -0,3527300958 0,0392357237 -8,990023952 0 -0,4316621908 -0,2737980009 -0,4316621908 -0,2737980009
Population density -0,01034721162 0,0008174837645 -12,65739097 0 -0,01199177683 -0,008702646414 -0,01199177683 -0,008702646414

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