Essay Example about Protection for Religious Discrimination at Workplace

Published: 2022-04-12
Essay Example about Protection for Religious Discrimination at Workplace
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Discrimination Religion
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 944 words
8 min read

Organizations are set such that they have the human resource department part of their management teams. The human resource department has the responsibility of ensuring that the workers are given the best environment such that their issues are handled at the right time before they get massively affected. Other than protecting the workers from the harassment of the business managers, the human resource management has to ensure that the worker groups are protected from the other group. This is in the context of religion, gender, and even ethnicity. Lesson five talks about how religious discrimination is prevented at the workplace by the government through the human resource management. The paper, therefore, explains the different aspects of religious discrimination protection at the workplace.

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Lesson 5 is meant to pass a number if concepts are revolving around protection against discrimination based on religion at workplaces. The government of the United States of America has a put many efforts to ensure that the religious discrimination is eliminated in organizations. This is following the fact that it causes a lot of attention divert resulting in poor performances at work. The first concept that the unit explains is how the various individuals do religious discrimination. Offering employees opportunities based on their religion is the first way that has been explained in this lesson (Minge, 2017). The second is religious based retaliation against the employees. Here, an individual is punished whenever he has made a mistake, differently from the others because of the religion. Denying requests from the different individuals as well as subjecting the employees to harassments because of their religion is also described in this lesson.

The second concept is the government protection against religious discrimination in the country. All religions and religious believes among the citizens of the country are protected under Title VII. According to the Title VII, religion includes the organized religions such Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism, traditional, and the other religious beliefs. Moreover, Title VII extends its protection to people who have no distinct religion and therefore face discriminations for that. Although Title VII protects the employees against any form of discrimination, there are various situations where its coverage is limited. In the context of religious exceptions, Title VII does not have any control in organizations whose operations are religiously based. This means that an individual would be denied opportunity and will not have any point to lay his or her claim on. Finally, the lesson addresses on what the employee is expected to do in case he or she realizes that the employer or even workmates are discriminating him or her based on the religion under Title VII

Another concept that the lesson explains is the purpose of the Title VII in the organizations. The title was brought into position to help the situations like employers refusing to offer a job opportunity to an individual because of associated religion, constant inspection on an individual by the employer because of his or her religious name and the tendency of denying some opportunities like promotion and bonuses because of difference based on their religion. The aspects that constitute religious harassment are also explained in the lesson. The lesson also talks about when the employer is considered liable for religious harassment under Title VII.

Moodiest point

Although the Title VII is meant to offer the maximum protection to the employees in the country, in one of the best ways possible and has evidently performed so well, it has a huge loophole. The Title holds the employees liable for some sorts of discriminations done against them. This is however right, but it does not make any reliable meaning following the fact that Title VII does not mention any of the protective measures that the employees should take to avoid being discriminated. The actions that the Title VII poses against accused religious discriminators are also not severe and therefore make it easy for them to go against the Title and harm the rights of the employees.

What I would like to know more about in the lesson

The lesson has a lot of information that is so important for everyone since nobody is safe from facing religious discrimination. I would, therefore, wish to know more about the various punishments that the religious discriminators. I would also wish to be made to understand the measures of protection that an employee should take to help him or her avoid the religious discriminations.

How the lesson relates to outside learned class learned things

Many experiences I have had on the outside have direct relationships with the lesson. Before coming across the lesson, I had come across various court cases that are filed to solve discrimination due to religious names in the society. This lesson made me recall that this is an offense and is heavily punishable.

Why it is necessary to learn this lesson

This lesson is very important as it applies everywhere outside class (Ellison, 2017). Through this lesson, we get to know what is considered discriminations and what is not. It will, therefore, help in knowing when my rights have been violated. The lesson also tells more about what one should do when discriminated. This would help to save the millions of employees who face religious discrimination and let it go without seeking justice.


Ellison, C. G., DeAngelis, R. T., & Guven, M. (2017). Does religious involvement mitigate the effects of major discrimination on the mental health of African Americans? Findings from the Nashville Stress and Health Study. Religions, 8(9), 195.

Minge, D., Senkov, O., Kaushik, R., Herde, M. K., Tikhobrazova, O., Wulff, A. B., ... & Dityatev, A. (2017). Heparan sulfates support pyramidal cell excitability, synaptic plasticity, and context discrimination. Cerebral Cortex, 27(2), 903-918.

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Essay Example about Protection for Religious Discrimination at Workplace. (2022, Apr 12). Retrieved from

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