Media Race and Gender - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-24
Media Race and Gender - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Race Gender Internet Social issue
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1213 words
11 min read


The Internet, which is the form of media that I have consumed for at least one week, provides various messages about race and gender. The internet issues a significant skew in delivery along with gender and racial lines, although most of its content settings offer neutral targeting parameters. Some of its content is based on gender and race stereotypes, even when the parameters tend to be more inclusive. Therefore, it is important to include the various themes I noticed related to race and gender in their respective reactions.

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Observations Related to Race

One of the most significant observations that I made related to race on the Internet is ethnicity, which identifies a particular group of people with one another based on the similarities they share. Some such similarities include their history, culture, or even the form of social treatment they receive within the area they reside in. Ethnicity has been described as a status that is usually inherited based on an individual's societal background. Nevertheless, the media does not include the main reasons for some specific ethnic groups speaking a related language and sharing a similar gene pool.

I found some existing stereotypes about race on the Internet. One such stereotype concerns students who had been provided with pictures of white Americans and other ethnic groups. The students described the whites as being intelligent compared to the other group of students. It is not surprising that racial stereotypes tend to favor the holder's racial background while belittling the other race. The media impacts me in having an understanding that there is always a higher likelihood of all ethnic groups having racial stereotypes of other groups. Human behavior tends to benefit all groups since it plays a significant role in the long-run identification of one's ethnic group.

Another clear observation from the Internet is racism, which believes that individuals possess some particular behavioral characteristics based on their physical appearance. The Internet still describes racism as the discrimination directed to a particular group since they are of different ethnicity. Internet content is unrealistic since people should not be treated differently based on their biological differences. It is unrealistic that people are ranked as either superior or inferior based on their inheritable traits, capabilities, or even their qualities.

The Internet describes the theme of racism as a relatively modern concept because of its rise in the European age of imperialism caused by an increase in capitalism. The Atlantic slave trade is considered the key driving force that increased racism in cases of racism. I perceive racism as frustrating since how can people be provided with the opportunities to express themselves differently based on their races. It wrings the way individuals are being divided into exclusive biological entities. The theme of racism has as well been included in the political systems where people are today being voted based on their racist backgrounds.

The final theme about race that I observed on the Internet is racialization, which defines people based on their races. The Internet describes the theme of racialization as a concept that mainly begins by attributing racial meaning to the identity of different groups of people in a nation. The Internet negatively portrays racialization since it can impact an individual's social structures and their institutional systems, which includes being limited to some employment opportunities. However, it fails to elaborate on how white people tend to benefit either socially or economically due to the hierarchies that have already been developed due to social structures and systems.

Observations Related to Gender

One of the key themes that I observed on the Internet is preventing and combating violence against women. The Internet describes violence against women as the most significant form of violation of women's rights. Although various policies have already been implemented to tackle this problem, the policies' implementation is slow. The Internet fails to describe some of the major reasons resulting in such a phenomenon. However, the way the Internet describes how various councils are leading role in preventing and combating such evil standards and raising awareness of the raise of the activities is satisfactory.

The content that the Internet provides about preventing and combating violence against women is positive since it helps strengthen the major stakeholders' capabilities. The content enhances the judicial response's commitment to some of the cases presented to them concerning women's violence. It also improves the knowledge of the officials and all other non-governmental organizations that are actively fighting against the women's violation. Through the privation of the relevant materials that can reduce violence against women, the respective authorities have already implemented the necessary measures.

Another observation that I made from the Internet is gender mainstreaming. The Internet identifies it as how men and women have represented various policy actions that a nation plans, including the legislation and programs (Vida, 2020). It identifies the existing diversity among people from different genders. The information provided by the Internet concerning gender mainstreaming is positive since it identifies the importance of respecting the concerns of both men and women differently and designing, implementing, and monitoring the implementation of such policies effectively. The information is helpful, especially in understanding how a nation's politics are expected to intersect with norms and practices that have been implemented internationally.

The information provided on the Internet about gender mainstreaming impacts me positively since it helps me understand how it results in power relations based on the language and issue-framing. The information looks at various peace agreements that were implemented previously and identify how they impacted the gender narrative in a nation's politics (Vida, 2020). The way the Internet presents various approaches, then they differ with feminist theories. Nevertheless, the Internet fails to present the stereotype of how liberal feminism affects the binary approach of gender.

The final observation I made from the Internet is guaranteeing equal access of women to justice. That entails ensuring that the women access quick, effective, and fair responses from the law, ensuring that their rights are well protected. The content is helpful since it helps in resolving and preventing any disputes that may arise as a result of women being denied their rights to access justice while at the same time reducing any abuse in power by ensuring the process is transparent and efficient. The information is realistic since it information on how the necessary mechanisms should be made available and accountable while ensuring equality.

The information is helpful since it gives a better understanding of how international law should be implemented in various nations to ensure women have access to justice. Based on an understanding presented through the Internet, women's access to justice should be made legal and constitutional under all nations, which plays a great role in making them aware of their rights and their power of making political decisions without being intimidated.


Most of the content provided on the Internet about gender and race issues neutral targeting parameters. Therefore, it makes it important to include the various themes I noticed related to race and gender in their respective reactions. However, it fails to include the stereotypes of how people do not have access to equal rights because of their language.


Vida, B. (2020). Policy framing and resistance: Gender mainstreaming in Horizon 2020. European Journal of Women's Studies.

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Media Race and Gender - Free Paper Example. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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