Free Paper on Media and Affirmative Action: Influencing Equality for Minority Groups

Published: 2023-11-08
Free Paper on Media and Affirmative Action: Influencing Equality for Minority Groups
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Discrimination Media Community
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 885 words
8 min read

Minorities are groups of persons who, despite having distinct cultures or ethnic affiliations, are still subordinate to a larger group. This subordinance thus defines them. Indeed, minorities often find themselves disadvantaged to no small extent. For instance, when it comes to representation, they are usually unable to have their voices heard, enough to get one of their own to represent them. Further, they are often overlooked or disregarded when essential policies that affect them are being formulated (Derrick, 2018). Presently, several minority groups are seeking to be acknowledged and identified as nationals of different countries. This sort of non-recognition has prevented them from accessing or benefiting from essential government services. Women are perceived in a certain way, one where they are associated with less lucrative jobs and meager pay.

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Further, there are societies where they are denied education and prioritized for early marriages. The LGBTQ community struggles and suffers from so much hatred and attacks. More conservative countries have refused to acknowledge their existence, as well as their rights. Consequently, they are primarily discriminated against, and there are laws passed and implemented to that effect. All these minorities struggle with one key factor stereotyping. How the community already perceives them makes it difficult to push for any change in their favor.

However, one such way through which minorities can air their grievances is through the media. As such, the media ought to be trusted to provide the means to change people’s perceptions of minorities (Rutte et all, 1994). The media is a tool that, when used appropriately, can impact social change. By initiating and pushing for a positive agenda against such minority groups, it is only a matter of time before society begins to develop a different mindset toward them.

How such minority groups are reflected in programs such as comedies, dramas, etc., is in itself demeaning, and does more harm than good to their well-being. They are portrayed as persons who are looked down upon and humiliated, with no hope for the future. While this is the naked truth concerning society, such programs portray such narratives in a glorifying manner. Rather than rebuke such happenings, and begin to portray such persons more dominantly, they do the exact opposite. Since such projections are made through the media, the majority of people begin to accept them as the norm. This acceptance is self-defeating to the aspirations for a justiciable and equal society.

Aside from the media, affirmative action ought to be taken against such groups of persons. For instance, it has proven rather tricky in some countries to have women representation owing to society generally not believing in women's leadership, or not dimming them as strong enough to lead. Given the difficulty that such countries already face in electing women leaders, deliberate efforts ought to be made towards providing positions that are only to be occupied by women (Pincus, 2003). As such, they shall be provided with a better opportunity to get leadership and impact directly on policies that affect fellow women. Concerning members of the LGBTQ community, perhaps the best place, to begin with, is implementing policies that outlaw discrimination against such persons. Other minority ethnic groups ought to be granted the recognition they need so that they, too, can begin to benefit from the government services that are often denied owing to their non-recognition status.

A society whose members are treated equally and fairly, regardless of their affiliations or identities, is more productive and contributes to the well-being of the nation as a whole. The leaders ought to take center stage in the push for equality, through the implementation of laws that favor the same. The public, too, has a role to play in the fight against discrimination of minorities. They ought to be enlightened on the essence of equal treatment.

I have witnessed some of my classmates being bullied because they identified with the LGBTQ community. Some even had to change schools as the unfair treatment weighed them down. Further, I have seen some of my lady friends being paid lower amounts than other men, for similar tasks done. It is disappointing that in the 21st century, society still has to grapple with matters of inequality. Further, that not much effort is being put in to help get rid of such malpractices is discouraging. I applaud countries that have gone the extra mile to implement laws on equality, as well as those that have taken deliberate affirmative action that seeks to ensure that minorities equally benefit.

The media needs to put in more effort towards educating and enlightening the public on equality. Further, more programs that shun discrimination and point towards the empowerment of minorities ought to be aired more often. Both the law and the media are tools for social change. They ought to work together progressively to realize a positive shift in society towards minority groups. Everyone is equal before the law, and ought to be treated as such.


Derrick, L. About Affirmative Action, Diversity and Inclusion: American Association for Access Equity and Diversity. (2018). Retrieved August 08, 2020, from

Pincus FL. 2003. Reverse Discrimination: Dismantling the Myth. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reiner

Rutte CG, Diekmann KA, Polzer JT, Crosby FJ, Messick DM. 1994. Organizing information and the detection of gender discrimination. Psychol. Sci. 5:226–31

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Free Paper on Media and Affirmative Action: Influencing Equality for Minority Groups. (2023, Nov 08). Retrieved from

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