Free Essay Sample on Terrorist Techniques: Attacks on Focus Groups

Published: 2022-06-21
Free Essay Sample on Terrorist Techniques: Attacks on Focus Groups
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Terrorism War
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1220 words
11 min read

Before an attack is launched on a focus group, it is important that diverse factors are understood so that the attack is successful. Otherwise, the attack is likely to result in losses of resources. Important considerations before daunting an attack include exploration of the location of the focus group, figuring out the focus group's plan and developing an understanding of the focus group operations. While creating an understanding of the group, a variety of aspects are considered.

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  • Locate the Focus Group
  • Focus Group's means of transport
  • Focus Group's modes of communication
  • Focus Group's weapons
  • Focus Group's security
  • Understand the Focus Group
  • Figure out the Focus Group's plans
  • Attack

Unlike the ancient times when attacks on focus groups were head-on, an intelligent approach is important in limiting damages while successfully achieving the end objectives. Bonn and Baker (2000) in their article about guidance to military operations, denotes that an intelligent approach would aim at exploring all possible ways of taking control of the focus group by either cutting their supply or capturing their leaders. Some of the important aspects considered include an evaluation of focus groups armory, security, and the communication and transport networks and systems. An understanding of the various aspects above gives a deeper insight into the manners in which the focus group carries out its operations and safeguards itself. The essay thus illustrates the significance of evaluating the different measures about the successful execution of an attack on the focus group.

Locating the focus group is important in ensuring that attacks are directed towards the right place over the right focus group. Important information to capture include the exact positioning of the focus group and their defensive tactics regarding change of locations. Otherwise, whenever attacks are directed to a wrong group and a wrong location, resources would have been wasted and harm might be caused on innocent persons. The appropriateness of a location is thus an important measure of ensuring that the accuracy of attack is valued.

Once the focus group is located, and defensive tactics understood, it is important that their primary objectives are unveiled so that an attack is launched before their plans are implemented. Also, creating an understanding of the focus group's primary objectives aids the fact that attacks would be launched based on factual information. Important aspects evaluated include their ways of action, whether individual missions or group missions, their approach and targets. Such information would help attackers plan based on the preparedness of the focus group; a move that also determines the intensity and extent to which the attack would be launched.

A study of the focus group's weaponry is important for determining the safety precautions necessary during the attack. It also determines the extent to which the attackers will get equipped. In case the focus group is adequately equipped with powerful machinery and armor, the attackers would keep distance during the attack. In case the focus group has adopted sophisticated weapons, the attackers must as well prepare to encounter such sophisticated machinery. Apart from armor, an evaluation of the security of the focus group is important as well. For instance, it is important to understand whether then focus group uses soldiers to safeguard their territory or whether they have put in place spying cameras (Rieback, Crispo&Tanenbaum, 2006). In case of tight security by the focus group, the attackers would consider using sophisticated means of spying such as high flying drones.

Communication networks are one of the significant aspects that attackers must evaluate. For instance, during a raid, the focus group is likely to ask for aid, and thus the attackers would be caught unaware. Thus evaluation of communication and transport networks is also important in rendering an attack a success. Attackers would aim at stalling both the communication and transport networks to ensure that the launch of attack does not pave the way for escapes or does not pave the way for an aiding focus group to move in. Barriers to transport systems must thus be considered (Hart, 2008). During an attack, the focus group is likely to aid for support and thus the need to interfere with communication networks. Alternatively, the communications networks can be traced so that attackers are at per with whatever links the focus group has. Once all the aspects have been fully captured, an attack is launched.

A majority of the factors evaluated before launching an attack are technology oriented. For instance, the communication networks of the focus group and their weaponry depend on their levels of adoption of technology. Thus, the attacker's approach must be planned in a manner that adequate information about the focus group is acquired with little disruptions or suspicion. One of the skillful approaches is the use of drones to capture information regarding the location (Bonn & Baker, 2000). For instance, it would be important to gather information about the location's terrain so that possible escape routes are considered and manned. High flying drones would thus send pictures of the location, and the organization of the base camps would be understood before an attack is launched.

Successful attacks are launched when the focused group is not fully aware. Thus, an attack is launched when the focus group's plans are still underway. Otherwise, the focus group would be prepared to counterattack. According to Knibb(1990), different tactical approaches must thus be considered. However, priority is given to less harmful tactics that would aim at taking control of the focus group rather than engaging a forceful approach. One of the valuable tactics is targeting the leadership of the focus group and their sources of supply. Therefore, instead of forceful engagement of the focus group, their source of supply regarding armor, food and other resources is cut. Instead, the attackers would collude with suppliers through business-oriented approaches (Knibb, 1990). However, the primary objective would be a cut-down of supply to the focus group and thus weaken their defense.

Whenever the exhaustion approach fails, and the focus group must be confronted, a distraction approach is recommendable. The distraction approach aims at drawing a frontal attack by the focus group (Luttwak, 2001). However, the attackers would be utilizing various options on the flanks. Thus, the feint approach would help the attackers utilize their resources while the focus group gets exhausted.

Conclusively, daunting an attack on a focus group require extensive exploration of different aspects including the locations, the plans, and preparedness of the group. Understanding the various aspects is important in ensuring that attackers daunt operations with lots of accuracy and precision to the target groups. It is also important that attacks are launched with the full certainty that it is necessary and that it is the identified focus group that should be targeted. Extensive aspects including modes of transport, communication, security, and armor must be evaluated to determine the levels of attacker's preparedness.


Bonn, K. E., & Baker, A. E. (2000). Guide to military operations other than war: tactics, techniques, and procedures for stability and support operations: domestic and international. Stackpole Books.

Hart, B. L. (2008). Strategy: the indirect approach. In Strategic Studies (pp. 92-95). Routledge.

Knibb, J. (1990). Literary strategies of war, strategies of literary war. Literature and War, 7-24.

Luttwak, E. (2001). Strategy: the logic of war and peace. Harvard University Press.

Rieback, M. R., Crispo, B., &Tanenbaum, A. S. (2006). The evolution of RFID security. IEEE Pervasive Computing, (1), 62-69.

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