Essay Example on Downtown Dubai Hybrid Trolley System

Published: 2019-07-17
Essay Example on Downtown Dubai Hybrid Trolley System
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 749 words
7 min read

A feasibility study conducted on Downtown Dubai Trolley System showed that the depot serves as a workshop in which goods are manufactured or repaired. The building is situated in an urban location, busy place with strict regulations from the local authorities. No expansion of the depot can take place as space is minimal and limited. As at now, two trolleys can be parked at the depot. However, a pit track and an inspection can also be parked as well as production and storage facilities for hydrogen. Also, there is limited storage area spared from spare parts and tools. Maintenance tools and equipment as well as OCC which is temporary are the last things that can occupy any more space in the facility.

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Regarding the existing workshop, there is an understanding in the absence of clear and detailed information from the vehicle manufacturer with inadequate experience return from the Operation of Phase IA O&M. It is understood that the depot is furnished for service and prepared with all necessities regarding tools ensuring that two trolleys except heavy maintenance activities with removed fittings are carried out off-site. In such a case, it is imagined to benefit from the RTA competent and certified staff as well as equipment. A review detailing the works and technical features shall be carried out at DDTS project requiring sufficient data provided by the vehicle manufacturer.

Aurecon is a global consulting, management, engineering and specialist technical service firm. They are a multinational company offering global experience in partnering with Defense clients locally delivering outcomes based on integrated and multi-disciplinary areas of expertise. Aurecon has an office network extending across twenty-seven countries from East Africa, Africa and International nations. They have experience in airport consulting and engineering contributing to solutions. They help in asset management providing innovative solutions in the planning, construction and use of assets. They also deal with building design, bulk transport, digital advisory, dams as well as bulk water conveyance. Infrastructure advisory, health, ground engineering, environmental management and infrastructure design are other areas that Aurecon deal in.

Aurecon does not comprise on health and safety as it is their core value. It has been engaged in various projects such as Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric Project, the University of Pretorias Mining Industry Study Centre, Etihad Towers Abu Dhabi as well as Nelson Mandela Bay Transport Operations Centre. They believe that the diversity and global nature of Defense sector have the full impact of the recent financial crisis in the World. Aurecon is a preferred supplier of the different range of panels with a large number of Defense agencies and corporations throughout the world. They value clients that they take responsibility of for the outcomes of the projects they work on.

To create a more efficient propulsion system for a vehicle, the hybrid technology combines the advantages of two or more power sources. Although there are different variants of hybrid systems available, most of them are derived from three architectures namely series, parallel and power split. They utilize an internal combustion engine as a source of primary power and battery packs to power electric motors combined to generate power. Hybrid Trolleys are estimated to cut emission by 75p percent when compared to diesel buses. Nitrogen oxide emission for hybrid trolleys is 30 to 40 percent lower compared to conventional diesel buses while checking the energy efficiency and emissions performance (Xi Chen, 2010).

Regarding performance, the hybrid electric trolley is smoother and faster in comparison to diesel buses. Riders say that hybrid trolley offers quieter ride than conventional buses. There is reduced cost due to reduced stress and maintenance on mechanical elements such as brakes. Hybrid propulsion technology offers improvement in fuel economy. The technology has grown over years compared to regular service especially in the U.S, Washington D.C, California, and New Mexico among others. In conclusion, hybrid propulsion technology is increasingly growing saving nations a lot regarding cost and ease of transport as well as development in a country. (NYCT, 2004).


Int'L, B. P. U. (2015). Dubai energy policy Laws and Regulations Handbook: Strategic information and basic laws. S.l.: Intl Business Pubns USA.

New York City Transit, NYCT Operating Experience with Hybrid Transit Buses, presentation at the SAE World Congress dated October 2004

Ralph L. McNutt. 2010. Science Satellites: Interplanetary Spacecraft. Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering

Xi Chen. (2010) The impact force acting on a flat plate normally exposed to a rarefied plasma plume issuing from an annular or circular nozzle. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, 315205

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Essay Example on Downtown Dubai Hybrid Trolley System. (2019, Jul 17). Retrieved from

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