Free Essay: Woman Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment

Published: 2023-03-02
Free Essay: Woman Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Women Politics History Human rights
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 589 words
5 min read

For the historical occasion investigation, I have decided to examine the women's suffrage development and the Nineteenth Amendment. The period of occasions that happen were between 1840 to 1920 when the 19th amendment was allowed in congress that secured the right for ladies to vote. In Most explicitly, whether this development improved the American political framework and if the battle was justified, despite all the trouble. The women's suffrage development was an almost seventy-year battle to pick up fairness for lady through casting ballot rights. This started in 1948 at the Seneca Falls Convention. This was significant in light of the fact that it was the first official gathering which exhibited complaints and goals for ladies. Did the women's suffrage development lead to improved practices inside the American political framework and was the battle lady experienced to accomplish the confirmation of the nineteenth amendment justified, despite all the trouble?

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Search terms that I have discovered powerful as I continued looking for data about the women's suffrage development and the Nineteenth Amendment are: Woman's suffrage, Nineteenth Amendment, lady's privileges, lady's entitlement to cast a ballot, Seneca Falls Convention 1948, Susan B. Anthony, NAWSA, NWP, and confirmation of the Nineteenth Amendment. I have discovered three reliable sources to utilize. This is a great digital book that diagrams numerous occasions that happened during the women's suffrage development. It likewise gives extraordinary data about a considerable lot of the well-known lady who was the messengers to the Nineteenth amendment. A meeting with an ex-executive of the National League of Woman Voters. This is an association begun during the women's suffrage development and still exists today. It gives excellent data about the battle's lady experienced and how things have changed after some time.

Graham, An., and Dolton, P. F. (2014) give essential data about the reason for the women's suffrage development. It likewise offers data about the amount of a social issue it was through the span of the 72-year battle. I have discovered three essential sources that I will use for my exploration. This assortment of articles centers around the different contentions for and against women suffrage by government-protected alteration as opposed to by singular states (Lewis, 2017).

I like this source since it is fair-minded. It presents data and actualities from the two sides and exhibits a full point of view of the upsides and downsides of women's suffrage. This is a book source that layouts the historical backdrop of the women's suffrage development up to that point. I picked this source since it includes Catt, who was the leader of the NAWSA during the women's event. It gives a total depiction of the occasions and results that had left the women's suffrage development. I like this source since it provides a fair-minded comprehensive viewpoint. This is a book that gives a decent portrayal of the women's privileges development from a political perspective introduced by the leader of the NAWSA during the women's privileges development. This book gives an obvious one-sided point of view for women's suffrage.

The proposition articulation I expect to use for my examination venture is: The final products of the women's suffrage development and the confirmation of the Nineteenth Amendment merited the almost 70-year battle. When lady picked up this solid political hold, there was no halting their action for uniformity on all degrees of society.


Graham, A., & Dolton, P. F. (2014). Women's Suffrage Movement. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 54(2), 31-36.

Lewis, T. (2017). Democracy and Government: A Critical Edition of Jeannette Rankin's 1917 Address at Carnegie Hall. Advances in the History of Rhetoric, 20(1), 47-56.

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