Free Essay: Theories of William James and Wilhelm Wundt

Published: 2023-07-23
Free Essay: Theories of William James and Wilhelm Wundt
Essay type:  Analytical essays
Categories:  Emotional intelligence Developmental psychology Behavior change
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 919 words
8 min read

In regards to psychological developments, numerous theories got developed as a means of highlighting the importance of changes that were transgressing the field of psychology. Such efforts got put into action as a means of understanding developmental psychology and how a considerable number of factors can influence human behavior. It is essential, therefore, to put into perspective some of the theories used and their references in regard to psychology.

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Comparison of William James and Wilhelm Wundt's Psychological Theories

Wilhelm Wundt was a proponent of structuralism, which aimed at understanding human behavior by breaking the components into primary consciousness samples through the use of introspection. He believed that conceptual human knowledge enabled humans to think, feel, and makeup assumptions by basing on human knowledge (Tweney 420). He holds that emotional responses are a result of the brain's internal processing to construct meanings and ideas from activities that people derive pleasure from, desires, and painful influences. Such creates a psychic component for the brain to understand. He states that the human mind was responsible for considerable efforts unfolding in the world, hence the study of experimental psychology. Human emotions got preceded by thoughts, feelings of desire, and corruption. Internal influences should, therefore, get regarded as causative agents for multiple scenarios and happenings across human existence.

William James was a proponent of functionalism, which stated that focusing on the purposes of consciousness and human behavior can provide more elaborate information on why internal processes produce what they produce. It focused on explaining existing issues based on one's characteristics, which may differ from one person to the other (Levine n.p). The existence of differences in psychological thought and influences on individuals led to the development of behaviorism as a means of understanding human thought processes. William argued that for a society to function, its multiple subbranches need to work together to bring forth conclusive ideation in regard to solving a given problem. Human emotion was derived from individual experiences and influences from environmental components as well.

Change Theory by Kurt Lewin

In his theory, he proposed that an individual's actions stem from two factions, that is internal influences and characteristics, and the social influence one is associated with. An individual's current situation influences their behavioral habits to bring forth change. His theory was subdivided into three parts to help understand the dynamics of change. They included unfreezing-change-refreezing models as educational elements that influence one. For one to achieve such feats, there was a need to impose the importance of both driving and restraining forces and the effects of equilibrium (Hussain et al., 124). The driving force caused one to shift to a new habit, while restrictive forces deter any progress. A state of equilibrium was, however, reach due to consensual efforts between providing a balance between the two powers.

The unfreezing phase involves seeking out a method to let go of past behaviors by using increased drive forces while decreasing the influence of restrictive forces that may influence individual and group ideation. The changing phase, therefore, becomes possible due to a change of thought, behavior, and feelings into more productive efforts. Such an act as liberators while refreezing concept involves incorporating the new change behavior into daily life activities in regards to implementing the newly acquired correspondence (Hussain et al., 127). Such efforts should henceforth get used as restrictive measures that guide against continual setbacks or relapses people can face when undo reasoning gets applied to already made progress. Such efforts provide ideation on how the change theory concept can be used for existential human needs based on logic and trust.


In summary, developmental psychology paved the way for multiple jurisdictions to get implemented in the way human behavior and action were understood. Theories such as change theory elaborate the various humanistic characteristics and processes that confine human thought, feelings, and behavior to implement change in their lives and that of others. By applying driving forces in correspondence to restrictive forces, a state of equilibrium gets reached in which achieved change can be diagnosed and measured conclusively. William James and Wilhelm Wundt also made contribution efforts towards experimental and developmental psychology by illustrating how the human mind and corresponsive objectiveness is a significant influencers on measures bordering rational thought and activities.

Human emotion is pegged on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as directed by our mindsets. Existential differences do exist on multiple fronts and differ from one person to the other. Such developmental differences promote different ideations, which elaborates how different situation models can impose an influential factor in their activities and actions. Elaborate reasoning coupled with objective implements creates an equilibria base upon which people interact and objectify their views and corresponsive changes. Such measures offer an influential objection of necessary human needs and influence of behavior to other leading factors. The causative factions implement change on directive reasoning and elaborate understanding of how interactive functions have a base impact on rights implementation and ideation. Efforts are justice-based with consideration of existential differences in behavior and actions. As such, the paper has competently addressed the claims about the theories of William James and Wilhelm Wundt and the underlying relations that both may share.

Works Cited

Hussain, Syed Talib, et al. "Kurt Lewin's change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change." Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 3.3 (2018): 123-127.

Levine, Steven. "James and Phenomenology." The Oxford Handbook of William James. 2018.

Tweney, Ryan D. "Wundt for the 21st Century." (2017): 417-424.

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