Paper Example on the Performance of Intelligence Services

Published: 2023-01-23
Paper Example on the Performance of Intelligence Services
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics Intelligence services Foreign policy Policy analysis
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 984 words
9 min read

Reading One: Tension in Analyst-Policymaker Relations: Opinions, Facts, and Evidence

The reading talks about the pressure concerning policymaker criticism towards the performance of intelligence, the political content, and intensity of policymaker. In the US, politics, and government have competing agendas and personalities. Hence, joining in the process of policy making can be uncomfortable for analysts, since policy officials live in a state of criticism to serve the public. For example, James Schlesinger, the former DCJ noted that every US leader has entitled for his/her own opinion but not the fact which leads to a policy decision.

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Key Questions

The key questions from the material include what mission of intelligence analyst that apply in in-depth substantive expertise concerning policymaking? The disputes that arise among analytical policymakers during the interpretation of the proof concerning matters that are known by policy or intelligence professionals?

Key Concepts

The concept discussed in the material are the techniques that DI analyst should involve ensuring proper American policy-making process through setting measurable and practical goals. Also, for appropriate policy making, the managers and analyst should be vigilant in deterring, identifying unprofessional assessment, especially when engaging analysis, and intelligent professionals.Conclusions and Findings

Analytical tradecraft and Policy critics have been questioning the policymaking process, for instance, Arnold Kantor, Steven Hadley, and Paul Wolfowitz. Hence the DI leadership need to consider commissioning analytical effort towards policymaker criticism. Also, the DDI need to launch the initiative to codify, identify, and teach the essential practices concerning the act of making an informed decision on the policy.

Reading Two: Intelligence and Policy

The material focuses on the policy maker's desire towards bureaucratic and substantive support to the intelligence community. The policymakers want the intelligence to make an informed decision regarding bureaucratic deliberations. But the intelligence participants noticed that the policy decision makers had multiple approaches about IC and styles of dealing with analytical interlocutors. Hence, the analytical community needed to deliver product mainly to the policy community to allow the content exchange of the product.

Key Questions

The questions the reading raises is why the intelligent officers blame the policymakers concerning their failure? Why the Central Intelligence Director fails to implement the policy, yet he is responsible for implementing all aspects of the plans?

Key Concepts

The key concepts the material discusses is the role of policymakers towards ending the bureaucratic and the support it accords to the Intelligent Community.

Findings and conclusions

The policymakers were unable to make use of Intelligent Community to address the issues like bureaucratic so, proper measures were vital to ensure appropriate decision making.

Reading Three: Challenging 'redline' between Intelligence and Policy.

The material warns the intelligence officers that, to sustain the credibility by use of policy community, they need to express policy preference rather than informing its discussion. The majority noted that the 'redline' become blurred during the cold war due to terrorism, technology, and perpetual conflicts which had an impact on the intelligence community and policymakers. Also, the global war on operation and terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan dominated intelligent priorities and foreign policy. Thus the president and seniors relied on daily intelligent to organize the Iraq conflict.

Key Questions

What is the role that intelligence performs in the foreign policy process? This question is apparent in the material since the intelligence community needs to maintain credibility.

Key Concepts

The key concept discussed in the material is the effort of the intelligence community towards defining new resource base since there are national security issues like ethnic fighting, humanitarian disasters, weapon proliferation, and narcotics fighting. The intelligent priority stopped supporting the military operations since the CIA analytical resources financed CMO operations.

Findings and Conclusions

The intelligence shaped the foreign policy in the United States but eventually faced the challenges due to the catastrophic terrorist which changed the CIA

Reading Four: Studies Intelligence

The material discusses the Earnests Will that is released in 1988 after the end of the Iraq war. The Earnest Will was known as Washington feedback towards Kuwait request regarding Maritime protection during the Iraq war. However, in 1987, the CIA warned Iran against the preparation of conventional military confrontation to the US.

Key Questions

the questions raised from the material is how the subordinate debates concerning Tehran decision-making as well as how its reliability would affect Iran towards Earnest Will convoys confrontation?

Key Concepts

The concept discussed is the subordinate debates regarding the decision-making of Tehran as well as reliability of C2 assessment on how Iran has criticized the Earnest Will Convoy. How Les Aspin, the chairman of House Armed service committee, released the press conference concerning the Reagan administration scandal and the impact it has on Earnest Will.

Findings and Conclusions

Earnest Will showed the problems in giving intelligence support. Hence, the Intelligent Community offered the United States support to protect its military.

Reading Five: Improving CIA Analytical Performance: DI Priorities

The material discusses DI leadership since the way analysts are trained, recruited, rewarded, and deployed becomes a challenge. The factors which affect the leadership skills include, lack of experience congressional funding and policy focus. However, proper training program should be produced to provide quality analysts.

Key Questions

The question the reading raises are what measures will be needed to ensure analysts enroll graduate or university courses within their areas of expertise as well as establishing contacts with their experts in the private sectors?

Key Concepts

The key concepts discussed are the measures of ensuring proper leadership. For example, the analyst should manage open source exploitation and intelligence collection activities effectively and evaluate the authenticity and diagnosticity of information. They should also develop in-depth expertise and mission general capabilities that are useful in analytical tasks

Findings and Conclusions

The leadership of analysts is alarming due to their number, lack of experience, and working for challenging targets issues. Therefore, they need to be encouraged to work in their area of interest to avoid rotating to different managerial positions.

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Paper Example on the Performance of Intelligence Services. (2023, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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