Society Sentencing: Different Crimes, Different Judgments - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-12
Society Sentencing: Different Crimes, Different Judgments - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law Drug abuse
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1232 words
11 min read


Society accords different sentences for the various crimes perpetrated by individuals. The variations in the judgments emerge from the fact that the society jurisdictional guidelines portray different magnitude correlated with the atrocities performed following the implications of such crime on others. Therefore, the more detrimental the crime perceives to the society, the more considerable the judgment imposed on the afflicted offender. In this write-up, I will offer a remarkable emphasis on addressing the disparities existing in the sentences of the rapist and the drug dealers in society.

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From the evidence attained from judgments imposed on drug dealers and rapists, it achieves ascertain that the society jurisdictions deliver longer sentences for drug dealers than the sentences inflicted on rapists (Underwood). However, the fact that the drug dealers accrue a considerable jail sentence appears to be mesmerizing, given that individuals in the society are the ones who for drugs from the drug dealers, but no one asks for rape. In the year 2009, it attained establishment from the reports of Incest National Network and the Rape Abuse institutions that for several 100 rapist personnel, two of them spend just a day behind bars (Underwood). In contrast, the reports presented by Justice Statistics of the United States Bureau, the research mechanisms perpetrated in the year 2014, established that 50% of the federal prison inmates accrued imprisonment as a result of offenses correlating with drug trafficking.

The information regarding the high rate of the incarnation of drug offenders attains accreditation partially from the fact that the drug businesses constitute colossal sums of money in their perpetrations (Underwood). The campaign correlated with the elimination of drug abuse in the United States. It attained nourishment from the declarations of President Nixon in the year 1971, which implied drug tracking as the number one public enemy of the United States. Besides, President Nixon outlined a methodology of all-out offensive mechanisms for ensuring the triumphant nature of the US in the fight against drug tracking (Underwood). Moreover, Nixon extensively funded the treatment programs for drug afflicted individuals in an attempt to curb the demand for drug usage in the US. Consequently, the president insisted on the imperative nature of treatment program because the existence of drug demand will, in turn, result in the provision of such drugs as some individuals will take risks in an attempt to meet such requirements (Underwood). The temperance view on the addition of disease divulged extensively from the policies enhanced by the president. Accordingly, the strict ideology reinforced by the president in the address of drug trafficking, in turn, translated into unbearable judgment perpetrated by the arrested law offenders.

Crime Perpetrators

The society's strategy of dealing with rapists appears at considerable ease on the crime perpetrators. However, the lesser sentence associated with therapists accrues from the fact that the evidence collection process to the rape cases deems unclear in the manner of perpetration (Underwood). Therefore, accurate results concerning a sexual assault happening appear daunting in the establishment mechanisms. For instance, twitter portrayed a case stumble in Anchorage, Alaska, where a man spent no time in prison for perpetrated a crime of strangling a woman to unconsciousness that he attained establishment to have masturbated on (Underwood). Consequently, a doctor also spent no time behind bars for assaulting a patient in sedation. However, the status quo accrues evidence that the data collection process correlated with the events of rate appears meager for the perpetration of stiff sentences on the offenders.

Utilization of Drugs

Furthermore, the considerable harm associated with the utilization of drugs in society makes the sentences correlated with such crimes considerably. The damage induced by the drugs results in the triggering other crimes in the community, diseases as well as the death of the drugs abusers (LOOFBOUROW). Therefore, drug tracking portrays itself constituting colossal afflictions to the well-being of the society as well as the individuals residing in it. Accordingly, the efforts directed against drug utilization in the community correlate with the mechanisms about reducing the implications such as death, diseases, and suffering accrued by the drug utilizers (LOOFBOUROW). The only adequate methodology for the elimination of drug utilization afflictions relates to the removal of the supply of drugs in society. To exceptionally eliminate drug supply in the community, the law enforcers should focus on imposing considerable judgments on the suppliers of such medications. The understandings mechanisms affected should, in turn, translate into substantial jail sentences to induce fear on the drug dealers leading to them shunning their actions (LOOFBOUROW). Consequently, the success associated with the war against drug tracking deems difficult, but the continuity of incarnation of the drug offenders will facilitate the process of elimination of the lethal effects of drug usage.

Perpetration of longer jail sentences for drug dealers reduces the usage of drugs extensively in society. However, the penalties imposed on the drug dealers deem to be cruel to the individuals afflicted (LOOFBOUROW). The considerable penalties arise due to the fact that society itself promotes the actions of drug dealers in drug tracking. The community purchases extensively the drugs offered by drug dealers willingly. The negative impacts arising from the usage of the substances accrues due to social participation in the procurement and utilization of the drugs. However, the compensation associated with the longest jail sentences results from the colossal amount of money achieved by the drug dealers in the society (LOOFBOUROW). The high prices quoted on the drugs aids in the mechanisms of suppressing the usage of drugs in the community.

The problem afflicting society deems intrinsic with the strategies tailored to the punishment of black-market suppliers. Consequently, the implications of incapacitation attain a considerable undermine because the incarnated drug dealers accrue replacement quickly (Brennan 48). The imprisonment of a rapist will result in the reduction of rape cases, but locking up a black market perpetrator does not prevent business dealings in the black market arena. However, the longest jail sentences for drug dealers facilitate the methodology of limiting the enhancement of drug dealing businesses in a short term nature (Brennan 52). Moreover, the arrest performed on the drug dealing offenders provides a link to the arrest of other drug offenders in society. Besides, the society jurisdictions should also take rape cases more severe in the manner of administration of effectual judgment. The judgment of rape cases should not correlate to longer jail sentences but in the style of perpetration of investigations associated with the crime (Brennan 56). The adequate research will, in turn, enhance the processes of determining the guilty parties in the perpetration of rape vices in the society leading to remarkable judgment delivery.


In this write-up, a remarkable presentation of sentence disparities between rapists and drug dealers has attained an exceptional address. From the insinuations established, drug dealers suffer considerable jail sentences as compared to therapists. However, the disparities associated with the sentence differences accrue from the impact of the crimes in the society.

Work Cited

Underwood, Krystal. "Why Do Drug Dealers Serve Longer Sentences Than Rapists? A Look Into The War On Drugs And The American Criminal Justice System". 2016, Accessed 23 June 2020.

LOOFBOUROW, LILI. "Why Society Goes Easy On Rapists Our Criminal Justice System Still Doesn’T Take Seriously One Of The Most Heinous Acts A Person Can Commit.". 2019, Accessed 23 June 2020.

GARMAN, JULIE, and PAULINE K. BRENNAN. "Incapacitation and Sentencing." Routledge Handbook of Corrections in the United States. Routledge, 2017. 46-59.

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