Should Scientists Be Cut Out of the Policy Making Process? Essay Example

Published: 2019-12-20
Should Scientists Be Cut Out of the Policy Making Process? Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics Political science Science
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 622 words
6 min read

Over the recent years, the relationship between politics and science has been uneasy (Silver 2006). The governments across the world have continued to expand their support in the science researches conducted in individual countries. The expansion in the field of environmental as scientists struggle to find remedies for various impending disasters calls for an increase in the budget allocation for the sector. Despite the efforts of these scientists, their voice is weakened by the same government officials (Lamb 2005). The members of the congress make the vital decisions after completion of a project. The scientists are cut off from major decision making after finalization of the project.

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Scientists have the right to be included in major decisions involving their projects. The inclusion is a source of motivation for the scientists as it gives them a feeling of appreciation. Science is considered as part of politics. However, there should be a blend between the two aspects that is science and politics (Pielke 2006). The overall decision-making process after a successful research should involve discussion between the government and the designated scientists. The scientific societies have the responsibility to address these issues to the government. The societies give the scientists the ability to speak in a unanimous voice. The societies have the power to influence people during the election periods. However, the scientists do not have a significant effect in political issues. The congress is currently involved in climate change deliberations. During such discussions, it is vital for the members of the congress should include several scientists to voice their opinion in the matter and shape the direction of the talks. In general, there is need to involve the scientists in crucial decision-making process before and after a project.

Do lobbyists and special groups have an influence in funding the environmental researches?

Special groups and lobbyists campaigning for environmental sustainability spend millions as they try to foster talks in the Congress. These efforts have seen an increase in the funding of environmental projects. However, the congress has imposed several bills to curb the power of the lobbyists. The groups have developed approaches that are aimed at evading the imposed policies (Milojevich 2014). The special groups and lobbyist group action have increased their activities and influences the increase of the federal government funding of projects. The interest groups make demands to the government to increase funding of vital projects that have an effect on the entire society. Environmental projects are crucial and require as much funding as the medical researches.

The groups use different tactics in ensuring that the funds they are advocating for are provided. Models in political science suggest that for the lobbyists groups must have a significant impact on the legislature so that there are higher chances of being funded. There must be mutual understanding between the groups and the legislature which requires trust between the two. The lobbyists are believed to have an effect on the voting process of the legislature. However, other scholars have indicated that the groups have no power over the Congress but rather they reinforce the legislatures decisions (Milojevich 2014). The groups also play a major part in interpreting the Congress policies and plans. Also, the Congress has the option to assent to the proposals of a group that is believed to have expertise on the matter being deliberated. It is, thus, clear that lobbyist groups and special groups have a role in influencing the government to increase funding of researches.


Lamb, G. (2005). Science and politics: a dangerous mix. Christian Science Monitor, 97(213), 11-13.Milojevich, A. K. (2014). Interest Groups, Political Party Control, Lobbying, and ScienceFunding: A Population Ecology Approach.

Pielke Jr, R. A. (2006). When scientists politicize science. Regulation, 29, 28.Silver, H. J. (2006). Science and politics: The uneasy relationship. Open Spaces Quarterly, 8.

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