Essay Sample on Root Causes of Low Crimes Resulting in Capital Punishments

Published: 2023-08-26
Essay Sample on Root Causes of Low Crimes Resulting in Capital Punishments
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1137 words
10 min read


Find out the root causes of low crimes that resulted in capital punishments. Secondly, there was a need to have a significant understanding of sentences and charges for a perpetrated crime. Again, understand how the criminals are charging, and the criminal studies of the law rules are working.

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What Deliverable Was Accomplished?

In the first week, I will interview a targeted population. Ideally, I was interested in the purported offenders as well as the judiciary who ruled on the different cases over capital punishment. On the second and the third day, I will visit cells and detention facilities equipped with the permits and resources to hold capital offenders. On days four and five, I will make observations around the cells, the law courts, and the new Harding online on the determinations of law on deterrence and capital justice. On the sixth day, I was supposed to analyze whatever I had gathered from that week's sources concerning capital punishment and deterrence. Come Week two, and I had plans to contact the senior lawyers and the magistrates as well as the registrar of the courts regarding the issues of capital offenders being punished and getting to know their standpoints on deterrence.

On the fourth day, I visited the online sources and understood the universal scholarly information and capital punishment structure. In the fifth and sixth days of the research, I will create a sketch on what I comprehend and follow according to the data I have already conducted. On the seventh day of week two, I planned to make an analysis using the scientific methods and data collected to understand the information. The information helped me draw a comprehensive picture of the ways of the precise level of the differences in the interpretation of data on the different groups according to capital punishment. On Week Three, I will be in pursuit of understanding the data regarding the various data views and knowledge in society. In the last days of the fourth week, I will be analyzing the data analysis findings in the community and its impact on the law. On Week four, I will be inclined to make recommendations regarding the people within the law and capital punishment.

What Did You Discover in the Process of Interacting With the Deliverable(s)?

In my process of understanding and ensuring I provide a credible document regarding capital punishment. I faced substantial success, and the challenges were worth the while. Initially, I had the thought that amid the involved people I would interact and interview regarding my research who some were not responsive willingly. Some of the objectives and goals that I had set were not realized since they seemed to be overshadowed by other purposes. For instance, I had plans to meet the offenders and seek to understand the offences and understand whether the crimes were low and whether the little crimes were considered capital offences. From the analysis, I was more inclined to the deterrence of capital punishment.

Describe Your Activities This Week About Completing the Pieces of Your Work Plan for the Capstone. Provide Descriptions/Updates for Each Daily Task From Your Work Plan and Explain How You Accomplished That Task.

Capital punishment, either directly or via a spillover effect, has a deterrent effect on white-collar crimes. Using data on nearly 150 nations and various dimensions of capital punishment, including capital punishment for nonviolent crimes, we consider two widely prevalent whitecollar crimes—corruption and the shadow economy (Parsons & Sherwood, 2016). Nesting the empirical analysis in the broader literature on determinants of corruption and the shadow economy, we find that capital punishment in general reduced both crime and the shadow economy, and the deterrent effect on the shadow economy was relatively more prevalent. Capital punishment has been considered to be influencing society at large, but could it be leading to retaliation other than as a warning to crime perpetrators? The ideal and recorded crimes are crime-corruption, and the shadow economy (Parsons & Sherwood, 2016). There are presumptions that there will be a general reduction of corruption and the shadow economy and the preventive impacts on the shadow economy was a bit prevalent.

What Did You Learn This Week About Your Topic?

There is a substantial takeaway from the topic, and they all revolve around inadequate investigations and corruption within the judicial systems. There have been executions on the perpetrators, but there are some traces of the same courts of law. For instance, several families and friends have lost their loved ones on bullets from police officers who claim to either had their lives threatened, stray bullets, or mistaken identity (Smith et al., 2017). The unfortunate truth is that the local prosecutor has grown interested in ensuring that the perpetrators are not held accountable. To curb all this, there has to be an implicit bias training for the law-enforcers state and the local police involved in task forces.

What Ideas Do You Have for Addressing the Criminal Justice Problem You Want to Solve?

To be in a position to address the issue, I believe I should be fair enough to consider not only the judicial systems but rather even the society and what happens for them to be held, culprits. First, from the societal background, approximately 50 to 80% of the convicts test positive on drugs, especially hard drugs. A significant number of drug users are candidates to conviction (Crawford, & Evans, 2017). Dealing with the issue of social interactions will curb all cases. For the judiciary, there has to be transparency and stick to the oath.

What New Challenges Have Presented Themselves? What Is Your Plan for Addressing Those Challenges?

It has come to my attention that a significant number of criminals have a mental illness. In the United States, 44% of inmates have suffered a psychological problem (Crawford & Evans, 2017). Cybercrimes have crept in the judicial rooms as the crimes are not easily traceable since the crimes are conducted virtually. I would advocate for personal vigilance on personal data and information and, with the help of the government, enact penalties to the perpetrators (Crawford, & Evans, 2017).

Are You on Target With Your Daily Plan That You Submitted in Week 3? If No, Why Not?

I am not in line with the daily plans I submitted in week three because there have been issues coming up that altered my plan since they showed considerable gaps in the society and the judicial systems, thus calling for extensive elaboration.


Crawford, A., & Evans, K. (2017). Crime prevention and community safety.

Parsons, S., & Sherwood, G. (2016). Vulnerability in custody: perceptions and practices of police officers and criminal justice professionals in meeting the communication needs of offenders with learning disabilities and learning difficulties. Disability & Society, 31(4), 553-572.

Smith, C., Spinelli, M. B., & Klofas, J. (2017). Community Views on Criminal Justice: Methodology.

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Essay Sample on Root Causes of Low Crimes Resulting in Capital Punishments. (2023, Aug 26). Retrieved from

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