Research Paper on The 9/11 World Trade Centre Attack

Published: 2023-05-14
Research Paper on The 9/11 World Trade Centre Attack
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Terrorism American history
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1645 words
14 min read

The 9/11 World Trade Center Attack was one of the numerous sad occasions that have ever happened in the United States and deadliest assault in world history. This awful occasion occurred in 2001 and was completed by psychological militant utilizing four Boeing 767 planes stacked with travelers, and 20,000 gallons of fly fuel. Two of the four Boeing 767 planes were used to target the World Trade Center Twin Towers situated in New York City, the third plane was used to target the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and the fourth plane flew into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This occasion caused the breakdown of the Twin Towers and essential harm to a few structures inside the World Trade Center (WTC) just as other encompassing structures, and the obliteration of the western exterior of the Pentagon. The all-out by and considerable harm cost from this occasion was $178 billion in U.S. dollars. This awful episode prompted 2,753 fatalities at the WTC. One hundred eighty-four individuals at the Pentagon, and 40 individuals on the plane that smashed in Pennsylvania. The most pulverizing occasion occurred at the WTC.

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The main activity by people and associations involved directly or indirectly with the catastrophe was to safeguard and help individuals at the Twin Towers and Pentagon. The New York City Fire Department workers settled on an ethical decision to place the lives of the individuals in the Twin Towers before their own (Olshansky et al., 2014). The idea of self-preservation was nonexistent as they entered the Towers, advancing up the stairway to discover harmed workers and rescue them. A few individuals willingly volunteered to look for their colleagues before evacuating their floor; one worker by the name Abe Zelmanowitz surrendered his life by declining to abandon his incapacitated associate. Organizations situated in the zone of the World Trade Centre permitted injured individuals to take cover in their business and gave nourishment and beverages complimentary. At the Pentagon, one tour guide rendered help the individuals who were injured, and at that point, took a chance with his life by returning into the structure while it was ablaze. Canada had a modest community that helped by bringing in almost 6,700 individuals and lodging 750 individuals as 38 planes had to be rerouted and land there.

The local, state, and government organizations also reacted to the catastrophe. The Federal Emergency Management Administration and the Environmental Protection Administration were entrusted with organizing the global recovery and rescue efforts. The New York City Office of Emergency Management guided assets to the World Trade Centre zone, and the government offices ensured that area to be turned into a no-fly zone for all airplanes. The local, state emergency clinic-based private ambulances were given to render help in the moving of injured individuals to both private and state medical clinics (Huddy and Feldman, 2011). Encompassing medical clinics moved current patients around by merging them depending on their status to create room for the injured individuals that were they going to receive from the WTC.

The associations in New York needed to respond to this occasion utilizing a responsive approach, as they needed to make a move during and following the calamity and were ill-equipped to respond to this sort of disaster. The nonexistence of preparedness affected their general strategic approach. The pressure of starting hunt and salvage operations as promptly was a contributing variable. It was the association's obligation to incorporate social duty, respectability, and business morals in their choices and their activities. The social responsibility of the associations was to address the environment, public health suggestions, and the security of the responders and the individuals who worked and lived in the territory. The associations additionally needed to have trustworthiness among them as they were cooperating for one shared objective.

The 9/11 Attack tremendously affected the moral culture in the United States. The attack brought individuals from all over the world and those of various cultures together to help the affected areas. It also reinforced the moral perception, as individuals have become more sensitive to things that happen around them and are increasingly inclined to help somebody when required. New Yorkers will, in general, avoiding things that do not relate to them, but after the 9/11 event, people are progressively well-suited to render help regardless of the circumstance. As a community, it has reflected a similar disposition within individuals in general. Since the 9/11 World Trade Centre attack, there have been other terrible occasions where individuals have postponed their convictions and do what many would consider as making the best choice. The 9/11 attack additionally made an expansion in the number of individuals joining the military and changed tasks currently performed at the airport.

Nevertheless, some lamentable occasions will have a negative impact as the strict convictions of the criminals have affected how Non-Muslims treat those of Muslim faith (Simon and Teperman, 2011). People started to target Muslims basing how they dress, while before the 9/11 attack, they were rarely harassed. It demonstrates that an insignificant occasion can influence ethical beliefs. The events that occurred during 9/11 shown the significance of a sufficient and proficient evacuation and recovery plan, and what can turn out badly without one.

Different direct and indirect reactions emerged in response to this attack. In the first place, the survivors of the United Airlines Flight 93 coordinated and attempted to strike back at their hijackers to recover control of the plane. However, regardless of their right-minded decision to spare lives, their captors, in the long run, detonated the plane killing all the occupants before the retaliation. Associations like The American Red Cross assembled material and money related assets from the public and private contributors to cater to the requirements of the accident casualties and their relations as a social concern.

Upon the declaration of the disaster, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grounded all non-critical civilian flights to forestall events of flight hijacking. They guaranteed that flight voyaging landed securely at nearby air terminals. Similarly, philanthropic efforts by non-administrative specialists initiated helping the people in question +and their families adapt up to the circumstance. Besides, efforts to forestall more losses saw both the U.S. president and New York's representative declare a crisis in Washington D.C. and New York individually. Consequently, police specialists limited development to the site of occurrence for deliberate rescue and evacuation from the accident site. The neighborhood residents in a joint effort with the U.S. government saved individuals covered in the remnants, and they also donated blood hugely to the casualties in emergency clinics.

Various organizations utilized distinctive assistance strategies such as the organized rescue response together with State agencies. As a social obligation, the Red Cross dispatched prepared volunteers for responsive, passionate, and physical guide and started drives for blood donations at different foundations. Centers of relief were also established around the area of the disaster to house firefighters, rescued victims, and police as recuperation workers took an interest in the rescue works. A short time later, relief reserves were added to certify raising money battles to help the generous administrations gave. The strain to the demonstrations of sympathy originated from the philanthropic drive to save lives. Thinking about the massive loss of human beings, numerous residents related to the calamity and started kindhearted efforts to end more deaths.

The charitable nature of the residents communicated the moral integrity outlook in donations and the sorted out rescue missions. Organizations and individuals helped the injured and their families promptly paying little heed to their social class or racial indifferences. Empathy and nationalism constrained them to dedicate their time and money, notwithstanding fiasco, to help the affected families by giving them sanctuary and essential needs. To deal with the injury experienced by the casualties, the State Microsoft and Red Cross brought together relatives through online stages, telephone correspondence administrations, and the Compassion Center to advising and offer further help. The affirmation and statement of the national catastrophe by the administration genuinely assisted with planning rescue efforts and containing the disturbance by confining passage back and forth in New York. Later on, commissions were set up to investigate the effect of the catastrophe on different parts of the economy. An exhibition hall was additionally established in memory of the attack to respect the lives lost and celebrate the harmony of the American citizens.

Following this attack, there was a dive in the economy nationally and internationally since the disaster devastated various business, especially those situated inside the WTC structures and its region. There were additionally indirect losses in different segments where money-related tasks were stopped to focus on the glaring catastrophe. From the post-attack financial investigation, the attack caused $16 billion in damages in New York City. The strain to reestablish the waning economy and restore the affected enterprises activated steady economic monitoring by Small Business Administration in the U.S. They chose offering disaster recovery loans surpassing $1 billion to the affected organizations. From a moral perspective in essential business enterprise, it was kind of the administration to assist business people with revamping their efforts, considering that most little owners needed protection against national disasters, and relied on the enterprises for their sustenance.

The outcomes of this attack prompted moral changes fundamentally in the U.S. The government and its citizens figured out how to recognize weakness to human terror regardless of their innovative technologies. America perceived the requirement for esteeming different nations, especially the individuals who supported the charitable donations and helped them revamp the broken spirit. They then took a correct stand of controlling extraordinary avionics related threats with the FAA imposing strict security guidelines at air terminals. They initiated extensive efforts to screen customers' luggage and surveying the knowledge from the CIA and FBI seriously to make consciousness of onboard customers. Consequently, the calamity imparted the righteousness of modesty in the American culture since the attack decimated the sentiment of uniqueness. However, it caused prejudice to the Islamic religion, whose members were viewed as the culprits of terror.

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Research Paper on The 9/11 World Trade Centre Attack. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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