Paper Sample on Causes of Increased Political Protests

Published: 2023-12-25
Paper Sample on Causes of Increased Political Protests
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics World Social issue
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 979 words
9 min read


Large-scale protests have increased in recent years and have been characterized by geographically. Political protests have emerged heated debates among international relations experts, especially about the emergence of citizen mobilization (Klein, & Regan, 2018). Though there have been political protests in the past, the current trend protests are unique and affect all parts of the world. There are several causes associated with increased political protests across the world. Thus, it is crucial to establish the exact causes of increased political protests across the world to find long-term solutions to linked crises.

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Meaning of Political Protests

Before evaluating the reasons behind increased political protests across the globe, it very critical to understand the meaning of political violence. The political protest involves an individual or group of people attempting to address or stop perceived injustices within a given political system without overthrowing the regime itself (Shkvarya et al., 2016). Political protesters always have grievances that the political systems in question can correct and improve themselves. At a given time, political protesters usually don't rely on old traditions, for instance, voting, etc., because they usually consider them less useful or time-consuming regarding their pursuit. Political protests usually take various forms (Shkvarya et al., 2016). They can be nonviolent such as petitions, strikes, works of arts, and peaceful demonstrations.

On the other hand, they can be violent, leading to the destruction of properties, injuries, and lives lost. Usually, violent political protests target agents of the regime (Shkvarya et al., 2016). Again, nonviolent protests sometimes turn violent, depending on the government response.

Global Financial Crisis

Many factors have contributed to the global financial crisis. The first aspect of the economic crisis is various governments' approaches to engaging in excessive risk-taking in a favorable macroeconomic environment (Klein, & Regan, 2018). The other aspect is that many regimes have engaged in regulation and policy errors (Shkvarya et al., 2016). The third aspect is the fact that many governments have allowed increased borrowing by banks and investors.

Police Brutality

The first aspect here the separation of power in various departs of police. Another aspect that encourages police brutality is that the police still enjoy many advantages as far as legal protections are concerned (Alang et al., 2017). The third aspect that critically contributes to police brutality is racial profiling (Klein, & Regan, 2018). Many other causative factors also contribute to police brutality, and they include the militarization of police, the emergence of bias police unions that work hard to protect the officers even if they breach fundamental human rights.

In the first context, the media provides meaningful information to protestors that help them carry out their undertakings. Another aspect is that many mainstream media are owned by cooperates that may have been inflicted on specific political directions (Fergusson, & Molina, 2019). Thus, such media outlets will be biased in their coverage, and the context may erupt political protests. Another aspect here is that media platforms, such as social media, may provide incorrect messages that may trigger political protests.


The global economic crisis has led to many both nonviolent and violent political protests. This has contributed to governments engaged in macroeconomic dynamics risks, which make them incur massive losses (Shkvarya et al., 2016). Again, different regimes' erratic regulations have led to an economic recession that has negatively impacted various regimes' financial stability. Many governments have also allowed bonks and lenders to borrow excessive loans and thus leading to defaults. The three aspects have made many regimes to lack sufficient resources to distribute to their subjects. As a result, governments have not been able to distribute resources equally, leading to protests.

Many protestors have also rallied against police brutality. Such brutality has been caused by the separation of power in various police departments (Alang et al., 2017). This has given more power to a particular department leading to increased involvement in brutality. Another aspect is that police still have the advantage of legal protection even if they engage in brutality. Many civil rights groups and individuals have also protested over the same (Alang et al., 2017). Police unions also overprotect officers, and this is another thing that has caused many people to protest. The fact that police engage in racial profiling has also significantly resulted in much political violence, such as the Black Lives Matter protests in the US.

Media has also played a more significant role in the eruption of various protests across the world. Firstly, the media has helped to protestors to acquire the information they want to organize various protests. Again, since certain media outlets have been inflicted politically, they have encouraged many protestors to organize rallies that have sometimes turned violent (Fergusson, & Molina, 2019). Again, all media platforms have enlightened people about their rights and thus have exploited rallies as one of their democratic rights. Unfortunately, some of the protests have turned violent.


Political protests have indeed increased in the last 10 years. Many factors have contributed to such protests. The essential spectrum is to critically evaluate the causative factors and then followed by the proper intervention. Governments or regimes should be very keen to review the various aspects that led to political protests and make an adequate intervention. Again, governments should spend a lot on providing civic education to alleviate the occurrence of violent protests that could lead to an economic recession.


Alang, S., McAlpine, D., McCreedy, E., & Hardeman, R. (2017). Police brutality and black health: Setting the agenda for public health scholars. American journal of public health, 107(5), 662-665.

Fergusson, L., & Molina, C. (2019). Facebook causes protests. Documento CEDE, (41).

Klein, G. R., & Regan, P. M. (2018). Dynamics of Political Protests. International Organization, 72(2), 485.

Shkvarya, L., Grigorenko, O., Strygin, A., Rusakovich, V., & Shilina, S. (2016). The impact of the global economic crisis on Asian technology markets (India and China). Central Asia and the Caucasus, 17(2), 103.

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