Paper Example on Components of Crime Prevention and Homeland Security

Published: 2022-12-09
Paper Example on Components of Crime Prevention and Homeland Security
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law Homeland security
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 991 words
9 min read

Definition of terms and their significance to Homeland security

Critical assessment: This is a process or product of systematically, evaluating, identifying and prioritizing the importance of functioning, mission, and continuity of operation (Hampton-Reeves, 2010). This type of assessment also identifies the infrastructure and assets that support the Department of Defence units, tasks or activities deemed by either by civilian agency managers or military commanders

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The threat assessment is a group structured to evaluate the risk posed by someone typically by responding to the perceived or actual threat concerning the person's character (Gelles, Sasaki-Swindle, & Palarea, 2012). This assessment is also used by Homeland security to respond to incidences about violence

The vulnerability assessment is a procedure of identifying, classifying, prioritizing and defining vulnerabilities in applications and network infrastructures, computer systems by providing the organization an evaluation that has the relevant knowledge and awareness of risk background to bring the understanding that causes threats to the environment (Gerlovina, 2017). Homeland security uses this system to react promptly to any security threat.

The difference between Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Assessment

Quantitative and qualitative are adjectives that apply to the risk assessment. The difference between the two is that quantitative assess the risk quantitatively but does not assess the quantitative risk (Ribeiro, Pina, Soares, & Lopes, 2011). The qualitative risk, on the other hand, describes the sources of the dangers attained.

The Description and Components of Crime Prevention

Crime prevention is when a group of security personnel attempts to deter and reduce criminals and crime. The method is applied explicitly by governments to enforce the law, maintain criminal justice and reduce crime. Components that reduce crime make it possible because it commits itself no matter the motivation or intent of the offender thus deterring the offender from causing more offense (Henson, 2010). The system also reduces cues that motivate an individual to commit a crime in case of public events.

The first procedure in preventing crime is to be aware of the order to use before one becomes a victim. Everyone, in this case, should be mindful that crime prevention is a shared responsibility and not police, societal or college problem. This is done by addressing the entire community (Bjorgo, 2016). For a crime to take place; there must be a crime triangle. This refers to the factors that increase the risk of a crime namely: desire, ability, and opportunity (Henson, 2010). With the knowledge and intent to commit a crime being possible without excuse means there is low or no risk of it taking place. In the past apprehension was the primary goal in crime prevention. Nevertheless, prevention is better than cure and preventing crime hence reducing it has now become more critical.

Focus on not giving the opportunity of crime now becomes the primary goal for every person to take responsibility. Campus safety and security have recently become a concern for colleges and Universities throughout the United States and the world over (Hope, 2018). Consequently, every college and university now has its security and police service as well as awareness and educational program (Henson, 2010). This is to stress the fact that each person in this setting works together to reduce the risk of crimes on campus benefiting everyone in and around it.

The CARVER and CARVER plus shock methods pointing out their strengths and weaknesses

The food sector has taken up the use of an offensive targeting prioritization tool known as the CARVER plus Shock method. The weak points and risks prone to attack can be found in a system or infrastructure using this tool. One of the advantages is to be able to see the targets for an attack from the attacker's point of view. This method helps in knowing the most vulnerable position in infrastructure by undertaking a risk assessment at the weakest point and focusing most resources and energy on it (Ema, Ferdousi, Sultana, & Mamun, 2015). The disadvantage is the constitution of a group of experts to determine the valuation. These experts are in food production, toxicology, food science and microbiology, epidemiology, and risk assessment.

The strength and weaknesses in the ASIS seven-step approach

ASIS International is a group of security professionals highly regarded all around the world. They assist in the protection of crucial infrastructure and mainly from terrorist attacks (Rajib & Nasipuri, 2016). The approach Guideline shows a system where risk assessments are done of security in a specific location with a solution for each problem.

Strengths of the ASIS seven-step program

It assists in having relationships with others preparing for board exams, enhancing knowledge in test-taking tips, focusing on own study plan, and knowing strong points to gain additional preparation and understanding the critical aspects of a review (Rajib & Nasipuri, 2016). This enhances security and makes security personnel alert.

Weaknesses of ASIS

The ASIS approach looks at any loss risk through the vulnerability analysis. By doing so, it ensures that anything that can be taken advantage of is carried out as a threat (Rajib & Nasipuri, 2016). The procedure, in other words, highlights the weakness points by constructing a framework of countermeasures and subsequent analysis to avoid having false information during protection.


Bjorgo, T. (2016). Introduction: A Comprehensive Model for Preventing Crime. Preventing Crime, 1-35. doi:10.1057/9781137560483_1

Ema, S. A., Ferdousi, M., Sultana, S., & Mamun, A. A. (2015). The CARVER and CARVER plus shock methods. The Journal of CARVER Plus, 130(3). doi:10.1140/epjp/i2015-15046-0

Gelles, M. G., Sasaki-Swindle, K., & Palarea, R. E. (2012). Threat Assessment. Journal of Threat Assessment, 2(1), 55-66. doi:10.1300/j177v02n01_04

Gerlovina, Z. (2017). Trait Vulnerability Assessment. Oxford Medicine Online. doi:10.1093/med/9780190260859.003.0004

Hampton-Reeves, S. (2011). Critical Assessment. Othello, 141-153. doi:10.1007/978-1-137-26810-5_6

Hope, J. (2018). Implement a range of options for staffing campus safety unit. Campus Security Report, 15(1), 6-7. doi:10.1002/casr.30375

Rajib, M. M., & Nasipuri, A. (2016). ASIS International. 2016 Acronym of Australian Secret Intelligence Service.,2(22), 56-76. doi:10.1109/nas.2016.7549409

Ribeiro, M. S., Pina, J. P., Soares, J., & Lopes, M. C. (2011). Quantitative vs. Qualitative Criteria for Credit Risk Assessment. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2(11), 114-135. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2012443

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