Global Inequities Essay Sample

Published: 2022-10-04
Global Inequities Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Discrimination Diversity
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1143 words
10 min read

Global inequality refers to the imbalance in human development, social inequality, and the state of living among various people in the world. The challenges of global inequality are that; it brings about the disparity in resource allocation, health, education, population, and poor governance (Singh 1).

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Disparities Linked To Birthright And Citizenship

According to global statistics, children who are given birth in economically developing countries are five times more likely to die before reaching the age of 5 years. But, those who manage to outlive there early years will be like to experience lack of necessities such as access to shelter, water, and food. The lack of access to food will make them ten times more likely to be malnourished when compared to the children borne to highly economically endowed countries. Furthermore, most of these children will not access basic education, and most of those who drop out of school are girls (Shachar 3).

Global health disparities

Global health disparities have led to the devastating effects such as high mortality rates on Africans countries as opposed to Europeans countries. The primary reason why most diseases result in more deaths in African countries is that most countries are economically poor. For instance, there are inadequate health care infrastructure, inadequate healthcare professional workers, minimal supply of essential healthcare equipment's, and prolonged political instability which have left the population with minimal trust in the administration of authority figures such as health profession when compared with developed nations (Fauci 1084-1086).

Another global health problem that has an impact in most countries in the world is that a significant number of people live in rural and remote areas. These people have minimal access to trained care workers who have the necessary skills to deliver health services and boost health outcomes. A limited number of health professionals in rural and remote areas hinder access to healthcare services to a large number of population (World Health Organization 7).

Global Inequality In Wealth

The global inequality in wealth in most countries has been attributed to the number of their population. For instance, during the 20th-21st century, the share of inherited wealth in the USA was lower in comparison to France. The primary reason for this lower wealth was due to the rapid increase in democratic growth which translates to smaller income ratio and less distinct aging of wealth effects. This shows that countries that experience negative demographic growth can experience high inherited wealth which can be of extraordinary value to their economic growth (Piketty and Goldhammer 543).

Global Inequality In Resources

The term wealth refers to the amount of all household resources regarding human and humanmade over which people own and control. Also, it relates to the amount of physical and financial assets after deducting liabilities. Wealth has a more significant influence on household, economic prosperity, and economic growth and development. Research has shown that there is a great disparity in distribution and the situation does not seem to reduce (Taipale 149).

Some of the humanmade resources like innovations are critical factors of economic growth. The ability of human-made resources to promote economic development can be realized under state influence of grafting measures to integrate into the world of scientific knowledge. The innovative capability of a country can be reinforced by using venture capital which plays A vital role in the economy by regularly and timely supplying innovation with the necessary investment (Gagut and Karavaev 1).

Global inequality in education

Developing countries, for instance, South Africa suffers greatly from inequality of education as compared to other developed countries. The primary cause of inequality of education in developing countries is the underfunding of the education sector as well as the existence of a large number of impoverished communities. Furthermore, the accessibility of higher education in developing countries favors the rich due to its high cost as opposed to the poor. There has been a discourse that corruption and mismanagement of national students and financial aid schemes (NSFAS), the absence of financial analysis skills in higher education, the opposition of fee capping by lectures since it negatively affects the autonomy and flexibility of institution makes its cheaper for the rich than the poor (Tshimpaka 3).

Disparities Linked To Poor Governance

Governance refers to guiding of societal ways by political players. Governance can be described as quality if it is good, effective and equitable. The political players should ensure that there is the rule of law, minimal corruption, and promotion of transparency and accountability. Good governance and the rule of law globally and national level are necessary for development, good economic growth, and extermination of poverty and hunger (Piselli and Pavoni 75-76).

"Resource curse" explains a phenomenon where resource affluence can have unfavorable impacts on governance and institutions. Plenty of resources cause rent-seeking, corruption and patronage enhancing decline in institutional quality, misallocation of public resources leading to a negative effect on the economy. It is due to poor governance that developing countries have poor economic growth despite having rich natural resource endowment as opposed to developed nations. This leads to global inequality (Kim et al. 2).

Works cited

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Kim, Dong-Hyeon, et al. "Heterogeneity in the Effects of Government Size and Governance on Economic Growth." Economic Modelling, vol. 68, Jan. 2018, pp. 205-16. Crossref, doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2017.07.014

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Singh, Gopal K., Romuladus E. Azuine, and Mohammad Siahpush. "Global inequalities in cervical cancer incidence and mortality are linked to deprivation, low socioeconomic status, and human development." International Journal of MCH and AIDS 1.1 (2012): 17.

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World Health Organization. Increasing Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas through Improved Retention: Global Policy Recommendations. World Health Organization, 2010. Open WorldCat,

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