Essay Sample on Hospitality and Tourism in Singapore

Published: 2024-01-04
Essay Sample on Hospitality and Tourism in Singapore
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics Economics Tourism Hospitality
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1911 words
16 min read


The economy of the world is one of the most important elements as it show the status in term of the cost of living that the people are going to experience. For many years, there are various elements that have contribute a lot towards the development of the economy of the world. These elements have to be given the utmost priority so that the economy of the world can continue to grow steadily. The main element that contributes to economic growth is business where the revenue that is earned plays an important role (Zenker, 2019, p.200). However, there are other elements that have since played an important role towards the growth of the global economy. One such element is tourism and hospitality industry.

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Hospitality and Tourism Industry

The hospitality and tourism industry is one of the sectors of the economy that play an important role. There is a lot of revenue that is generated within the hospitality and the tourism industry because when people visit a foreign country, they tend to spend a lot of money when paying for various services. Some of the services that these tourists normally pay for are the entrance fees for visiting various tourist attraction sites, accommodation at various hotels and purchase of different products. Since tourism has been seen as one of the most essential part of the economy and it brings a lot of revenue, almost every country has stepped up measures to ensure that the hospitality and tourism industry has been given the boost needed to make it better and to attract the tourists.

One of the methods that has been done is through allocating money to be used in the development of various tourist attraction sites, and construction for hotels and other accommodation facilities to be used by the tourists. Almost every country in the world has taken this approach one of them Singapore. Singapore has been enjoying a thriving tourism industry for several years now, all thanks to the measures that have been put in place by the government. As much as Singapore that enjoyed a thriving tourism industry, there have been various challenges encountered on the path to success. With that said, this paper intends to evaluate the impact of social, political, and economic stability on the structure of the hospitality and tourism in Singapore.

Republic of Singapore

The Republic of Singapore is a country that is located at the Southern Tip of the Malay Peninsula found 137 kilometers north of the equator (Akadiri, Alola and Uzuner, 2020, p.2410). In Singapore there are many economic activities that are being carried out with tourism being among the leading ones in term of revenue generation. The main factor that has contributed to Singapore being a tourism country is the fact that it is located centrally in southern Asia.

Secondly, Singapore boasts of a good air transport which have enabled people to easily access the country. Thirdly, a lot of investments have been done in the hotels where by tourists can get accommodation while they are visiting the country. Moreover, Singapore has a lot for creation facilities with a refurbished beach front which has attracted a lot of people as well as the duty free shopping. However, the success of the tourism industry in Singapore has been coupled out with several challenges.

Social Instability

According to Hua, Li, and Zhang, (2020, p.34). Social instability refers to the threat of the political order and to the continued rapid growth of the economy. At some point very country is at risk of experience social instability because of various situations that are taking place. Some of the main causes of social instability in Singapore is the lack of a legitimate leader who is going to lead the people well. The presence of social instability within a country is likely to affect the economic activities being carried out there such as tourism.

In Singapore, the main effect that the social instability can have on the structure of hospitality and tourism is that domestic tourism will not be promoted. Since there is social instability, it means that the society will not be in a good state where various activities can be carried out. Therefore, it will be hard for the local citizens to come out and go to various recreation facilities thus reducing the revenue to be earned. This scenario affects the structure of the hospitality and tourism in that there will be no consideration for the local tourists. Therefore, the tourism sector will be shaped in a way that will ensure only foreign tourists can be accommodation based on the charges incurred when visits various places.

The other element of social instability that may affect the structure of hospitality and tourism industry is the presence of demonstration as well as civil unrests. The presence of demonstration as well as the civil unrest affects businesses and other activities such as tourism in many ways.

For example when there are demonstration or civil unrest, a lot of property may be destroyed some of which may be tourist attractions (Chon, Park and Zoltan, 2020, p.1200). The occurrence of these events affects the structure of the hospitality and tourism industry in the sense that other tourist attraction sites and hotels will have to be closed down to avoid destructions. This issue reduces the income and the revenue of the hospitality and tourism industry.

Another problem that is associated with this element of social instability is that most of tourist, due to their fear of their lives, they may shun from visiting this countries (Bianchi, 2018, p.100). This elements affects the structure of the hospitality and tourism industry in the sense that it will be scaled down to only several a smaller group who are probably the local tourists (Bianchi, 2018, p.100).

Political Instability

Political Instability is almost as similar term as social instability since they resonate with the occurrences. Political instability refers to the sudden and significant change in the leadership, condition or policies of every country (Bianchi, 2018, p.100). In every democratic country, the way in which the citizens are supposed to be led is stipulated within the constitution and every leader is expected to abide by the constitution. However, there are certain times where a leader may rise to power and attempt to change some of the policies and want to lead the country in a different manner that many people do not agree with. As a result of this situations, the citizens of a country may riot or protesting the change in the leadership or the policies from the one they are used to is the new one seems to violate most of their rights.

In Singapore, the presence of political instability can easily affect the structure of the hospitality and the tourism industry. One of the impacts of political instability on the hospitality and the structure of the tourism is that it increases the perception of the risk of the destination (Azam, Alam, and Hafeez, 2018, p.330).

Political instability in most cases is usually associated with various cases of violence. In most case, violence is known to cause the destruction of property and sometimes it leads to loss of life. In Singapore for instance, the presence of political instability may lead to tourist fearing for their lives (Bianchi, 2018, p.100). Most tourists will chose a different destination where they feel they will be safe.

Another impact of political instability that may affect the structure of hospitality and tourism is Singapore is the lack of a proper leadership in place. In the presence of a political instability, there may be a leader but at the time, the leader will be mainly focus on the events going on in the country. In this case, there will be less focus on the most important sectors of the economy such as tourism. Touring is one of the sectors of the economy that requires attention and support from the government. But if the government is focused on ensuring that there is political stability in the country, the tourism sector will be neglected. As a result of this, the industry will deteriorate and there will be no tourists who will be attracted to the country.

The third effect of political instability on the tourism industry in Singapore is that it may lead to increased cost(Causevic and Lynch, 2013, p.150). Even though the political instability may cause the country to have bad reputation and instilling fear in the hearts of the tourists, there are few attraction that may be opened (Causevic and Lynch, 2013, p.150). Since there are few attractions that are open in the country, the prices will go up. The few tourists that will have the courage to travel will incur high expenses compared to when there was political stability (Causevic and Lynch, 2013, p.150).

Economic Instability

Economic instability is another factor that may affect the structure of the hospitality and tourism industry in Singapore(Causevic and Lynch, 2013, p.150). Economic instability refers to the shock that is experience which interrupts the normal operation of the economy. The aim of every government, such as Singapore is to ensure that the economy runs smoothly (Tang and Abosedra, 2014, p.460). As the economy runs smoothly, it means that country is in a safer place. However, there are some scenarios which may occur to undermine the economic stability (Causevic and Lynch, 2013, p.150). When there is economic instability, it is likely that various sectors of the economy will be affected with the tourism sector being one of them.

One of the impact of economic instability is that it leads to unemployment. When there is economic instability, there is a high change there are no jobs. Therefore, most people within the country will be rendered jobless (Henderson et al., 2010, p.56).. A community that has a high number of employed people is at a greater risk. Such communities where there are a high number of employment people has a lot of security issues (Henderson et al., 2010, p.56). For instance, when people are unemployed, they do not have any income. These individuals will resort to other means so that they can be able to get money to sustain their livelihoods. Some of the ways include robbery with violence, stealing, carjacking and burglary. This scenario may create a risk for tourist who may be opting to visit the country(Henderson et al., 2010, p.56). Therefore, most of them will shun from coming to Singapore with the fear that they may be attacked while on their tour. This situation affects the structure of hospitality and tourism in that the revenue earned from this sector will go down since most of the operating hotels have scaled down their operations.


Finally, the major impact of economic instability is poverty. When there is economic instability, the rates of poverty are likely to go up(Henderson et al., 2010, p.56). In a country where there is economic instability, the cost of living is very high. When the cost of living is high and there are no jobs to ensure that people are able to afford their needs, it is most likely that the level of poverty will go up(Henderson et al., 2010, p.56). The high level of poverty affects the structure of tourism and the hospitality industry especially among the domestic tourists. Since the local citizens cannot afford the money to access these tourist attraction sites, the hospitality and the tourism industry will be affected as most of the action will be created only to fit the tourists coming from other countries.

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