Essay Sample on Democracy and Political Culture

Published: 2023-03-21
Essay Sample on Democracy and Political Culture
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics Culture Democracy
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1002 words
9 min read

Freedom in the current world is defined as the rule, which gives the citizens of a nation in a political world, the opportunity to choose their leaders. Every citizen is given an equal opportunity to exercise their constitutional will, which helps to increase freedom. Democracy gives its subjects a chance to leave freely and happily.

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Additionally, the role of democracy is more essential than a simple form of exercising human rights. The essence of democracy aims at eradicating the concept of dictatorship, which opposes and undermines the will of its citizens. According to Franklin and Michael, (9), a nation that is steered under the rule of dictatorship opens a chance of suffering and underdevelopment of the country. There is little opposition, and that allows the government to undermine human rights. Perhaps the most important concept of dictatorship, was prevalent in Europe before the second world war, as the Italians suffered under the York of the Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.

As Hoefte, Rosemarijn, Matthew, and Clegg (56) noted, "Democracy has withstood the test of time, and while other forms have the government has failed, democracy stood strong. It has time and again proved its importance and impact." The rule of democracy is critically influenced by the sentiments held by political culture. Political culture is defined by beliefs, and attitudes, which represent the meaning of the apolitical process. The essay will elucidate on democracy and political culture as the ultimate form of governance in a nation.

Ramesh, (33) outlined the essence of democracy in a nation outweighs the adoption of any other form of governance. People are given power by democracy to help convey their ideas and thoughts. As a result, this increases the transparency and commitment of every person to be accountable. As Booth and John (13) describe, democracy allows every person to speak their thoughts, without interfering with others' rights.

The rule of democracy allows the voice of opposition to raising concerns of how undermining activities are strategized to affect the citizens. A nation with strong opposition defines the nature of democracy, where every government's actions are held accountable to the citizens. According to Booth and John (14), democracy extends from government practices to the way we undertake our daily activities. Organizations that possess a democratic form of governance are more likely to attract competent and skilled workers to build the organization. The framework of democratic governance is critically influenced by the type of political culture a nation observes.

According to Unit, Economist Intelligence, (8), political culture is the beliefs, traditions, norms, and customs that define the political organization of a nation. The essence of political culture describes the political organization of the people living in a particular region or area. The views shared under this concept of political culture are similar and more related to the organization of the nation.

Political culture takes into consideration the underlying assumptions on how a nation performs or the behavior of the government. People believe that a corrupt government does not take into account the concept of democratic rule of governance. Political culture may be defined in several ideas in a nation. Whereas these may not be the universal traits of political culture, every country has a different political culture. For instance, the elections in the United States have been long defined the fate of the Americans. In this case, every American citizen is permitted to undertake the elections with absolute belief and caution to evade rigging. However, the political culture adopted by Americans allows them to accept the outcomes of the votes. However, in many developing nations, as Ramsoedh (38) noted, that elections have been undertaken with a different perspective. The consequences of the final results are highly objected, due to irregularities, which were present in the polls.

Several political theories define the political culture of the nation. The US believes are defined in the declaration of independence, which gives equality to all Americans. As a result, the Declaration has shaped the political culture of the United States to ensure that every American citizen benefits from political power, as well as being governed by the law. The Americans' belief has defined the concept of Egalitarianism, which holds the notion that no human is superior to the other, and everyone has to be accounted for his or her actions. The Declaration of independence is entirely centered and build under this concept, "all men are created equal" (Booth, and John, 17). As a result, the political culture of the US, focuses its belief on the idea of egalitarianism, to ensure that every member is accountable for their actions that may undermine the efforts of others, hence creating a healthy political culture.


In the bottom line, democracy has prevailed and proved to be one of the most influential concepts of rule, that any government can adopt. Additionally, democracy offers a variety of benefits to the citizens, as it gives them freedom of expression and conveys their thoughts more persuasively. Additionally, the concept of justice permits development in a nation, unlike the idea of dictatorship, which undermines every economic aspect. However, the adoption of democracy as the optimum rule of governance poses a conflicting opinion, which seeks to undermine the minority, without considering the authenticity of their claims.

The political culture of a nation, on the contrary, is defined by serval sentiments, such as the belief of society and how political theories dictate the norms held by a government. Every nation has a set of beliefs, which defines them in terms of political organization. Subsequently, many nations' political culture is defined by their constitution.

Works Cited

Booth, John A. Costa Rica: the quest for democracy. Routledge, 2018.

Franklin, Daniel P., and Michael J. Baun. Political Culture and Constitutionalism: A Comparative Approach: A Comparative Approach. Routledge, 2016.

Hoefte, Rosemarijn, Matthew L. Bishop, and Peter Clegg. "Democracy and political culture in Suriname HANS RAMSOEDH." Post-Colonial Trajectories in the Caribbean. Routledge, 2016. 50-65.

Ramsoedh, Hans. "Democracy and political culture in Suriname." Post-colonial trajectories in the Caribbean: The three Guianas (2016): 30-45.

Unit, Economist Intelligence. "Democracy index 2015: Democracy in an age of anxiety." (2016).

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