Criminal Psychology - Essay Example

Published: 2024-01-11
Criminal Psychology - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Criminal law
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1474 words
13 min read


There is extensive evidence to link up frank with the serial murder in the village after his release from prison in the Franks case. For instance, biological, environmental, and developmental factors hugely impact frank's criminal behavior. The natural background under which frank was raised is likely the overall cause of Frank's criminal involvement. According to Frank’s siblings, his father Billy was verbally abusive and abused drugs. From this point of view, it's most likely that frank inherited his biological father's character. Genetic inheritance is the primary catalyst where we can comfortably link frank with serial murder crimes.

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Adequate Parental Support

Additionally, when Frank grew up, he became hardened because her mother died when he was a toddler. It shows that he did not get adequate parental support. Lorretta- Frank's mother- is described as not being an active parent to her youngest children, leaving their upbringing mainly to the older siblings, particularly Margaret. This evidence portrays that her mother exhibited an uninvolved parenting style, which has so many limitations to children as they grow. For instance, children raised by uninvolved parents tend to be given a lot of freedom and thus have an increased risk of substance abuse (Reid et al., 2020). Such children tend to exhibit social problems and are more felonious during their adolescence. It is portrayed by the fact that, while Frank was a teenager was good in sports but demonstrated a reputation for excessive roughness with opposing teams.

After Frank's mom's demise, her sister took the mantle and full parental responsibility to bring up Frank. However, Margaret is reported to have had difficulty in maintaining stable relationships and employment. She was also said to have made several suicide attempts and may have followed in her father's footsteps about verbal abuse and alcoholism. This environmental upbringing is the likely cause of Franks' involvement in the crime. Moreover, poor parenting can be cited as the primary cause of Frank's criminal history. Alternatively, we can use cognitive theory to analyze Franks's criminal motivation.

This theory describes felonious conduct as a fault in moral intellectual, thought processes and mental development. The thesis also helps to realize how an individual's personality and intelligence level are linked to the crime. Using this theory, we can ascertain that Frank's criminal behavior began developing since childhood, mainly because the family in which frank is born has a history of drug abuse (Wiest, 2016). The fact that Billy, who is Franks' father, was verbally abusive could be the cause that psychologically triggered frank to participate in the crime.

Serial Murders

In assessing the crimes reported in the case, Frank is the most likely criminal behind the serial murders. For instance, someone can trace Franks' criminal history from his childhood up to adulthood. During Frank's teenage era, frank is said to be very rough during sports. Similarly, during his senior year at school, Frank and his brother were arrested for raping a young woman, but no charges were pursued. He was charged with trespassing a few years later and driving under the influence of drugs the following year. When such crimes took place, he was not punished according to the type of offense he committed. The application of laws to combat crime further demonstrates to have significantly impacted Frank to commit similar crimes.

This is portrayed by the fact that, after the initial arrests and release after raping a woman, Frank committed another crime where he was arrested and charged with abduction and rape. In his defense, he claimed that the sex was consensual, but different men did the molesting. The court found him guilty and sentenced him to 15 years for abduction and 21 years for burglary. The court awarded him parole after serving thirteen years. Once the court agreed to bail out Frank, they worsened his character since, for the second time, the court did not deal with his criminal acts with the utmost contempt it deserved. It made him ignorant and promoted his immoral acts since he understood the laws would always be lenient.

The fact that the year after Franks' conditional release from prison is when the Serial Murder crimes began portrays that he is the mastermind behind the killings. For 13 years, when Frank was in jail, there was no reported crime incidence, and once he is released, the serial killings began. These crime statistics give clear proof that he is the mastermind behind the deaths reported in the community. These facts and crime statistics are sufficient enough to link up Frank to the serial killings. The evidence produced by the police and the surviving witnesses is also self-explanatory. Surviving witnesses described the man behind the offense as a "light-skinned black man," habitually wearing numerous costumes, such as a Halloween cover, as well as trying to imitate a destitute man or drug fanatic. These exhibits were further justified by the Parole officers who provided information to the Police Department task force, suggesting that Frank Timmons matched the sketch of the serial murderer (Lee, & Reid 2018). The parole officers searched Frank Timmons's residence and found a ski mask and a realistic "toy" handgun. Police used this information to obtain a search warrant for Frank's home and found additional items that linked Frank to the Serial Murderer's crimes.


Moreover, since childhood, mark committed crimes without any apparent motive, and his targets were women. As soon as he murdered, the victims he typically snatched them from a public corner, and took them to the nearby secluded place, and shot in the skull with an average or a large quality missile. Timmons also used some masks and tricks while committing some misconducts, such as wearing a Hallowe'en covers to hide his identity, approaching his victims by asking for a drive, or even fantasizing to be a displaced man or a drug fanatic. This evidence coincided with the testimony given by survived witnesses who testified that the offender wore various disguises such as Halloween masks to do the crime. In the long run, the parole police officers found suspicious crime artillery such as a silencer gun and ski mask is proof that the criminal justice system should convict Frank with the crime.

According to the police, the DNA material collected in a scene where two sisters were assaulted at the city park directly marched that of Frank, and this is a reason to convict frank with the rest of similar crimes (Keatley et al. 2018). Finally, according to one of Frank's neighbor, he lives a suspicious life. The neighbor testifies that he sees him in the mornings when he goes to work. He waves but never wants to talk. Similarly, Frank is not social with people and sometimes works odd hours, mainly when there is no home. This kind of life is too suspicious, and thus franks integrity is in question. This paper elaborates on who the main suspect is, and the felonious impartiality system can use the information to decide to arrest and convict Frank with the serial murder.


Throughout this executive summary, the environmental, biological, and developmental factors hugely impact frank's criminal behavior. For instance, Frank's dad -Billy- was verbally abusive and abused drugs, which might have triggered Frank's aggressiveness. Similarly, Franks' mom portrayed an uninvolved parenting style with so many limitations to children as they grow. Moreover, the courts contribute to the lawlessness within the community. Frank commits capital offenses such as rape and murder on two occasions, but the courts unceremoniously release him on bail before the termination of his jail term. The crime statistics provided prove that Frank is the mastermind behind the murder cases reported in the community. These facts and crime statistics are sufficient enough to link up Frank to the serial killings. In the long run, the information provided in this paper elaborates who the main suspect is and can be considered by the criminal justice system to arrest Frank and charge him with the serial murder.


Keatley, D. A., Golightly, H., Shephard, R., Yaksic, E., & Reid, S. (2018). Using behavior sequence analysis to map serial killers' life histories. Journal of interpersonal violence,

Lee, J., & Reid, S. (2018). Serial Killers & Their Easy Prey. Contexts, 17(2), 46-51.

Reid, S., Katan, A., Ellithy, A., Della, Stua, R., & Denisov, E. V. (2019). The Perfect Storm: Mapping the Life Course Trajectories of Serial Killers. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 63(9), 1621-1662.

Wiest, J. B. (2016). Casting cultural monsters: Representations of serial killers in US and UK news media. Howard Journal of Communications, 27(4), 327-346.

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