Free Essay: COVID-19 And Vulnerable Populations in My Community

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Essay: COVID-19 And Vulnerable Populations in My Community
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Population Community Covid 19
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 488 words
5 min read

Everyone is at risk of getting COVID-19 if they are exposed to the virus. In the case of a disaster, people who are immune-compromised or sick, malnourished, seniors, pregnant women, and children are especially vulnerable and take a disproportionately high share of the disease burden associated with emergencies. Common effects of poverty, such as hunger, inadequate housing, homelessness, and malnutrition, contribute significantly to vulnerability. The most crucial action that can be taken at present is to postpone or prevent outbreaks, especially among the most vulnerable.

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Seniors and individuals with disabilities are seriously impacted by COVID 19 and are frequently excluded from public health travel alerts and correspondence, access to primary resources, and decision-making. Their social isolation and their health problems subject them to significant risks. Age raises the likelihood that the lungs or respiratory system may be shut down when an older person has a COVID-19 disease (Vieira, Franco, Restrepo & Abel, 2020). Prisoners are not in a position to have proper access to disinfectants and soap. Also, inmates and refugees cannot take a physical, social distance as they are confined to overcrowded shelters.

Social distance and homestay are vital to preventing exposure to the aged, immune-compromised or ill, and undernourished by the virus, but loneliness and social isolation can be devastating. Therefore, they should stay engaged and connected. Children should maintain healthy behaviors at play, at school, and at home to protect themselves from the spread of COVID-19 (Wang & Tang, 2020). Pregnant women should exercise good hand hygiene, as they are more vulnerable to respiratory infections such as coronavirus complications. Social differences are almost impossible in both jails and refugee camps, and both prisoners and refugees need to ensure regular hand-washing and the maintenance of good habits.

There are smartphone apps that offer care or therapy in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis. The exchange of accurate information on COVID-19 has been enhanced and done in an organized and timely manner to ensure that citizens access the right information (Smith & Judd, 2020). The community health workers should make themselves available to listen and to talk. Every group should know that they can go to them when they have any questions.

In conclusion, the vulnerable are the most affected population due to the pandemic, and necessary measures need to be in place to mitigate and prevent adverse outcomes. A lot of information has been availed to curtail the spread of the virus to most populations. Therefore, to avoid further spreading the virus, individuals must ensure healthy behaviors and good hygiene.


Smith, J. A., & Judd, J. (2020). COVID19: Vulnerability and the power of privilege in a pandemic. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 31(2), 158. doi: 10.1002/hpja.333

Vieira, C. M., Franco, O. H., Restrepo, C. G., & Abel, T. (2020). COVID-19: The forgotten priorities of the pandemic. Maturitas.

Wang, Z., & Tang, K. (2020). Combating COVID-19: health equity matters. Nature Medicine, 26(4), 458-458.

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