Gender in literature

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How to write essays about gender roles in literature? Difficulties and ways out. 

Nowadays, one of the most common essay topics is gender roles and gender inequality, and sometimes professors ask to write an essay about gender in literature. And for many students, such topics are becoming a real challenge. Mainly because, for many of them, it's still hard to correctly define gender roles, what it is, and why it is a problem widely discussed now. 

What are gender roles?   

In a nutshell, gender roles are stereotypes about how a man or a woman should behave and act based on gender. Literature is a mirror of society, so in many works, we can see the reflection of gender role problems. These stereotypes, as well as all of them, are harmful to society, and to overcome them, you need to distinguish them and understand their origin. And maybe one of the best ways to do it is to write an essay about gender in literature. That is why we in SpeedyPaper have collected many essay samples about gender roles in literature. 

What writers showed gender roles in their works?

Many authors, in one way or another, showed the gender inequality or gender roles that were typical for their generation. For example, let's talk about J.R.R. Tolkien and his marvelous The Lord of the Rings. Someone would say that it's the book about equality between different races of the world invented by Professor because humans, hobbits, elves, and dwarfs were fighting together against evil. But remember the second book and how Eowyn asked permission to take part in the battle and had to do it secretly because she was a woman and was supposed to stay in a safe place.

You can use our essay samples about gender roles in literature as an example to write your own essay. We have an extensive collection of essays that can be really helpful if you need only direction. After reading an example, you can create your essay about gender in literature but analyze the works of other authors. As a hint, you can also write about 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen. Apart from a love line, the novel describes the stereotypes about how women should behave and what they could and couldn't do. If you check our essay samples about gender roles in literature you will find a lot of other interesting examples. But if you don't have enough time or inspiration or if it's difficult for you to write in general, we at SpeedyPaper can help you out and provide you with not only an essay sample about gender roles in literature but we can write paperwork to help you excel in college. The only thing you have to do is to fill in a simple form, place the order and send us the instructions. After that, you don't have to worry about your assignment; we will do everything perfectly, and you will be happy about the quality.

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