Annotated Bibliography Example on Decoding Stop-and-Frisk: Analyzing Policies, Impacts, and Reform Perspectives

Published: 2023-12-11
Annotated Bibliography Example on Decoding Stop-and-Frisk: Analyzing Policies, Impacts, and Reform Perspectives
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Police Police brutality
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1174 words
10 min read

Fradella, H. F., & White, M. D. (2017). Reforming stop-and-frisk. Criminology, Crim. Just. L & Soc'y [PDF File].

There exist stop and frisk overuse as well as misuse leading to constitutional rights violations of citizens and strained community-police rapport. Besides, reforming stop-and-frisk through viewing an officer's decision to detain an individual as an act of police discretion. The literature of policing proposes that proper training, effective employment practices, and adequate supervisory oversight can aid in managing police discretion hence promoting equality.

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Zamani, N. (2012). Stop and frisk: The human impact [PDF File]. Center for Constitutional Rights.

The threat of police brutality has led to stops and frisks. Interviews performed by the Center for Constitutional Rights show that stops result in excessive police force such as slapping, use of a taser, and thorough beating by the officers. Some people experience higher physical pressure than others due to racial disparities by the New York City police department.

Huq, A. Z. (2016). The consequences of disparate policing: Evaluating stop and frisk as a modality of urban policing.

In this article, the authors claim that stop-question frisk (SQF) is a historically positioned innovation that reacts to urban pathologies. SQF catalyzes an intertwined set of people and neighborhood-level problems. Also, it inclines to entail a comparatively low arrest rate hence acting as direct feedback for violent crimes. SQF concentrates on the minority neighborhoods, such as Hispanic and American-African.

Ferrandino, J. (2015). Minority threat hypothesis and NYPD stop and frisk policy. Criminal Justice Review, 40(2), 209-229.

The article shows a study performed regarding minority threats. The research depicts that New York City offers a diminishing and segregated white populace atmosphere between majority-minority cities. Neighborhood and race type based on population revealed more integration amid the Hispanics and blacks as well as isolation of the whites from people of color.

Meares, T. L. (2014). The law and social science of stop and frisk. Annual review of law and social science, 10, 335-352.

Regulating agencies utilize stop-and-frisk prophylactically, ending in various cities. The expansions and the legal process around the approach in New York City offer a chance to reexamine Terry hence considering current study in law and social science concerning stop and frisk. The NYPD claimed that the SQF strategy was a more critical plan choice as it successfully prevented violent misconduct by discouraging individuals from carrying guns.

Rengifo, A. F., & Slocum, L. A. (2016). Community responses to "Stop-and-Frisk" in New York City: Conceptualizing local conditions and correlates. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 27(7), 723-746.

The author avers that there exists community support for overall law enforcement approaches comprising some concentrated policing strategies; however, some people who are disproportionately exposed to these procedures do not support them. Although residents perceive stop-and-frisk as a challenge, more positive general opinions regarding police work inhibit mobilization.

Ross, J. (2016). Warning: Stop-and-frisk may be hazardous to your health.

In the article, the author claims that The World Health Organization (WHO) regards violence performed either by an individual or state as a health challenge. More extraordinary police brutality has a positive connection to higher anxiety rates resulting in more trauma symptoms. Thus, the criminal justice system is an augmenting threat to mental and physical health.

Skogan, W. G. (2018). Stop-and-frisk and trust in police in Chicago. Police-citizen relations across the world. Comparing sources and contexts of trust and legitimacy, Abingdon, Routledge [PDF File].

The article suggests that individuals' trust in the police tends to reduce as the officers tend to express their power and authority to a broad spectrum of citizens hence sending fear to the community. During a survey, the Chicagoans claimed that SQF resembled a more provoking and commanding policing than a standard order.

Barlow, N. (2017). Does Stop and Frisk deter crime? Evidence from the Aftermath of Floyd v. The City of New York [PDF File].

The author avers that New York City in the last years has experienced a decline in the rates of crime after the utilization of stop and frisk. The use of stricter police practices led to a minimization of crimes. Also, the use of the Compstat program helped in selecting database policing and monitoring crimes. Thus, stop and frisk aids the police in deterring crimes in the community.

Fallon, K. (2013). Stop and Frisk City-how the NYPD can police itself and improve a troubled policy.

The author suggests that the NYPD should implement clear strategies for the police so that the officer can impose the law without invading the constitutional rights of the citizens, thus properly regulating officer discretion. The ambiguous principles set by the court heighten the necessity for establishing clear standards. The failure to set clear policy could result in extensive litigation for harm to constitutional rights.

Ross, J. (2018). What the# MeToo campaign teaches about Stop and Frisk. Idaho L. Rev., 54, 543.

The article states that the #MeToo campaign is a spotlight on consent, power, and sexual abuse. The hashtag defines a program where women, and men, share ideas regarding their victimization of unwanted sexual hostility, from aggravation to rape. The movement reveals that sexual abuse is a prevalent occurrence; this might offer individuals a sense of the problem's magnitude.

Avdija, A. S. (2014). Police stop-and-frisk practices: An examination of factors that affect officers' decisions to initiate a stop-and-frisk police procedure. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 16(1), 26-35.

The author claims that a suspect's behavior and environmental factors impact a variable in a police's decision to execute a stop-and-frisk process. Also, in case of serious crime in a particular area, the officers might perform stop-and-frisk strategies on individuals for safety purposes. Thus, environmental factors and suspicious behavior result in the utilization of stop-and-frisk behavior.


Avdija, A. S. (2014). Police stop-and-frisk practices: An examination of factors that affect officers' decisions to initiate a stop-and-frisk police procedure. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 16(1), 26-35.

Barlow, N. (2017). Does Stop and Frisk deter crime? Evidence from the Aftermath of Floyd v. The city of New York.

Fallon, K. (2013). Stop and Frisk City-How the NYPD Can Police Itself and Improve a Troubled Policy.

Ferrandino, J. (2015). Minority threat hypothesis and NYPD stop and frisk policy. Criminal Justice Review, 40(2), 209-229.

Fradella, H. F., & White, M. D. (2017). Reforming stop-and-frisk. Criminology, Crim. Just. L & Soc'y.

Huq, A. Z. (2016). The consequences of disparate policing: Evaluating stop and frisk as a modality of urban policing.

Meares, T. L. (2014). The law and social science of stop and frisk. Annual review of law and social science, 10, 335-352.

Rengifo, A. F., & Slocum, L. A. (2016). Community responses to "Stop-and-Frisk" in New York City: Conceptualizing local conditions and correlates. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 27(7), 723-746.

Ross, J. (2018). What the# MeToo Campaign Teaches about Stop and Frisk.

Ross, J. (2016). Warning: Stop-and-frisk may be hazardous to your health.

Skogan, W. G. (2018). Stop-and-frisk and trust in police in Chicago. Police-citizen relations across the world [PDF File]. Comparing sources and contexts of trust and legitimacy, Abingdon, Routledge.

Zamani, N. (2012). Stop and frisk: The human impact [PDF File]. Center for Constitutional Rights.

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Annotated Bibliography Example on Decoding Stop-and-Frisk: Analyzing Policies, Impacts, and Reform Perspectives. (2023, Dec 11). Retrieved from

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