Free Essay about Workplace Alert System: Speaker Announcements

Published: 2022-09-23
Free Essay about Workplace Alert System: Speaker Announcements
Type of paper:  Presentation
Categories:  Human resources
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 454 words
4 min read

In every organization, employees are considered the greatest assets; therefore, when there is a lack of communication among the employees or by the officials, then the company morale can be hurt. Employees in any workplace deserve to know of every event that happens immediately they happen (Romeo, 2017). That is because their job satisfaction and safety fully depend on the successful communication of pertinent information (Guo, 2013). Efficient communication in the workplace can be achieved through alerts in the form of speaker announcements.

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The use of speakers to give alerts in the form of announcements can be done by installing speakers in the offices, outdoor working places, and halls where employees work. The speakers can be connected to a control room, from where the announcements are made (Alert Media, 2018). In order to shift the attention of the employees to the announcements to be made, a sort of alarm can be used before the start of such announcements (Dalapatu, Ahmed & Khan, 2013). Human variability is one of the factors that influence the effectiveness of speaker announcements (Vaillancourt et al., 2013). For instance, such announcements are a live broadcast, then the communication skills of the speaker are what influences the way the targeted audience receives the message.

In summary, an alert system or the notification by the speakers gives the employees an opportunity to communicate freely with the audience through any channel on the device. This kind of communication allows the employees to be aware of the information that they are about to tackle at the workplace. The use of effective communication to employees can help them avoid accidents and increase the efficiency of service delivery. Improvements should be made according to the communication needs of the company.


Alert Media. (2018). Employee Notification System | Employee Notification Software. Retrieved from

Dalapatu, P., Ahmed, S., & Khan, F. (2013). Alarm allocation for event-based process alarm systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 46(32), 815-820. doi: 10.3182/20131218-3-in-2045.00158

Guo, K. (2013). Security-related behavior in using information systems in the workplace: A review and synthesis. Computers & Security, 32, 242-251. doi: 10.1016/j.cose.2012.10.003

Romeo, J. (2017). On high alert: how to embrace alert and notification technology in the age of risk and response. (Enterprise Services). Security, (4). Retrieved from

Vaillancourt, V., Nelisse, H., Laroche, C., Giguere, C., Boutin, J., & Laferriere, P. (2013). Comparison of sound propagation and perception of three types of backup alarms with regards to worker safety. Noise & Health, 15(67), 420. Retrieved from

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Free Essay about Workplace Alert System: Speaker Announcements. (2022, Sep 23). Retrieved from

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