Paper Example. The Internet of Things (Industrial Internet)

Published: 2023-01-19
Paper Example. The Internet of Things (Industrial Internet)
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Data analysis Time management Internet Information systems
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1139 words
10 min read

Generally, the Internet of Things can be described as interconnected or interrelated sensors that entail both mechanical and digital machines, which include objects, animals, and people that are set with unique identifiers and are not limited to manufacturing and energy control. This unparalleled connectivity enhances data gathering, exchange, and interpretation of data for the efficiency and improvement of production in the industrial sectors. It ensures minimal wastage and time management in the production sectors. This enables a lot of economic benefits to the industries, which include very minimal input in production and maximized output in the production sectors (Tan and Wang, 2010). It can be summarized that the Internet of Things is an advancement of the shared control system that always enables the transfers of an extreme degree of automation by application of the process of cloud computing to refine and also maximize the control process.

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The internet of things is crucial in that it enables faster and better decision making due to its potentials and ability to process and analyze a very large quantity of data within a short period. The possible change that the internet of things is likely to bring is also closely related to the digital transformation of projects that many industrial businesses are working on. When the detailed data is provided in the real-time, then the internet of things can help the companies to understand their business processes better and also by analyzing the information which originates from the sensors, can make their operation more efficient and even open new revenue streams. The internet of things can also give the companies the real insight into the broader supply chain, which allows the business to coordinate and create further efficiencies.

Many industries have adopted the use of the internet of things, right now the manufacturing, the retail, utilities, and transport industries have shifted to industrial internet. It helps the manufacturers to develop and have better ideas about how the production lines are operating, and project the better predictions about the services which are needed by the machines. The utilities can use the internet of things to cut down the cost of sighing the staff the personal responsibility of checking the remote installation by making them self-monitoring. The retailers also can use the internet of things to understand where the bottlenecks are in their supply chain, and transport companies can also use it to have a better understanding of the performance of their vehicle fleets.

Most companies and industries today operate effectively by use of the internet of things which enable the smooth running of the operations and the daily activities. The basic idea of using sensors to track or monitor the services of the machinery is by the use of the internet of things (Gubbi et al., 2013). Even though the large and big organizations have made some progress, but many users of the internet of things are still at the early stage of the implementation of the investment. Some government like in the UK has supported the manufacturers who are using the internet of things to enable an increase in the production process. The internet of things is taking shape and proper direction this is because its three components thus the sensors, the network, and the analytics are now sufficiently mature and cheap which enable the projects to be financially viable, but how the elements are combined will still depend on the particular project that is carried by the companies.

Most of the operations and the applications of the internet of things are depending on cloud computing. This is where there are significant data storage and big data analytics. The vendors that provide the cloud computing services are offering the services which originate from their service centers to the edge of the network of the company being served. And when the company is in need to get the data faster and quicker, then they have to reduce the distance that the data have to travel from the computing vendors. This will also help them to get the answers faster for the daily operations and running of activities.

Even though the internet of things have come with a lot of benefits, but it has brought with it a new security risk, this because it has networking objects that if exposed then the hackers can snoop on the data and information that are being transmitted or even make an attempt to take control of the transmission. So with all its benefits, the internet of things could open up the critical national infrastructure to the risk of a cyber-attack. For this risk, the companies are advised to invest in new security technologies or to work with the security specialist for any necessary assistance.

Without proper security investment, the companies may be exposed to several losses arising from the cyber-attack (Sadeghi et al., 2015). The companies need to consider areas like access management, data encryption, the validations and authentication between sensors, gateways, and software as areas of substantial security investment. Another problem that is likely to be experienced by using the internet of things is that when the companies are planning the use of these projects, deploying them and operating in the business unit level, the setting of a very consistent security strategy is very rare and the process of deciding which products and services to use is very hectic.


In conclusion, the Internet of Things is significantly crucial to the operation of big and modern companies due to its efficiency and time management effectiveness in the production process to help in maximizing the output and the profit within a brief period. However, companies need to invest in proper security measures in operating the internet of things. The technological advancement is a continuous process with many individual innovating more of digital application, on the other hand the hackers are also on track with the new development, thus need to always update the industries' data storage and digital platforms (Wan et al., 2016).


Gubbi, J., Buyya, R., Marusic, S., & Palaniswami, M. (2013). Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions. Future generation computer systems, 29(7), 1645-1660.

Sadeghi, A. R., Wachsmann, C., & Waidner, M. (2015, June). Security and privacy challenges in industrial internet of things. In 2015 52nd ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Tan, L., & Wang, N. (2010, August). Future internet: The internet of things. In 2010 3rd international conference on advanced computer theory and engineering (ICACTE) (Vol. 5, pp. V5-376). IEEE.

Wan, J., Tang, S., Shu, Z., Li, D., Wang, S., Imran, M., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2016). Software-defined industrial internet of things in the context of industry 4.0. IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(20), 7373-7380.

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Paper Example. The Internet of Things (Industrial Internet). (2023, Jan 19). Retrieved from

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