Why Your Best Friend Might Not Really Always Be Your Best Friend. Free Essay.

Published: 2020-04-28
Why Your Best Friend Might Not Really Always Be Your Best Friend. Free Essay.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Relationship
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1090 words
10 min read

Finding a best friend might be something difficult to achieve. A real friend is someone you can count on during tough times. The dictionary defines a good friend as someone who is closely attached to another by personal regard or feelings of affections. We can, therefore, depict a good friend as a trustworthy person, always has your back, provides good advice, and listens to your problems. A good friend would never criticize you when being flawed. They see your flaws as aspects that make you beautiful and interesting. Your best friend would never lie to you. On the other hand, having bad friends will pretend that they care while they start gossiping behind your back. The most imperative part of any friendship is honesty and trustworthy, without these two features no friendship can endure. If your best friend lies to you in any instance, it can lead to anger, resentment, and mistrust. It is imperative to realize that good and bad friends are all around us and are involved in our daily lives. This narrative essay will illustrate why a best friend might not be a good friend after all. I will narrate my story of how my best friend turned out to be untrustworthy and unscrupulous.

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The truth is betrayal hurts. It is an unfortunate event that results in a lot of pain. My friends betrayal was my awakening and reminds me of the rare integrity in our friends. I had a secret that I kept for 15 years until recently when I decided to share it with my best friend, Chris. It was that kind of a secret that you tell your best friend, and then you tell him to keep it a secret. It all happened at a summer trip I went with my relatives. We often went once a year on a family sort of vacation, and this became like a ritual. It all happened when I decided to go for a small walk in the park and familiarize myself with nature. I walked for about 500 meters away from mu cousins and all of a sudden I encountered these three big guys who stole from me my watch, necklace, and some cash my parents had given me. They bullied me and ran off in the park. The ordeal took about 15 minutes, and when I returned, nobody noticed anything had missed.

The nightmare affected me negatively. I felt bad emotionally. I wanted to tell my cousins, but I could not. Down the line, this became a personal secret with me that I kept for some years. I remember vividly how they spoilt my day and even though some of my relatives noticed how unhappy I was regarding the summer camp, they thought this was normal since I was a child almost into teenage hood and feelings/emotions were part of my childhood. For many years later, I could not be able to tell anyone this personal secret, not even some of my friends. The thought of those three bullies has always been present in my mind, and I feared embarrassment upon disclosure.

It affected me negatively because I developed a phobia since then, and I cannot withstand parks anymore. They remind me of those guys who bullied and stole from me. As a kid, bad memories have a way of terrorizing the mind for many years; this made me portray any person who was big physically or older than him as a bully, and I avoided such people. My personal secret turned out to be of a negative nature as it has affected my personality and how I sometimes perceive people. I decided to share this ordeal recently with my best friend Chris during the school holiday. I felt like speaking it out will help offload some of this burden. Chris has always been trustworthy before keeping my secrets, and he has never betrayed me. I told him how I was bullied with those three guys and how it has affected me until date.

Chris comforted me and encouraged me, and I slowly began forgetting the trauma. Little did I know that my best friend would sooner betray our friendship and share my ordeal with my school peers. Chris told our school colleagues the whole story and shared it on social media channel Facebook. I had never felt that betrayed as I became the talk of class when the school resumed. Every friendship has a code of being honest and trustworthy to one another, but my best friend forgot all these for the sake of hype. I have always considered keeping personal secrets as something important because they depict the value of my personal relationship with Chris. Secrets are of sentimental value to me. Chris decision to share it with my school mates demonstrates the luck of trust and betrayal. I t depicts why someone you consider close might turn to be your number one enemy. More so, I felt hurt so much because I had never disclosed his secrets to anyone even when I knew he was a liar because as a friend I was obliged to sincerity.

My ordeal now became the topic in my class, and other students mocked the situation. Every single day with my fellow colleagues felt like a decade because I was no longer comfortable. After a while, just like everything, the story faded, and Chris later approached me and apologized for what he did. I forgave him, but never forgot how he betrayed our friendship. I realized that even the closest of friends could be separated by a single incidence. As earlier discussed, friendship is based on integrity, trust, honesty, loyalty, and other virtues. Once these facets are betrayed, then even the best of friends no longer become friends. Chris decision to disclose my personal secret to my school colleagues taught me that no friendship is safe from betrayal. I no longer share things of sentimental value to my friends. Also, I became further attached to Chris, and our friendship deteriorated since then. The reason I valued my friendship before with Chris was because we shared aspects of sentimental value, and this created a bond. The decision by Chris to disclose my secret is an example of how it has slightly impacted my life and his. This being said it is the time you look at your best friend and realize that he or she might not be your best friend after all. If your friendship is based on mistrust and disloyalty, then reconsider whom you choose as your best friend.

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