Starbucks Accelerates Innovation to Handle Environmental Forces - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-14
Starbucks Accelerates Innovation to Handle Environmental Forces - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company United States Business Starbucks
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 440 words
4 min read

Handling the Environmental Forces

Environmental forces are elements that impact on the survival, growth, and operations of a business or an organization (Bowe, Ball, & Gewirtz, 2019). These elements can be physical, demographic, political, cultural, and technological. There are different ways in which Starbuck is handling the environmental forces. These ways include:

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They are counting to accelerate the velocity of innovation since they believe that new ideas are fuel for the future. Starbucks works on innovation internally. Starbuck can tap into new ideas in innovations from early stages outside the organization with the venture fund.

Starbucks has dramatically enhanced the customer experience. This is mainly through the innovations in the beverage. The company introduced a billion-dollar platform in the cold beverage. This innovation was driven primarily on keeping the experience fresh and relevant to the customers and inspiring to the partners.

To stay ahead of its competitors in the industry, Starbuck reinforces the size of opportunities, especially in China, where the competition levels are growing fast. The organization is opening a new store every fifteen hours, adding to the previous three thousand four hundred stores.

Starbuck does not get involved in the national political campaigns; instead, it focuses on creating great experiences in the stores for each customer and taking care of the partners.

To attract great talents in the partners, Starbuck invests in partners in ways such as health care for part-time partners and a college achievement program.

Starbuck’s Achievements this Year

Among the various achievements, Starbuck has made this year a private equity investment worth a hundred million dollars. This investment has helped the organization suppressed thirty thousand stores around the world and serves over a hundred million customers a week.

Starbucks ' loyalty program is approaching seventeen million active users in the USA, with thirty million registered customers. With these high numbers, the loyalty program has been enhanced so that when a client joins the program, they immediately become gold starters where they start earning stars immediately and redeem reward easier.

Starbuck has entered into a global coffee alliance with nestle. Where nestle has already moved to sixteen new markets with Starbucks coffee. This alliance is helping Starbuck realize growth in its markets.

For the second consecutive year in the USA, Starbuck has achieved both gender and race equity. This is achieved by taking care of the partners and offering equal opportunities to them.


Bowe, R., Ball, S., & Gewirtz, S. (2019). Market forces, inequality and the city 1. In Social Policy and the City (pp. 65-82). Routledge.

Michelli, J. A. (2006). Starbucks experience. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

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