Legalizing marijuana in the USA - Free Report Example

Published: 2024-01-22
Legalizing marijuana in the USA - Free Report Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care United States Marijuana legalization
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1054 words
9 min read

Denham, Bryan E. "Attitudes toward legalization of marijuana in the United States, 1986-2016: Changes in determinants of public opinion." International Journal of Drug Policy 71 (2019): 78-90.

The article supports the legalization of marijuana, where it gives the reasons why more people are supporting the legalization of marijuana. According to the authors of the article, marijuana users have noted the improvement in the quality of marijuana being sold where producers are focused on producing the best quality to retain customers. The article gives reasons why the quality of marijuana matters; the reasons include quality control. Before the legalization, the traders used to add other drugs to marijuana which affected the health of the users negatively. Quality control has helped in the management of the quality of marijuana, which was a major challenge before the legalization.

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The article also supports the legalization of marijuana as a positive thing by giving researchers access to marijuana where they have the opportunity to research different ways in which marijuana can be used for medical and other beneficial use. There are different diseases that medical marijuana is believed to treat, which include epilepsy, anxiety, and cancer. The legalization will enable more research on its treatment; thus, the findings will enable the stakeholders to make the right decisions on its use for medical purposes.

McGinty, Emma E., et al. "The emerging public discourse on state legalization of marijuana for recreational use in the US: Analysis of news media coverage, 2010–2014." Preventive Medicine 90 (2016): 114-120.

The legalization of marijuana will enable the people who have been using marijuana in secret to come out and let their family members know about the challenges that they go through when they misuse the drug. There are many incidences where people have misused marijuana. The use of the drug needs to be used controllably to ensure their health is not affected when they use the drug to excess levels. The legalization will also ensure that underage kids are controlled and denied the chance of misusing the drug. Having licensed sellers of marijuana will help in monitoring the quality of marijuana that they sell.

Caulkins, J. P., Kilmer, B., & Kleiman, M. A. (2016). Marijuana legalization: What everyone needs to know. Oxford University Press.

The authors explain the issues that people need to know about the legalization of marijuana to understand the benefits they will enjoy from the legalization. The factor that is likely to be influenced by the legalization of marijuana is that the traders will begin to pay taxes to the government, thus earning income for the state. The tax will contribute to the development of the country. Before the legalization, marijuana used to be trafficked, and the seller ended up making huge profits for not paying taxes. Investors and farmers will also have an opportunity to invest in the sector and earn a profit.

Hall, Wayne, and Megan Weier. "Has marijuana legalization increased marijuana use among US youth?." JAMA pediatrics 171.2 (2017): 116-118.

According to the article, marijuana is a drug that is used for different purposes, both medical and abuse by people who want to stimulate their bodies. The drugs have effects on their users, both medical and drug addicts who abuse them. There are conversations made on whether marijuana should be legalized and used for medical purposes. Different governments in the world are in a dilemma on whether to legalize the medical use of marijuana, bearing in mind the negative effects that the drug can cause on its patients. The people who oppose the legalization of marijuana claim that its legalization will give an opportunity for the abusers to use the drug, claiming it's for medical reasons. The supporters of the legalization of marijuana claim that it will help patients living with different conditions that can be treated or handled using marijuana.

The article explains how different states around the world have legalized the medical use of marijuana; the District of Columbia is among the states in America that have legalized marijuana for medical use. Among the diseases that are cured by medical marijuana include epilepsy, Dravet syndrome, and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Patients who have used marijuana in the District of Columbia have indicated improvement in their health after using marijuana as opposed to other drugs that they have been using previously. Medical researchers argue that the reason Medical marijuana helps patients is that the drug is more powerful, especially when used as a pain killer compared to other drugs. Medical researchers argue that the drug can be used to treat a variety of diseases.

Paschall, Mallie J., Joel W. Grube, and Anthony Biglan. "Medical marijuana legalization and marijuana use among youth in Oregon." The journal of primary prevention 38.3 (2017): 329-341.

The author argues that the legalization of marijuana will promote consumer safety, where the consumers of marijuana will have a certified source of the marijuana that they use. When the industry is unregulated, the smugglers do not have the responsibility of ensuring that their products meet the required standards. The smugglers have been accused by drug users in the past of adding other drugs to marijuana to make it more addictive among its users. When marijuana is legalized, the sellers will be required by law to sell clean products that meet the standards set by law. The sellers and distributors will have the responsibility of ensuring that the marijuana products that they sell to their clients meet the required standard improving consumer safety. The consumers will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of traders to choose the best marijuana.

Works Cited

Caulkins, Jonathan P., Beau Kilmer, and Mark AR Kleiman. Marijuana legalization: What everyone needs to know. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Denham, Bryan E. "Attitudes toward legalization of marijuana in the United States, 1986-2016: Changes in determinants of public opinion." International Journal of Drug Policy 71 (2019): 78-90.

Hall, Wayne, and Megan Weier. "Has marijuana legalization increased marijuana use among US youth?." JAMA pediatrics 171.2 (2017): 116-118.

McGinty, Emma E., et al. "The emerging public discourse on state legalization of marijuana for recreational use in the US: Analysis of news media coverage, 2010–2014." Preventive medicine 90 (2016): 114-120.

Paschall, Mallie J., Joel W. Grube, and Anthony Biglan. "Medical marijuana legalization and marijuana use among youth in Oregon." The journal of primary prevention 38.3 (2017): 329-341.

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