Article Analysis Essay: Son Charged With Murder in Death of Connecticut Couple

Published: 2019-06-11
Article Analysis Essay: Son Charged With Murder in Death of Connecticut Couple
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 527 words
5 min read

The article by Sanchez and Tran (2015), presents a classical case of parricide, and exhibits how social decadence has taken root in the contemporary American society. According to Mouzos and Rushforth (2003), parricide refers to a family or domestic homicide case where the victim is a parent of the offender. Each homicide is different and the contexts differ depending on a number of aspects including the offenders motives, precipitating incidents, as well as individual characteristics of the offenders and victims.

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Research has implied that the most widespread form of parricidal offender may be a child who has been severely abused child. This is informed by the criminal statistics that demonstrate that approximately ninety percent of young persons who commit parricide may have previously experienced abuse from their parents (Mouzos & Rushforth, 2003). This may be confirmed by the allegations of a turbulent relationship involving the Navin and his parents. His father is alleged to hold a history of emotional and verbal abusive towards Navin.

According to the article by Sanchez and Tran (2015), Navin and Valiante conspired to murder Navins parents in August 2015. Navins parents had previously expressed concern regarding their sons abuse of heroin. The allegation of drug abuse by Navin may be confirmed by the seizure of hypodermic needles, heroine residue in glassine bags, as well as used bottles of Oxycodone and Xanax in Navin's residence.

It is evident from the article that Navin was an irresponsible young man. This is evident when taking into consideration that, even after his parents bought him a house worth $133,000, he declined to pay the required taxes or mortgage. It may be argued that Navin was motivated by the realization that his parents intended to exclude him from their will after selling their trash removal firm. While this would have left Navin on his own economically, it demonstrates the parents frustrations at their sons degree of irresponsibility.

The article is connected to criminology in that it demonstrates a typical case of parricide, and exhibits how social decadence has taken root in the contemporary American society. According to Siegel (2007), criminology explicates the etiology, nature, as well as extent of crime in society. Since criminologists are largely concerned with establishing the alleged causes of crime, it is important to explore Navins parents role in this criminal process. Siegel (2007) argues that the behavior and lifestyle of a person might enhance the risk of becoming a crime victim. This has been confirmed in the case of Navins parents behavior and lifestyle.


The article exhibits how social decadence has become established in the contemporary American society. Navins case exhibits the tradition norm where the offender is child who has been abused by the parents. It also appears that Navin is an example of a dangerously antisocial child with a high degree of irresponsibility.


Mouzos, J. & Rushforth, C. (2003). Family Homicide in Australia. Trends & Issues in Crime & Criminal Justice No. 255. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Sanchez, R., & Tran, L. (2015 Nov 1). Police: Son Charged With Murder in Death of Connecticut Couple. Retrieved from

Siegel, L.J. (2007). Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies. (9th ed.). Boston: Thomson Learning, Inc.

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Article Analysis Essay: Son Charged With Murder in Death of Connecticut Couple. (2019, Jun 11). Retrieved from

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