Social Media and Society - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-23
Social Media and Society - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Entertainment Society Social media
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 937 words
8 min read

Social media has transformed the ways that people interact worldwide. Communication between people has become more accessible and proficient than in ancient times, where communication between people was a bit compilated (Miller et al., 2016). The number of social media platforms is growing every day, and platforms like Facebook and Twitter are continually seeking to revolve and add new features. An everyday user of social media platforms has different types of tools to choose from. The different types include social networks, which are used to connect people; discussion forums that are used to share ideas and news; media sharing networks that are used to share ideas, photos, and other media; blogging and publishing networks where content is published online and internet-based networks where people can share ideas and news (Peng et al., 2018).

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Despite the many advantages that accompany social media, there are plenty of risks associated with the increased utilization of these tools. In an individual perceptive, the hazards include cyberstalking, loss of productivity, identity theft, and cyberbullying (Rivera et al., 2017). The risks associated with social media utilization in organizations can include losing competitive data, unintentional or intentional violation of regulatory and legal requirements, and accidental exposure of data (Rivera et al., 2017).

Governments have been steadily adopting social technologies that help these institutions with their purposes of serving people. These modern solutions are gradually reengineering old models of service delivery in the public sector because they provide opportunities for governments to increase trust and transparency on general issues while enhancing intra and inter-organizational collaboration (Tran, 2018). There is strong evidence that social media is already changing service delivery and public policy. This insight is being drawn from the analysis of broad sentient engagement and more granular assessment on conversations on specific matters affecting society (Tran, 2018). However, these activities are limited in terms of scope and are fragmented in the public service sector. In the modern world, organizations are operating in a very competitive, global environment that is changing rapidly. A crucial aspect of effective management is timely and high-quality information that helps in decision making (Valacich & Schneider, 2018).

There are various projects worldwide that have attempted to use these aspects in their operations. One of these universal projects is the UN Global purse established in 2009 by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon (Leavey, 2013). This was a groundbreaking project that tracked and monitored the impacts of local and global socio-economic crises. This project utilizes the growing number of digital information sources known as ‘digital smoke signals’ that aid in understanding human well-being while protecting populations from physical and economic shocks and have information on real-time feedback on the efficiency of well policy responses on the ground (Leavey, 2013).

At the time, these policymakers had to obtain real-time insight on the socials impacts of the rapidly changing economic environment that had deteriorated after the 2007/2008 financial crisis. However, the data available was around 2-5 years old, and in some regions, the poverty indicators were about ten years old (Leavey, 2013). Traditional modes of statistics, census data, and household surveys can only establish medium- and long-term trends. However, the Global Pulse could reveal real-time data that helps in accurate understanding that help in protecting social developments that are hard-earned.

In the bible, there are no explicit scriptures that mention the terms of computer or technology. However, there are implications made in the scriptures of the Lord. one of these scriptures on these issues is shown in Colossians 1:16-17(Efiong, 2015). In these scriptures, God implies that whatever intention will exist in the future will be within the knowledge and authority of Christ. Information technology has become a dominant force in communication, and it traces its roots in the mind of the Lord during creation. Another way of grasping how God is involved in technology is viewing technology as a way of reaching all parts of the world, which is seen in Acts 1:8 18 (Efiong, 2015). The views from this scripture imply that historically the church has always utilized the most convenient communication tool of the time to reach the masses.

There are diverse theological views on technology, and some of them imply that technology does more harm than good (Efiong, 2015). there is a strong belief among people that technology has the potential of ruining Christianity as time goes by. However, there are optimistic ones that view technology as a blessing to the world. These optimistic scholars view technology as a place where there is reconciliation between matter and mind, and nature and mind, which is guided by the ubiquitous presence of the Holy Spirit (Efiong, 2015). These kinds of views embrace technology and see promise and great hope in technology. According to them technology is ready to harness its potential and will thus lead to better lives for humans.


Efiong, J. (2015). Theology and Information Technology. Methodist Journal of Theology, 2, 160-179.

Leavey, J. (2013). Social Media and Public Policy. What is the evidence.

Miller, D., Sinanan, J., Wang, X., McDonald, T., Haynes, N., Costa, E., ... & Nicolescu, R. (2016). How the world changed social media (p. 286). UCL press.

Peng, S., Zhou, Y., Cao, L., Yu, S., Niu, J., & Jia, W. (2018). Influence analysis in social networks: A survey. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 106, 17-32.

Rivera, J. C., Howard, J., Goh, S., Worrell, J. L., & Di Gangi, P. (2017). Social Media Risk Perceptions of Human Resource Professionals: Issues Undergraduate Students Should Consider. Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice, 2017(2), 3

. Tran, C. (2018). Social Media and Public Sector Transparency (Doctoral dissertation, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE).

Valacich, J & Schneider C,, (2018). INFORMATION SYSTEMS TODAY. MANAGING IN THE DIGITAL WORLD. John Wiley & Sons.

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