SAP Software Solutions for Businesses: Automating Tasks & ERP Solutions - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
SAP Software Solutions for Businesses: Automating Tasks & ERP Solutions - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Software Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 590 words
5 min read


System Application Products (SAP) is among the providers of business software solutions in making work and data management more accessible in organizations. When SAP was founded, it was tailored towards big companies, but now, small and medium-sized companies have adopted it. The software provides a comprehensive portfolio that leads to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions and tools that fits any business needs. The software automates repetitive tasks; this saves time, money, and resources and improves overall organization efficiency and productivity. The software flexibility allows for the customizing process, to what the business processes need. Leading companies such as Shell and Unilever trust the use of SAP expertise to run their companies better.

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Meaning of ERP Systems

ERP systems manage and integrate processes and activities in organizations. The process is ideal in helping companies implement resource plans through processes integration that runs the companies' systems singly. The software is essential in integrating planning, inventory purchase, human resource, financial needs, marketing processes in the company (Kurbel, 2016). An ERP system reduces the operational and administrative costs through automation and reduction of wastes in the organizations. The ERP data is available centrally in all organization functions, resulting in streamlining business processes and operations. Besides, an ERP system improves financial consolidation and optimizes the supply chain by allowing real-time visibility.

Relationship of the Video to the Textbook Topics

The video provides details of how SAP is useful in electronic commerce. Most of the business is conducted via the SAP and contributes to fifty percent of the world's gross domestic product. The SAP system's use leads to easy navigation of online product catalogs, simplifies pricing models, and interaction with the customers during placing orders (Word, 2011). The topic four also discusses the business to customers' electronic commerce, which relates to the video. Further, the video explains how the supply chain has been optimized through real-time, as discussed in chapter eight of the coursebook. The video also discussed enhanced business processes with SAP, and the same is discussed in chapter seven of the coursebook.

Dr. Word Proposal

I agree with Dr. Word proposing the use of SAP systems in organizations' processes. SAP software is ideal in managing the business management tasks in modules to work together in one design through information sharing. The information from SAP helps C.E.Os make a better decision regarding the organization and can access the overall activities and any desired location. The software enables cost-saving on overheads such as file storage and standardizes the business processes (Word, 2011). The SAP software conducts planning, scheduling, and tracking more comfortably, saving time for other value-added work. Some leading companies worldwide, such as Shell, Unilever, use the software, and excellent results are visible in their entire processes. The software shows the risks that a company is likely to face, and therefore organizations can make plans on risk mitigation.

Career Benefits of a Minor in MIS

A minor in M.I.S. would benefit a general business undergraduate since the M.I.S. blends with the business knowledge in using information technology to solve complex business challenges. M.I.S. knowledge is useful in learning strategies on technology application in enhancing people's work and innovation of products and services (Word, 2011). Also, knowledge is useful in helping individuals gain insights on the design, development, and deployment of I.T. systems.


Word, J. (2011). COB11_P6_720_Broadband.

Kurbel, K. E. (2016). Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management Functions, Business Processes and Software for Manufacturing Companies. Springer Berlin.

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SAP Software Solutions for Businesses: Automating Tasks & ERP Solutions - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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