Essay Sample on Restorative Justice Discussion Board

Published: 2023-08-14
Essay Sample on Restorative Justice Discussion Board
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  University Judicial system Criminal justice
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 672 words
6 min read

Restorative justice crime is deemed more than breaking or going against the law. Therefore, the act of criminal activities causes harm to relationships, people, and the community. In this case, the increasing vandalism and damage of cars at UWT University have affected the relationship between the administration and the students, especially those involved in the malevolent act. Even though punishing the involved parties may seem to be the suitable and most effective alternative, it is essential to consider the power of restorative justice (RJ) in helping resolve the matter. As Braithwaite (2003) outlined, restorative justice focuses on repairing the harm, where the people affected by the crime should be able to participate in the amicable and most suitable solution. Therefore, the essay will focus on adopting the most suitable restorative justice in combating the increasing car vandalisms at UWT.

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The Type of Restorative Justice

According to Amstutz, (2015), emerging adults between the age bracket of eighteen to twenty-four, make only up to 10 percent of the population, but the overall arrests in the US comprise of 30 percent. Moreover, they are disproportionality responsible for the violence, with higher rates of upon release from prison. Even though the increase in higher rates of crime rates from the released prisoners may constitute to the increasing number of vandalism from the ring of students violating the law and stealing vehicles at school.

As Braithwaite (2003), outlined, restorative justice depicts crime as a breakdown of human relationships, with society, and it attempts to amend the relationship through inclusion, dialogue, and community support. Therefore, the act denounces criminal behaviors with more emphasis on the need to treat the victims and offenders with respect and allow them to reintegrate into society via resolving the current issue.

While the increased vandalism and car theft within the UWT seems to be a prevailing matter conducted by a hand full of students, it is a path to usher them in the world of criminology. Therefore, it is essential to resolve this concept, using dialogue to reduce the potential possibility of some of the students ending up in jail.

The use of dialogue seems to be one of the suitable and useful concepts in restorative justice at the school. The administration understands that students are the main offenders in vandalism and stealing cars. Therefore, it is essential to involve both the victims and the offenders using dialogue, to indicate the magnitude and effects of car stealing and vandalism. In this case, students will have an opportunity to understand the consequences of their acts, and how the sickening acts have caused financial expenses on the victims. Therefore, it will be the collective responsibility of the administration to bring both the victims and offenders in finding an amicable solution.

The Strategies to Build Support for The Response

As an administrator, it is essential to understand the power to command and instill change in the above matter. A section of students are the primary offender, while the entire student body is the main victim. Therefore, resolving the matter calls for a proper and strict code of conduct. First and foremost, it is essential to identify the victims, both whose cars are stolen and those incurring costs from vandalism. In this case, both the two sides on the victims will set the grounds to usher in the restorative justice concept. Secondly, the involved students are to be brought forth without victimization to help them understand the magnitude of their activities. Once the offenders are brought forth, the use of dialogue in explaining the benefits of staying on the right hand of the law will follow. Moreover, the dialogue will outline the effects of their activities on the school and the victims. Lastly, the offenders will be asked to cooperate to help prevent future activities on the campus.


Amstutz, L. S. (2015). The little book of restorative discipline for schools: Teaching responsibility; creating caring climates. Simon and Schuster.

Braithwaite, J. (2003). Principles of restorative justice. Restorative justice and criminal justice: competing or reconcilable paradigms, 1, 5-6.

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