Personal Statement Sample: Studying BSC in Analytics

Published: 2024-01-02
Personal Statement Sample: Studying BSC in Analytics
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Education Students Personal experience
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 829 words
7 min read

I have a great passion for studying Bachelor of Science in analytics since it focuses on the analytical skills and technical knowledge that can be used to develop business activities. Moreover, the course involves sophisticated data tools that enable industries to capitalize on big data by gaining insights through an expert interpretation of statistical analysis results. Therefore, I am confident that the course can be of extraordinary significance to me since I can exercise my proficiency in different organizations. Additionally, I am married, and I come from a third-world country, which has encouraged me to finish my degree and ensure that I positively impact society. Many third world countries lack adequate skilled staff members in some organizations due to low education systems. Consequently, I want to study BSC in Analytics since few people have sufficient analytics skills in my country, which will make me more marketable. I also want to finish my degree at Northeastern College of Professionals Studies since it is one of the recognized institutions that offer excellent analytics programs. The institution will also help me to develop my career since its instructors have adequate skills that can help learners to perform well.

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Another reason why I want to study BSC in Analytics is that it helps individuals to gain problem-solving skills. In this case, the course primarily involves solving problems, and the problems happen on a much larger scale than what many people are used to since they can affect the entire business. Thus, the course will help me to gain the ability to think analytically and approach problems appropriately. Besides, approaching issues in the right way and making effective decisions will help me in the professional world and daily life.

As stated earlier, many people in third world countries do not have analytics skills. Therefore, the high demand for adept professionals in analytics can help me become a valuable and essential professional in various industries. Besides, globalization has led to many companies investing in multiple countries, leading to high demand for analytic skills graduates. Moreover, companies ensure that they attract and retain their skilled professionals by offering higher salaries.

I also want to study analytics because analytics is everywhere, and issues such as the big data boom have led to increased opportunities. Besides, different industries, such as aviation and government organizations, are in high demand for analytics professionals. Many companies focus on improving their performance, whereby organizations capitalize on modern technology and data. Thus, it is a hugely exciting time for me to start a career in analytics to seize the opportunities available.

Analytics specialists can also learn various skills with ease since the course is related to a range of skills. In this case, the field encompasses more than knowing how to work with data and solve problems. For example, effective communication is essential for analytics specialists since they should ensure that they can communicate complex information to those without expertise. Besides, excellent communication skills help analytics specialists in decision-making processes in organizations. Thus, I can also focus on communication skills when studying analytics since it will help me interact with others effectively. Besides, analytics experts are likely to pick up strong leadership skills since effective communication is one of the leadership traits that enable leaders to succeed.

A career progression option is also another reason why I want to study BSC in analytics. Hence, there is more scope of different fields I can pick as I go further in my studies. For instance, I can focus on marketing, whereby I can ensure that I learn about developing marketing strategies that can help an organization become more competitive. For example, I can concentrate on online marketing campaigns since they have become common due to advanced technology. The course can also help me learn about creating a network of many different people and entities to ensure that they interact effectively to improve an organization's productivity. Market forecasts are also essential for organizations. Thus, analytics specialists can learn more about market forecasts to ensure that they can help businesses work on strategies that can increase their revenues and limit losses in both high and low demand of products and services in the market.

Therefore, the various aspects that I have focused on have motivated me to study BSC in analytics in the institution. My passion for being a great member of the community has also inspired me to become an analytics specialist since it can help me to positively impact society. Moreover, my country is still developing, which will allow me to contribute efficiently to the country's development. Finishing my degree in the institution will also help me acquire new friends who can help me learn about different cultures and values, helping me when working in various companies with people from different origins and cultures. Therefore, joining the institution to study BSC will be of great significance to me in various ways. I hope that I will join the institution and acquire adequate skills in analytics.

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