Paper Sample on Women and Gender Stereotype Effects

Published: 2024-01-05
Paper Sample on Women and Gender Stereotype Effects
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Women Gender Stereotypes
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1474 words
13 min read


A gender stereotyping is a summed up or assumption about qualities or attributes that are or should be controlled by women and men or the jobs or ought to be performed by men and ladies. Gender stereotypes can be both positive and negative; for instance, "ladies are sustaining" or "ladies are frail." Previously established inclinations cultivating into stereotyping show themselves into constraints, particularly with ladies. This stereotyping influences young ladies' instructive and actual execution. Susan Jacoby's article "When Bright Girls Decide that Math Is 'a Waste of Time'" communicates the effect of gender stereotyping when secondary school young ladies with straight A's presently don't have any desire to take math and science classes.

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Similarly, the article "You Throw Like a Girl: Gender Stereotypes Ruin Sports for Young Women," written by Daniel Reynolds, discusses the health effects of young girls from stereotypes and daily society constrictions on women. Although each article shows different impacts, reasonings, and solutions, they also discuss the impact of gender stereotypes in numerous physical and educational ways. This paper is an argumentative essay focusing on examining the impact of gender stereotypes, especially on women in society.

Assigning Roles to Various Gender

Society has its ways of packaging and assigning roles to various gender. This exercise occurs consciously and subconsciously without the consideration of the effects of such gender assignments. Women are always the main culprits of these stereotypes since they are the most affected population. Jacoby points out the clever young ladies who get straight A's in her high school final exams and abruptly need to keep away from cutting edge math and science courses in secondary school. She explains why young ladies are wiping out themselves by exiting math and science classes that are considered technical.

Jacoby even briefs why young ladies see math and science as an exercise in futility, adding to the feeling of the defenselessness of ineptitude in science and math. "Susannah" is Jacoby's model, an understudy who expected to drop material science and math in her last year of secondary school for dramatization class and work-study programs. "Any more science or math will simply be a misuse of my time," Susannah expressed as she hopes to study artistry or history in school (107). For Susannah, even after performing well in her academics, she is still held back by stereotypes on college subject choice. Jacoby communicates that young ladies take out themselves from any genuine chance of contemplating science (104). Choosing to study science will ultimately interfere with her psychological well-being. It consequently confines scholarly and proficient decisions (109).

This choice is made during the weak time in the middle of adolescence when young ladies are undoubtedly impacted, as by the conviction that math and science are "manly" subjects (Jacoby 108). One explanation gave the impacts of stereotyping and impacts Jacoby reports, "In immaturity young ladies start to expect that they will be ugly to young men if they are composed as "brains" (106). "I recollect intentionally professing to be bewildered by calculation issues in my sophomore year in secondary school," Jacoby expressed, reviewing from her insight (108). Her own experience is a case of submitting to irrational reasons encompassing her and some other young lady. The choices made by girls like Susannah have a very disturbing repercussion on women's future lives in society. Failure in making wise career choices in the name of maintaining attractiveness to men is completely archaic. It denies women the opportunity to be scientists and ultimately makes them view themselves as inferior compared to men. The technical subjects which are lucrative end up being occupied by the men

Jacoby accentuates the significance of math, science, and progressed courses, and she states: This absence of comprehension isn't anything in which ladies or men should invest wholeheartedly. The inability to appreciate either PCs or chromosomes prompts a nauseous feeling of weakness. The significant effect of science on regular daily existence is obvious even to the individuals who demand they don't, won't, can't comprehend why the progressions are occurring. At this phase of history, ladies are more inclined to such sentiments of defenselessness than men because the way of life judges their obliviousness less brutally and, on the grounds that ladies them-selves assent in that guilty pleasure (109).

Old Generalizations

She closes the article by broadcasting that individuals should stop old generalizations about "manly" and "ladylike" information (Jacoby 109). Jacoby adds the significance that guardians see that their girls don't consent to generalizations and urge their girls to propel their insight, expressing that "Except if we need our little girls to share our scholarly incapacitates, we would do well to let them know no"(110). Jacoby shows the unadulterated misgiving of information. Whether young ladies don't take a science or math vacation, it is still of the substance to be instructed in it. It has an incentive to people prospects, information, and the human experience as a regular daily existence component: sexual orientation generalizations shape self-discernment, mentalities to connections, and impact cooperation in the realm of work.

Correspondingly, Daniel Reynolds' composed article "You Throw Like a Girl: Gender Stereotypes Ruin Sports for Young Women," additionally examines gender generalizations influencing young ladies at a youthful age. Reynolds' article cultivates from the meeting with Ph.D. "Leah Robinson" starting that generalizations cripple young ladies from playing sports and other great actual action. Robinson had an incredible love of being dynamic. Her insight as a kid is a case of generalizations happening at a young age, carrying her to feel debilitation towards physical exercises. Robinson states, “I use to always love rough and tumble activities as a young kid, but I would always get pushed to the side because I was a girl” (Robinson).

The effect of such encounters, Reynolds binds to Robinson's individual experience, referencing discoveries in the absence of consolation and socioecological factors have well-being results in young ladies being less dynamic than a kid from a recent report he specifies. Iris Marion Young's, a political savant, women's activist exposition "Throw Like a Girl," was another model in Reynold's article that he draws from. He focuses that their sexist oppression conditions young states, "Women in contemporary society," the quote he draws from conveys that …the unjust treatment of stereotype and control, that women are subject to men’s limits and constricts women. Riding on a tram, an individual can see the impacts of constraints and the demonstration of manliness through a man stretching out his appendages to occupy room "manspreading," contrasted with how ladies on the metro will contract themselves to occupy as meager room as could be expected under the circumstances (Reynolds).

Also, Robinson, later in the article, incorporates her perspectives and goals. Robinson prescribes the way to breaking generalizations; the issues from 10, 20, and 30 years back that ladies face today is training and correspondence. Her perspective exposes it by talking about cultural difficulties. She advises individuals that regular insults like, "you toss like a young lady" start as right on time as the play area (Robinson). Robinson likewise focuses on that normal insults prevent you individuals from being dynamic and their maximum capacity. Having a crisp intuition on sexual orientation jobs, Robinson represents an answer that instructors, guardians, and grown-ups to be wary and mindful of what is said to people and endeavor to address activities and conduct that may debilitate young ladies. In the article, Robinson was asked what her reaction might to an individual who revealed that young men are normally better than young ladies at sports? Robinson finished up with an end proclamation "I would say put your money where your mouth is and let's see if that's really true."


Proficiently, the two articles talk about and clarify gender stereotypes on young ladies and the effects it has with potential arrangements. Generalizations are restricted from society, yet additionally socioecological factors, family, school, and ecological also. The two articles propose an answer for sex stereotypes with the shared objective for value and balance. Jacoby's answer closes the inclusion of guardians assuming a part in urging their little girls to proceed with advanced classes, math, and science while outlining the effects on women's role and their effectiveness in society. While on the other note, Reynolds' meeting article presents arrangements that family, school, and instructors assume a function in destroying stereotypes based on its detrimental impacts. The two articles, as a shared objective outcome, by young ladies not being impacted nor debilitate by generalization. The outcomes advance young ladies' maximum capacity, certainty, and future.

Works Cited

Jacoby, Susan. “When Bright Girls Decide that Math Is ‘Waste of Time.’” Wake Tech English 111 Reader, edited by Wayde Vickrey, 3rd ed., Hayden-McNeil, 2020, pp. 104-110.

Reynolds, Daniel. “You Throw Like a Girl: Gender Stereotypes Ruin Sports for Young Women.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 11 July 2018,

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